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Silver Skulls - Command Squad


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Just finished this guy. I am pretty happy with him for my ability.


Will have to wait for the new SM codex to figure out rules. No power axes for C:SM Terminators in 40k right now. But maybe there will be a special/relic weapon I can use.

The shoulder pads are from PuppetsWar and the axe head is from the steam punk weapons from Maxmini. I like axes with my Silver Skulls because they are head hunters.


Let me know what you think. Thanks.







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Glorious, though I really was expecting a dose of awesome when I saw the thread title with your name attached


Wow that is pretty high praise. Thanks, though now I feel like I have expectations to meet! Haha


Thanks all for the compliments and sorry the delayed reply. I think from here on I will just update this one thread with finished works. I have a PA chaplain to upload when I get home this weekend. ;)

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Is the basing easy to paint?


Yes. Base coat of Vallejo Beasty Brown, highlight/dry brush of Vallejo Parasite Brown then apply pigment of Vallejo Dark Red Ocre by diluting  it in alcohol.


Use this conversion chart if you don't use Vallejo. http://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/Paint_Range_Compatibility_Chart

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Those are incredible, man. Love the display set, too. Might be a dumb question, but how did you model the rock effects for the scenery? Or were those from a kit?


Great work!

That whole set was made by a local guy that works for a sign shop. He carved hard foam yo make the pillars and cliff face.

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