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Dallas' Noise Marines (Sons of Delectation).

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I want to use this thread to share my Slaanesh themed CSM warband painting/modelling with you guys.


I sold my Noise Marines about 6 months back & frankly I've regretted it ever since. So, now I've got some money & time I've decided to convert up some more. Using none other than trusty DV Chosen, green stuff, bits & GW resin sonic weapons (& the missus' hair dryer!).


I plan on running 20 (2x5 Blasmaster & 1x10 Sonic Blasters) but I've only built 11 up so far. I painted the Rhino and this test model (which I'm fairly happy with) last night. So, I'll be going with this theme I think.


Some of the converted Noise Marines. I'm not a fan of the Blastmaster so converted my own based on a plasma cannon.




WIP Lord & Warp Talons




First painted Noise Marine & Rhino



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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry about the lack of posting. I have pupils who have coursework to be resubmitted so can't focus on anything except that for a few weeks. I will update this post though with my Black Mace Lord, Sorcerer and Slaanesh Spawn (shamelessly copying Dave Taylor's ideas). I have also done another 5 or 6 Noise Marines from DV bits.

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