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Painting stub brass

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Hey guys. Recently I saw this paintjob by William Davies: http://www.wiltrichs.com/gallery/interrogator-chaplain-seraphicus/


I especially love the outcome of the dark stub oxidized brass on the exhausts and the crozium. Do one of you painting pros have an idea which citadel colours could be used to achieve a similar affect?


I was thinking about a basecoat of warplock bronze, then a layer of runeloard brass. Then adding agrax earthshade and nihilakh oxide. Then maybe some highlights with hashut copper and/or runefang steel?

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It looks almost like he did a green basecoat like Caliban Green, followed by Warplock Bronze, shaded it with Agrax Earthshade, maybe added Nihilakh Oxide before or after the shade, and then highlighted with Hashut Copper. I used to do the same thing for brass except I used a black wash, there was no Nihilakh Oxide so no worries there, and then a highlight or drybrush of Hashut Copper (I can't remember the old name for it). Some people took it a step further and applied a thinned wash of Hawk Turquoise to the recesses.

Try that and see and, if all else fails, try to contact him smile.png!

The key is to stick to bronze/brass colours that have a cool, brown undertone to them, if you start to highlight with a warm tone, you'll lose the dark and oxidised effect you're after, and also make it look like a different kind of metal - I think hashut copper is a little too warm and red/yellow, I'd keep it away from runelord brass, personally. Runelord is best highlighted by going straight to silver in my experience, there aren't really any other brass colours that work as highlights for it.


You're right about agrax, and I'd suggest trying another wash as well - a thin wash in the dark turquoise range might add a nice tint to your shading.


e; I don't actually use citadel metallics very often, so take my advice with a pinch of salt; it's been ages since I used hashut copper, for one thing.

Thank you very much guys. I will try it with both, Hashut Copper and Runelord Brass and will post the result. Good to know that I'm not completely off with the beginning though...

I thought about contacting him, but his last blog update dates back to 2013 so I didn't feel very encouraged... msn-wink.gif


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