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Blood Phantoms a WIP blood angel successor chapter


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Hey everyone I've started a new chapter called the blood phantoms.

fluff inbound


The blood phantoms live and recruit on the death world of Korvaxia IV which is a frozen wasteland full of primitive beasts and small colonies of humans who mine the rare ores from the depths of the planet's crust. The blood phantoms hold a trial every year for new aspirants by making them fight various indigenous lifeforms. The radiation from the ores of the planet's turns the skin of the world's inhabitants crimson.


What do you think?

Here are some pics of a couple of scouts a sanguinary Priest and a rhino.


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Hey, and welcome to the best section of the forum :D


If you have any questions all of us are here to help!


Nice idea for the scheme with the crimson skin! That's very original and suits the name well.


Fluff is nice and solid for sure, have you thought of any of the particular life forms the recruits have to fight? One could phase or something and it could be where the Chapter got its name from ;)

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Thanks guys.

yeah I thought the last trial is for the surviving aspirants to kill a phantom which is a stealthy lifeform that is quick and manoeuvrable and can hide in the shadows and together the aspirants who pass the first tests must kill it.


What do you think? also I have a tactical marine (singular) on the way

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Thanks guys.

yeah I thought the last trial is for the surviving aspirants to kill a phantom which is a stealthy lifeform that is quick and manoeuvrable and can hide in the shadows and together the aspirants who pass the first tests must kill it.


What do you think? also I have a tactical marine (singular) on the way


Sounds great!


A few more points to focus on would be:

  • Organisation: Is it the standard 10 companies and command or a looser interpretation of the Codex Astartes? Do the Chaplains and such have other more outlandish titles?
  • Doctrine: How do they fight? Lots of bodies with ample fire support, armoured column, jump guys and speeders - or any combo of these.
  • Beliefs: How do they view The Emperor? Sanguinius? The Red Thirst & Black Rage? Do they have rituals inspired by thier home world?
  • Genealogy: You have the red skin here but what else? How does that mix with the geneseed implantation process, do they do anything special?
  • Founding: Which are they? Who are they succeeded from? What was the purpose of thier creation?
  • Relationships: Are they open to help/ helping other marines or imperials, or do they keep quiet and to themselves, would they answer the call of an inquisitor?
  • Notable Battles: Just one or two, particularly where you or the enemy suffered huge losses and it cemented your chapters legacy or prowess. Also great for developing any potential characters!

Obviously what you could write about them is limitless, but answering those above will give you a solid view of the chapter overall!


Can't wait to see the Tactical Marine!

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Hey guys I finished the tac marine.

I have three old plastic marines and two old plague marines I thought I would throw in as I got them of a mate also I have converted a razorback with assault cannons sorry about the bad paint job on the rhino chassis (it needs some dettol :D)




Here is a taster of the aspirants story:


Gabriel stalked forward through to the ruin, icicles the size of swords hanging from the door and window frames. He raised his laet, a large curved blade customery of Korvaxia IV, he heard a scream, "human" asked diarus, another aspiarint he was working with,"no" he saw a movement in the shadows. He raised his blade and crouched in a low fighting stance, "get down". The beast looked up its blood red eyes glistening like rubies, it's shreak pierced the quietness of the frozen building.


What do you think?

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Got marnius calgar from my cousin it was in bits plus no legs so here is my karlaen counts as. captain angelus.


Captain angelus is different to other captain of the blood phantoms who like to hit their enemies fast and precisely. He likes to hit the enemy en mass utilising large groups of tacticals and Devastators with rhino, drop pod and stormraven support.


What do you guys think

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Looks good, its a nice conversion.

The head is a little messed up tho. It might be fine when its painted, but it might be worth switching our for a different one.

Most heads you get in the standard BA kits fit teminator armour just fine.


Other than that, nice job, its cool to see people building their own characters. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about the long delay here is captain angelus and a DC


fluff inbound.

The death company paint there armour red to signify their fall from grace.

strangely and unexplainabley the death company's skin becomes jet black some say this is a result of the black rage but it is still unproven

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