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Tips for fighting Greyknights


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Hey guys,


I'm playing a 2,000 pt game against greyknights and I've only played against them once in 5th ed. Is there any unit we have that is effective against GK? I know for a fact he runs 1-2 storm ravens and dragio besides that I dont know his army list will include until saturday. I just bought a few Imperial Knights as well and I have no clue what to run with them since this will be my first game using knights as allies. I have an Acheron, a paladin, and a fully magnetized Warden/Gallant/Crusader/Errant/Paladin kit which do you think I should throw in? What Units should I throw in From BA to throw against GK? Any tips or tactics? I have an Extensive collection to choose from as well so I can make a diverse list. 

thanks guys

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SG and a priest will do you well, most of them have AP3 and you can use valours edge to really mess with them.


DC and astorath could be good for just piling on wounds on the Termies.


Bring some flyers of your own if he has them for sure.

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I would go with a couple of grav bikers along with a stormraven/fireraptor of my own for anti air. Not sure about the imperial knight, maybe one with thermal cannon for ap1 but even then 370+ points against a flyer heavy list is a bit weak. Even with the new AAA options, ravens are quite tough with AV12 all around and with their melta and missiles they can take down the knight in a turn or two. 

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I would go with a couple of grav bikers along with a stormraven/fireraptor of my own for anti air. Not sure about the imperial knight, maybe one with thermal cannon for ap1 but even then 370+ points against a flyer heavy list is a bit weak. Even with the new AAA options, ravens are quite tough with AV12 all around and with their melta and missiles they can take down the knight in a turn or two. 


Would you suggest Running a Pair of Sicarans and one with Legacy or Sarosh for the Sky fire? Squad of 4ML Devs with Flak Missles?


SG and a priest will do you well, most of them have AP3 and you can use valours edge to really mess with them.


DC and astorath could be good for just piling on wounds on the Termies.


Bring some flyers of your own if he has them for sure.


Yes I'm planning on making it a DC heavy list and Ill throw in the SG ?priest with SG for FNP? now as well. Unfortunately I do not have any flyers at the moment I let a friend borrow them and I need to get them back Perhaps my Valkyrie could Counts as a Storm Raven?

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Take the Crusader. The avenger bolt cannon is nuts and according to mathhammer, will muller pretty much anything he brings.


As for the rest, it depends on what you like. Take some anti-air of your own, some Death Company and read their Codex so you have a feel for what they can do. Expect to see Dreadknights (so take some grav) and Terminators arriving on the first turn.

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Take the Crusader. The avenger bolt cannon is nuts and according to mathhammer, will muller pretty much anything he brings.


As for the rest, it depends on what you like. Take some anti-air of your own, some Death Company and read their Codex so you have a feel for what they can do. Expect to see Dreadknights (so take some grav) and Terminators arriving on the first turn.


Thank you Jolemai I appreciate it. I know using a 425pt crusader in a 2,000pt game isnt tactically all that sound but... I just want to you know? I spent all this time magnetizing it and I using it for my 3 vow for the ETL I just love the model so much dakka the question is stormspear or flakk cannon? I have 7 bikers I was going to use for grav. Run SG with priest and captain with valors edge was an idea and 30 DC with JP and Chain swords running everywhere. This is a little bit of a competitive game but it's really all for fun. It's the first game of 40k at this new FLGS and me and the guy playing are starting a group and having an event where people interested who come and watch can ask questions and get 20% off that day in store 40k trying to promote a group you know? So i dont want to make a Uber BloodStar List or throw my nastys in it (I have an Unbound list where I run 60 DC with chaplains)

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Crusader gets my vote quality ranges shooting is something we could use help on if we don't take devastators as most of our units like close engagements softening targets before we hit them is always a plus


Yes I think A crusader is more durable than a squad of Devs haha. So Battle cannon (because yes str 8 ap 3 Pie is yummy) the Gatling cannon could possibly take down a storm raven with str 6 heavy 12 rending. (ive seen and Assault Canon blow up one of my LRC turn 1 so it has to be true lol

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I play agaisnt a GK player quite often and he routinly takes 2+ Dreadkights and craptonnes of Terminators.

