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Tips for fighting Greyknights


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so maybe 3 tactical squads kitted with melta and plasma? Scouts with snipers? Vanguard vets? Stern Guard? Meltacide squads? PLasma cannon dev squad? LRC with DC? Captain with SG with valours edge and a priest added as well?

perhaps I should throw in a paladin for str 8 ap 3 templates? or my acheron for str 7 ap 3 apoc flame template?


So far this is what I'm taking:

7 bikes split into two squads with 2 gravs and 1 combi grav each

2 sicarans one with legacy of sarosh

1 knight crusader with thermal cannon and AA gun on top 

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You could take the anit-psyic assassin, I can't spell it properly so hopefully you know which one I am talking about. Often over looked it will be slight pain for him, more so if planes on summoning.


Two Sicarans are staple in 90% of my list, they can/will knock a raven if you pile on the shots. 


I haven't acquire a knight yet so can speak on that. 


Also a auspex toss in on your CH if possible, if will help if running that shroud spell.  


Attack bikes like said before are nice that MM will help with Dreadknights and in just noping out terms.  I tend favor grav over plasma now, and even in pinch they might be able to strip a HP of a raven. 

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guns are great against the Dreadknight, termies, lots of stuff.

The vindicators I don't rate, used to run em in pairs but 2d6 scatter.... then there is only two guns on it and most results on the vehicle table may result in you snap firing or weapon destroyed, so no giant pies.... then there is the 24" range its not a great cushion between you and your opponent. If you go second you know what the enemy is gonna shoot at too so if you do take em and don't go first, reserve em and at least you get to shoot the pie once when they do come on =).




GK are mostly lacking an any real anti-tank / high str fire power. |There is very little they have that can pen an AV13 tank without charging it, and thanks to our overcharged engines we are better than most at keeping our tanks a good distance away.


As always, these things are better taken in pairs, that way if he does focus on one, the other can still do it's thing.

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Have to agree with vindicators, GK lack anything to take it out at range and being able to move 12 and drop that pie of doom 24 away (so 36 threat range!) makes our vindicators the best of them all.


Run two and drink in the tears.

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Well then the odds of them bringing that are pretty low!


What does NSF do?

First turn deep strike, on a 3+.So pyscanons and such near rear or side armour. Can run and shoot on arrival. Raven on turn one if they are part of that force org.
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Nemesis Strike Force Detachment


Compulsory: 1 HQ, 1 Troops

Optional: 1 HQ, 3 Troops, 4 Elites, 2 FA, 2 HS, 1 LoW, 1 Fortification


Re-roll traits on GK Warlord table

Start rolling for reserves on T1, each unit can run and shoot on the turn it arrives.

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Ah yeah, that could be a problem. But in which case bring those bad boy vindicators in from reserve and watch his newly arrived units eat it!

And hope you don't scatter on to your own stuff !


If your expecting termies deep striking in your deployment they can't charge on arrival.. so a decent DC squad on the charge will run it through.



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Ah yeah, that could be a problem. But in which case bring those bad boy vindicators in from reserve and watch his newly arrived units eat it!

And hope you don't scatter on to your own stuff !


If your expecting termies deep striking in your deployment they can't charge on arrival.. so a decent DC squad on the charge will run it through.



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Well then the odds of them bringing that are pretty low!


What does NSF do?

First turn deep strike, on a 3+.So pyscanons and such near rear or side armour. Can run and shoot on arrival. Raven on turn one if they are part of that force org.



Meh, I wouldnt be worried about that.

Vindicators always start with their butts firmly up against the back of the board. 


So they get 3 s7 shots into the front armour of an AV 13 vehicle. Hitting on 3's glancing on 6's?

I'd rather he wastes his shot like this than firing those things at my Death Company or Assault Marines.

