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++Daemon Forge V: Big Guns never tire++

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Welcome to - Daemon Forge -

- Daemon Forge - is aimed as a hobby challenge. Each month will see a set theme for Chaos. This will range from a set unit type, single models, object marker & set themes. The aim is pretty simple. It's all about seeing cool models for Chaos and please if you have any suggestion feel free to post those ideas.

For the fifth- Daemon Forge - hobby challenge topic, this month challenge will be - Big Guns never Tire -.

To take part it simple.


- For people who've been meaning to add an armour value model to there Chaos warbands or maybe just a one off model that you want to try converting or painting skills on. Now is a great time to build those tank type models & have the model all finish with in the month.

Or already got a model built & painted in your collection

- If you already have a model with armour value in your warband or collection. Feel free to post photos of the model.

But most of all make sure the models are painted by the deadline biggrin.png

So for this months theme, it will be models with armour value. This will cover models from:

  • Codex Chaos Space Marines, Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter
  • Codex Daemons, Khorne Daemonkin
  • Codex Astra Militarum
  • Codex Imperial Knights
  • Codex Cult Mechanicus, Skitarii
  • Imperial Armour 5: The Siege of Vraks
  • Imperial Armour 13: Lost & the Damned

So this covers things like - Soul Grinder, Leman Russ, Rhino, Helbrute etc.... as long as it has a armour value you can enter the model. Just make sure it is fully painted by the deadline.

Also for this theme, feel free to enter one or more models.

Start date: 1st June
Finish date: 30th June

For members who take part. We have these honour banners that you can add to your signature within the forum guidelines or on your "about me" page.

Banner for your "about me" part for your profile. Please do not use this on your signature unless it will be the only image (including one row of numbered squares).

Signature banner

- Daemon Forge - theme. Big Guns never tire.

Should look like this

A marker memeber can use for - Daemon Forge - that they may have miss out on




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I just entered a Helbrute for the ETL. Can I use it for this too?


Yes you can happily do that, any models with in those codex that has a armour value can be use in this month Daemon Forge. 


All that is needed is for the model to be fully painted.  Daemon Forge is aim to help member out with a set deadline to help finial add those models they've been meaning to paint up or add for a while.



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I just entered a Helbrute for the ETL. Can I use it for this too?

Yes you can happily do that, any models with in those codex that has a armour value can be use in this month Daemon Forge.


All that is needed is for the model to be fully painted. Daemon Forge is aim to help member out with a set deadline to help finial add those models they've been meaning to paint up or add for a while.


Thanks. I have some hobby time coming up this Friday, I'll get some pics posted then.
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That's the beauty of Chaos, it is only limited by your imagination. Great work Dez.

@Insane Psycopath - So it's not just Heavy Support vehicles then? The 'Big Guns Never Tire' title threw me for a minute there. I have lots of vehicles that fit into such broad conditions, so I'll try not to spam the thread with too many msn-wink.gif

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That's the beauty of Chaos, it is only limited by your imagination. Great work Dez.

@Insane Psycopath - So it's not just Heavy Support vehicles then? The 'Big Guns Never Tire' title threw me for a minute there. I have lots of vehicles that fit into such broad conditions, so I'll try not to spam the thread with too many msn-wink.gif

Yep any tank/models with a armour value, Dreadnought, Nurgle flyer from Armour 13? Heldrake, etc.... Just went with the title as something cool for the theme.

Member are welcome post a super heavy model if they wish.

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I dread to think how old these Predators are, but these infernal machineries of destruction have been witnessed by many of those unfortunate to survive the Castigator's raids.



The 'Eternal Jouissance' . This vehicle, once of the venerable Deimos pattern, is confirmed as having participated in the Golan Atrocity of 603.M39, where the entire population was rendered down for use as a stimulant.




Predator Battle Tank 'Unbound Rapture' of the Castigators. This vehicle is listed as having engaged units of the Adepta Astartes Imperial fists in 997.M41. during the 'Sundered Gauntlet Massacre'.



That this infernal engine of destruction serves the Ruinous Powers is beyond doubt, what is uncertain is whether the vehicle's armour is the work of the Castigators fell artisans or some other insidious means.


Not quite as old, but it's still been around the block once or twice.....



Defiler codified 'Exquisite Torment.' This pict-feed was captured at the Siege of Fort Mork 955.M41. The heraldry of the Castigators is clearly visible, although no further reports indicate that the Castigators were present at the Ork massacre.




In 989.M41 the twisted remains of 'Exquisite Torment' were discovered deep below the ruins of the Crimson Fists' Fortress-Monastery on Rynn's World. Oblivious to the Castigators existence the Tech Marines mistakenly identified it as the remains of an Ork walker. Chapter Master Pedro Kantor had all records of its existence sealed.  


'Victory Through Truth, Truth Through Pain.' - Nestor Lustheart, Chapter Master of the Castigators.










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  • 2 weeks later...

Really great models from everyone :D  I'm hoping get some time during the week get some photos.

Also what theme would memeber like for the next Daemon Forge?  Squad, single, unit type, general theme? 

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Given I *still* have the millstone of Heldrake number 2 around my neck to complete my ETL Vow 1, I thought it only fitting to enter my first Heldrake, a vicious monstrosity comprimised of brass, bone and flesh in a twisted hydrid.


ETL IV - Vow 1 - Heldrake 1 - After 1

ETL IV - Vow 1 - Heldrake 1 - After 3

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I've finally finished my Chaos Fire Raptor. The size of this model is much bigger than I thought it would be, so big that I've used up all of my Imperial Purple painting it. So if anybody knows a company that produces a purple to that matches the old Citadel Imperial Purple please let me know.

Anywho here she is in all her glory, the Divine Flame, Fire Raptor of the Castigators.



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My first predator, initially of the Blood Angels, now dedicated to Nurgle, and part of the Cleaved Warband, enthralled to Warsmith Torschlag.



Also, a robot that I made, initially for Inquisitor, itdoubles as a dreadnought in 40k



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I've finally finished my Chaos Fire Raptor. The size of this model is much bigger than I thought it would be, so big that I've used up all of my Imperial Purple painting it. So if anybody knows a company that produces a purple to that matches the old Citadel Imperial Purple please let me know.

Try VGC or VMC Royal Purple. Coat d'Arms' Amethyst Purple is only slightly off. I believe Reaper Master also produces a similar colour, also something with Amethyst in the name, but I have no experience with that particular colour. :tu:

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I've finally finished my Chaos Fire Raptor. The size of this model is much bigger than I thought it would be, so big that I've used up all of my Imperial Purple painting it. So if anybody knows a company that produces a purple to that matches the old Citadel Imperial Purple please let me know.

Try VGC or VMC Royal Purple. Coat d'Arms' Amethyst Purple is only slightly off. I believe Reaper Master also produces a similar colour, also something with Amethyst in the name, but I have no experience with that particular colour. thumbsup.gif

I've tried the VMC Royal Purple and Coat D'arms and whilst they're close enough for future models, they're not close enough to use on the same model. I have a couple of others waiting at the local post office to be collected, so hopefully one of them will be close enough. Thanks for the suggestions though.

There are some really nice vehicles popping up on here, very inspirational stuff thumbsup.gif

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