I favour taking plenty of Melta-centric Assault squads, Laz/plas Razorbacks, Grav-bikers, pretty much anything thats gonna deny him that tasty 2+ save.

In my experiance the GK codex has lots of high Str stuff, but very little longrange/low ap guns.


Try to stay out of combat as much as possible, take out the Dreadknights and flyers as a priority and then just keep hammering his infantry with low ap Melta/Las/Grav/Plas.


If you have to get into combat, go with dreads; specifically Furioso dreads for troops and Librarian dreads to kill his Dreadknights.

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I play agaisnt a GK player quite often and he routinly takes 2+ Dreadkights and craptonnes of Terminators.

I favour taking plenty of Melta-centric Assault squads, Laz/plas Razorbacks, Grav-bikers, pretty much anything thats gonna deny him that tasty 2+ save.

In my experiance the GK codex has lots of high Str stuff, but very little longrange/low ap guns.

Try to stay out of combat as much as possible, take out the Dreadknights and flyers as a priority and then just keep hammering his infantry with low ap Melta/Las/Grav/Plas.

If you have to get into combat, go with dreads; specifically Furioso dreads for troops and Librarian dreads to kill his Dreadknights.

why meltas instead of plasma?

also staying out of combat? so a death company heavy list isnt a good choice then?.... unsure.png

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They are also cheaper and will allow you to charge should you need to. Just remember that Grey Knights like shooting inside 24" and they all have power weapons - if you need to hit them in combat, don't make it fair and hit them very hard.

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Death Company can work, but you really need to pick your target.


A nice big squad of DC can murder a 5 man squad of Termies, but you need to get the charge with a BSF, If your hitting first with 5 attacks each, hitting on 4's (preferably re-rolling with a chappy or Divination Libby) and wounding on 3's thanks to the Red Thirst than you will have no problem killing 5 Terminators. If you get charged then both units will probably take each other out.


 You need big squads because after your opponent see's what the DC can do they will get shot at and the moment the DC drop below 5 men then they may as well be usless.

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They are also cheaper and will allow you to charge should you need to. Just remember that Grey Knights like shooting inside 24" and they all have power weapons - if you need to hit them in combat, don't make it fair and hit them very hard.


So youre saying throw in thunder hammers, Power fists, Power swords, inferno pistols, and chaplains?

Death Company can work, but you really need to pick your target.


A nice big squad of DC can murder a 5 man squad of Termies, but you need to get the charge with a BSF, If your hitting first with 5 attacks each, hitting on 4's (preferably re-rolling with a chappy or Divination Libby) and wounding on 3's thanks to the Red Thirst than you will have no problem killing 5 Terminators. If you get charged then both units will probably take each other out.


 You need big squads because after your opponent see's what the DC can do they will get shot at and the moment the DC drop below 5 men then they may as well be usless.


Yes i usually like running 9-12 DC in one squad 


should I run Mephy with them?

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Cant advise you on that, I've never taken him.

I have a metal model but I hate painting metal and I'll be damned if I'm paying for a finecast version. :/


Grav bikes are awesome againt Greyknights, hitting on 3's wounding on 2's and then they can only make invul saves.

Anything that survives is then dropped down to Initative 1 and is ready to be charged. :D

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Cant advise you on that, I've never taken him.

I have a metal model but I hate painting metal and I'll be damned if I'm paying for a finecast version. :/

Grav bikes are awesome againt Greyknights, hitting on 3's wounding on 2's and then they can only make invul saves.

Anything that survives is then dropped down to Initative 1 and is ready to be charged. biggrin.png

SO i need many more bikers the just the 7 I have right now unsure.png

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I'd say avoid paykers against grey Knights, the amount of warp charges they get means they could shut down your futile attempts pretty hard.


Only models that take a wound are dropped to I1, not squads!

