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How do you deliver your Hammer?


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Before I swap my Storm Eagle, which is more appropriately called a flaming ball of ceramite cradling Gal Vorbak as it hurtles towards the planet surface, with a Spartan, I figured I would ask.


What is your preferred delivery method for your hammer units?

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In my meta, the Spartan is widely used for the Primarchs + Deathstar retinue.

It's probably the most résilient non super heavy transport !


Out of Curiosity, what does your opponent uses to blow up your Storm Eagle in a single turn ?

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In my meta, the Spartan is widely used for the Primarchs + Deathstar retinue.

It's probably the most résilient non super heavy transport !


Out of Curiosity, what does your opponent uses to blow up your Storm Eagle in a single turn ?


Luck and miracles provided by God-Emperor I believe...or Lascannons which have just done the job for them the last 2 games. Its just such a risk!


Last night myself and one of my team mates both had our Storm Eagles dropped mine turn 2, his turn 4, by the same 5 man Lascannon squad. I almost ordered a Spartan on the spot, if not for Erebus making some saves with the Gal Vorbak. :]

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Did they get some rerolls or anything ? Because 5 snap shooting Lascannons shouldn't down à Storm Eagle un less extremely lucky !


Were you jinking by any chance ? I'm assuming you were, but you never know ^^ My expérience with the Stormravens in 40k is : as soon as something that even has a remote chance of destroying the flier shoots at it : automatic jink ! It's better to lose one turn of firepower than lose both the flier and the squad inside :p

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I did jink, but it was a tragic roll, and a crazy good one on his side. :]


I'm willing to accept that my odds should have given a different result, but I just dont like the risk, and its a pain in the ass model to move around the table.

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Try a couple more times, but this time try to kill the scary units in Turn 1 of 2 of at least cripple anything that has a chance of downing your Eagle.


It's really bad luck on your part, I've had Stormravens destroyed but never before unloading their cargo !


If it still doesn't Work, then the Spartan and the Flare shield + armoured ceramite will be your friends :)

(And if you're willing to get rid of the Eagle, I know a prospective player who wants one :p)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Spartans are more reliable and more durable but also cost a fair bit more. For a combat deathstar I would recommend getting a Spartan as it is more reliable. If your running a 20 man Tac squad I would recommend taking a Storm Eagle as it is cheaper and you can afford for your 20 man tactical squad to miss turn 2. If your playing Iron Warriors with Perturabo however, a pair Storm Eagles is probably the better choice.
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I can handle that. I literally almost smashed the Storm Eagle to bits more than once. I still may pull it apart to fix some issues I have with it...

Look forward to seeing the Spartan all spruced up then! :tu:


I'm still dreading buying my First few Storm Eagles since I want to go AirCav with Blood Angels when they get the 30k Treatment....

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Yeah man, I couldnt do it. I had the same idea originally (Night Lords) but I just haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate that model with a passion now. I've heard the Fire Raptor is a bit better, but my buddy has one and there are a few of the same issues still (all in the back end/wing structure).

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I see people discuss how awesome the spartan is and am considering running two in a 2k pride of the legion VII terminator list. But what can I expect to face? What are the major obstacles to pursuing the Emperor's vision? 

It appears the most common answer is "I drive my spartan forward till everything is dead", but would like to know about the particular nuances of this approach. What do players avoid? Have their opponents gotten clever and parked landspeeders in front of them turn 2? How do they avoid this? What about sudden assaults from the contents of kharybdis assault claws or jet bikes, or even assault marines? Imagine how cost effective those options are when the opponent is merely sacrificing one unit or maybe two for barely half the cost of the Primarch's swag-mobile. 

I am surprised Spartans are spoken of in such admirable tones. It is still a landraider. Durable to be sure, but there are certainly ways to eliminate it. 

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What really makes a spartan is the flare shield and armored ceramite combo.


Being immune to melta and it thus only glancing on a 6 due to armored ceramite removes the main 40k method of dealing with an Av14 brick.


Couple that with the Flare shield (-1s to all shooting in the front arc, -2 to templates and blasts) effectively turns the spartan into and av15(16)/14/14 vehicle with 5 HP, 25 capacity and quad lascannons means that its a damn hard thing to deal with.


Things to avoid is 30k graviton for it causes haywire and thus ignores the main defences a spartan has.


Next would be armorbane and ordnance in side or rear with S:D being something you always want to avoid.

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