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ok, hopefully i'm not too late in the game to be helpful.  The guy I play most often is a GK player with Tempestus and sisters allies, and his lists usually make me want to strangle someone lol.  I played with him this past week, 2k lists.






valors edge

jump pack





jump pack

power sword



10 tac Flamer/HF in pod

fist sarge


Raphen's DC



command squad

jump packs

3 power swords



Jump packs

1 fist 

2 power swords

1 power maul

bolter on the fist guy


5 Sanguinary guard

4 swords

1 axe

death masks

chapter banner

1 inferno


10 vanguard

jump packs

fist stormshield sarge

2 power swords


2 meltacide pods


10 man assault

jump packs

lightning claw/power fist vet sarge (because I aparently go a bit crazy when i'm sleepy)


his list was, (and this won't be perfect)




Grand master







5 terminators


heavy support 


Dread Knight 

heavy incinerator

heavy psycannon





tempestor command

4 volley guns



scion squad

4 volley guns 






lord knows what else


2 priests


command squad

4 meltaguns

4 heavy bolters



4 heavy bolters


2 sister squads 

with melta/mm in each


3 immolators with tl mm

and 1 with tlhb


I rolled descent and move through cover ruins/stealth ruins for my warlord traits

don't remember what he rolled

Divination on the grand master

sanctic on the librarian

the grey knights were maxed out on psycic levels


the game was pretty close overall, we didn't get to finish but we've been playing each other so long and so often we can generally fairly accurately predict the outcome of games based on like a turn 3 layout, and it looked like it would be close up to the end.  his priests and cannoness were rolling with the libby grand master and the terms, making them a really pain to try and bring down with rerollable saves. the dread knight ate the one tac squad before getting pummelled by both dc squads in successive turns. I blew away the tempestors with the tac squad on the drop, and failed to to anything to the command with the first meltacide squad. captain priest and sanguinary guard put a good hurt on the term squad and retinue when they finally got in position, vanguards got eaten by terms, as did the jump assault after they finished with the sisters command, 


in summary, gk can be nasty, but if you hit them fast, hard, and where it hurts, you can do well on them. my general goals when playing them are to take out the dreadknights, anything in power armor and leave the terms to be mopped up later on, cause they can easily be doubled up on with your faster units once the amount of fire is thinned out.


that's my two cents, hope it helps.



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Have you played your game yet cupcake ? Curious as to how you got on.


well gentleman and the game was... terrible and disheartening. Deployment was sketchy my opponent knew i was bringing a knight and armor and set up the table before i arrived to the FLGS and i couldnt move my knight or sicarans around barely (not like it mattered) mission was the relic. turn 1 Storm raven and dreadknight DS behind an to the side of my imperial knight and explode it thus killing my bike squad and vindy. I kill the dreadknight with a sicaran i ran another sicaran and activated my legacy of sarosh to get skyfire anddd i didnt make a single hit ;-) turn two raven took out one of my sicarans. and he DS another dreadknight and took out my scouts. DS his 10 man termie squad with draigo and a libby. took out a squad of tacts with his shooting and psychic shenanegans. Is there such a thing as strength 12? with GK? so anyways by turn two I was tabled furious.gif MY DC charged draigos unit and killed 4 termies but then were utterly destroyed turn 3.

Edit: also my dice were subsequently thrown away because I couldnt hit or rolls saves for anything

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Sounds like an awful game. I assume you meant that he'd set up the terrain for his benefit? Janky terrain, jeez. That's scummy. How did he get the Raven on the board turn one? NSF only allows turn one reserves from deep strike.

Also, I'm fairly sure strength caps out at 10, no exceptions.

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Sounds like an awful game. I assume you meant that he'd set up the terrain for his benefit? Janky terrain, jeez. That's scummy. How did he get the Raven on the board turn one? NSF only allows turn one reserves from deep strike.

Also, I'm fairly sure strength caps out at 10, no exceptions.


he said all his models in the strike force come on turn 1 but yes nevermind turn 1 he didnt make any of his rolls so i had nothing to shoot at it was turn 2 my apologies.. the funny thing was that we were supposed to meet at 1pm local time and i arrived at 12:15 to read my rules and read deployments and try and memorize everything and talk shop with the local FLGS owner but he was already there with the table set. 

Edit: the only thing i see as my fault is I picked the worst out of the already bad deployment zones which i didnt know until I played and I didnt stay back and let him come to me I went for the OBJ right away I shouldve turtled up 

Edit#2: also he kept complaining about me using my sicaran FW stuff when he agreed prior to the game set up I could use them. Also Kept ragging on knights and how " you cant throw money at something and expect it to work you need a balanced list blah blah" and kept going on about me throwing money away and such on FW models and other comments. Quite annoying I mean dude you won why are you ragging ? If my knight crusader would have had one turn of shooting just one I wouldve wiped half his army. 

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