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Two squads of 3 should be plenty.

Somthing like this:


Sgt; Combi-grav,

Bike; Grav

Bike; Grav


Any more than that would be over kill and leave you little room for other things, like metacide squads or...Oh man, I forgot about Vindicators!


My 2 vindicators make my normal GK opponent a saaaad panda! Especially if you can drop that tasty pie-plate on a squad of paladins, it can wipe that 350+ point unit in one turn. :D

 Only models that take a wound are dropped to I1, not squads!


Oh man, thats good to know.

It's never really come up as I mainly target MC's with mine, but certainly good to know.

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I'm surprised no one's even mentioned the Culexus assassin yet! Against psykers, that dude becomes incredibly powerful, and against an army of freaking psykers, he's a beast! Every squad in 12" of him get's -3 to morale, he gets +1 shot for every psyker around 12" for his S5 AP1 beam of "up yours" and in close combat, his attacks ignore armour saves and always, always inflict instant death on psykers. He's also got a censored.gif load of grenades and other gadgets that make him a true terror for GK.

I'm not too keen on taking allies, but the new models from Execution force are wayyy too cool so I couldn't resist!


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Do you know what games type your playing ? Maelstrom we have the advantage with our fast units.

From my experience you don't wanna be in combat with him, if he plays smart he will charge you denying bonuses from your strike force and also lowering the effectiveness of the DC. If he plays there strike force in the book expect turn 1 deep strikes and reserve rolls on turn 1 for the ravens. Dreadknights can deepstrike once per game like 30-40inch anywhere on the board will probably be carrying that torrent flamer and doom fist, and sword. Plus they got ap3 or better on like most units.

Purifiers are another awful unit to play against will have two of them high Strength flamers in a 5 man squad and get cleansing flame stay I think 10" away as when it goes off in psychic phase any enemy unit in the 9" bubble will take 2d6 hits from it. Its ap is crap so you get your saves but it kicks out weight of dice. ( as recommended by others a priest is great for adding more protection to your guys with feel no pain, but be wary of any units gaining hammer hand and potentially reaching double your toughness)

My advice is shoot him off you can field a lot more bodies, plasma, melta, our fast units are great too. They haven't got anti Armour really so mech can be good and we as ba can out man-oeuvre for objectives. ( as suggested bikes are awesome!)

Hope some of this ramble is useful, I play gk weekly and my strongest games came from mech and shooting, plus I have a thing for the assault cannon!

Enjoy the silly pyschic phase, watch out for Vortex of doom (cant remember if Draigo has this as stock), Strength d plate pretty awful will scatter about the game too crapping on anything that ends up in it (including his stuff btw). Also Draigo and Sanctuary are lame he will be 2+ with a 3++ but if sanc goes off change that to a 2++.

Hopefully most of this is sound msn-wink.gif


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Two squads of 3 should be plenty.

Somthing like this:

Sgt; Combi-grav,

Bike; Grav

Bike; Grav

Any more than that would be over kill and leave you little room for other things, like metacide squads or...Oh man, I forgot about Vindicators!

My 2 vindicators make my normal GK opponent a saaaad panda! Especially if you can drop that tasty pie-plate on a squad of paladins, it can wipe that 350+ point unit in one turn. biggrin.png

Only models that take a wound are dropped to I1, not squads!

Oh man, thats good to know.

It's never really come up as I mainly target MC's with mine, but certainly good to know.

Love grav bikes and bikes in general, t5 and jink if needed! Plus the grav guns are great against the Dreadknight, termies, lots of stuff.

The vindicators I don't rate, used to run em in pairs but 2d6 scatter.... then there is only two guns on it and most results on the vehicle table may result in you snap firing or weapon destroyed, so no giant pies.... then there is the 24" range its not a great cushion between you and your opponent. If you go second you know what the enemy is gonna shoot at too so if you do take em and don't go first, reserve em and at least you get to shoot the pie once when they do come on =).

Not sure what to suggest bout the two stormravens... Its just mean.


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