Scurvydog Posted June 2, 2015 Share Posted June 2, 2015 So Games Workshop has put the cohort mechanicus web bundle up for preorder, which includes: One Tech-Priest Dominus One set of Fulgurite Electro-Priests One set of Corpuscarii Electro-Priests One set of Kataphron Breachers One set of Kataphron Destroyers Two Kastelan Robot Maniples One set of Skitarii Vanguard One set of Skitarii Rangers One set of Sicarian Infiltrators One set of Sicarian Ruststalkers Two Onager Dunecrawlers Sydonian Dragoons/Ironstrider Ballistarii. One exclusive datasheet*. Apparently that exclusive datasheet allows you to at least field all the models in the bundle, and from the small picture of it on the site, it looks like there are quite a few rules to it. These exclusive rules trend leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, but that aside I am still interested in seeing any way the adeptus mechanicus can be fielded as one (as they should be able to). Rule wise this formation looks a lot like the WD one, in the sense that it is made to sell as many different kits as at all possible, which also means unit tax and a lack of focus. This formation appears to include even more forced choices than the one with a knight, from the small text it is still clear that the list of required units is long and specific. What thoughts do people have on this as a whole? As a footnote I am still unsure how many communities regard these exclusive datasheets, if only the original copy supplied from the massive purchase is accepted, then it is pretty much a "pay to win" (I say this for a lack of better term at this time) situation. Would copies be accepted? Or will these datasheets be outright rejected? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Ommadon Posted June 2, 2015 Share Posted June 2, 2015 That web-bundle is 821 dollars US!!!!! As much as I'm in love with Ad Mech there is NO way I can justify paying that price (my wife freaked at 36 dollar US Dominus)! I'm afraid that if I want this Formation (which I do I'm a bit of a completion-ist) I'm going to have to find it elsewhere (I'm not proud of that either). Just can't throw 821 dollars around just to get a Formation, especially since the Formation can still suck hard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terminus Posted June 2, 2015 Share Posted June 2, 2015 The rules become available online in short order, however exclusive they may initially be. I wouldn't stress about this formation, there is a whole lot of dead weight in there (breachers, ruststalkers, both varieties of electro-priests, rangers) unless they get some outrageous rules (doubt it). The other mega-formation is way better, considering it easily fits in 1850 and you can squeeze in 500+ points of free wargear without breaking a sweat. Yeah, you have a couple of relatively sub-optimal choices with the Rangers and Ruststalkers, but free equipment on the unit leader, plus scout/zealot from the formation, plus canticles of omnissiah AND skitarii protocols, go a long way to make them more brutal. Canticles on the Knight is also pretty crazy good. They totally got this formation idea from Privateer Press, who have been using this formula to sell multiples of otherwise crappy units by giving them awesome rules in tier lists (ask me about my 30 Drudges who are garbage for the most part, but are amazing in one tier list for one caster, so I bought them). It's really quite ingenious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
heron Posted June 2, 2015 Share Posted June 2, 2015 You're right about the borrow from privateer press, its pretty similar. I have to say that I have never found the rangers to be sub-optimal. They are pretty good for a cheap objective holder. The basic gun is decent and occasionally a precision shot can shift the dynamic of a game. With the formation above, you get free arquebusses, which have been pretty decent for me at taking out light vehicles like land speeders. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terminus Posted June 2, 2015 Share Posted June 2, 2015 Well, sup-optimal is probably not the right word, I just think the rad carbines and -1T and -2 points makes Vanguard better. Even with the arquebuss being free, I'm inclined to arm them with arc weapons instead. I am not impressed with the single-shot arquebus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frater Cornelius Posted June 2, 2015 Share Posted June 2, 2015 The Formation has to include all the units that are listen in the web store and the benefit is that both Cult and Skits benefit from both Canticles and Doctrines. Also, this Formation apparently can not ally with any other forces. Second hand info here though. Maybe there are some details I missed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ordo Machinum Posted June 2, 2015 Share Posted June 2, 2015 Wellll... what can I say? (stands up)My name is Magos Rashbold and I am getting the web bundle.I have been getting the whole AdMech 'Kog-n-Kaboodle' since day one of releases. Models, books, ebooks, etc. Yes, I was slightly disheartened over the fact I had already purchased many of the same models already and now this web bundle was being released. I figured I would get more models sooner or later ...and now it appears to be sooner. I plan on building every combination of unit and options available.Besides, how soon may this army ever get updated?It is essentially a Battle Maniple and Battle Congregation combined, not too different from the White Dwarf's War Convocation Formation. Rules notwithstanding. One Tech-Priest DominusOne set of Fulgurite Electro-PriestsOne set of Corpuscarii Electro-PriestsOne set of Kataphron BreachersOne set of Kataphron DestroyersTwo Kastelan Robot ManiplesOne set of Skitarii VanguardOne set of Skitarii RangersOne set of Sicarian InfiltratorsOne set of Sicarian RuststalkersTwo Onager DunecrawlersThree Sydonian Dragoons/Ironstrider Ballistarii Yes, there are three dragoons/ballistarii - they're in the picture and account for the '58 models' the description mentions. And that also includes the datasmiths with the kastelans.The base points of the models 'as is' in the bundle, with no additional option costs etc,would be 2060 points (with dragoons) or 2090 points (with ballistarii).Either could be knocked down to around 2000 points with the loss of two dragoons/ballistariior one of the dunecrawlers.If the squads were at maximum size, it would be approximately 4375/4435 points (again, dragoons/ballistarii). Who knows when I'd get to play a game that size with them? It's a long awaited dream project of building an Adeptus Mechanicus army, and I'm hoping to enjoy it as long as I can.Thank you for your support, R. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vel'Cona Posted June 2, 2015 Share Posted June 2, 2015 I think the Electro-Priest tax and the inability to take more than one unit of anything will essentially kill this formation out of the gate. The reason the WD formation could work is that its only major tax is Ruststalkers, which aren't as out and out bad as Electro-Priests by any stretch. Unless the special rules it provides gives some short of earth-shattering buff, I can't see this being anything more than a novelty (ie. the Blood Angels company formation in the codex). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ordo Machinum Posted June 2, 2015 Share Posted June 2, 2015 You say 'novelty' like it is a bad thing. The model taxes and limited quantity of unit types are a drawback. However it isn't as if GW is charging extra for the Formation. The bundle is the same cost as the models. It isn't a bad set for one of each unit type as far as the models go. As it has been said before, the rules will likely hit the webways eventually. The Exalted Court of House Terryn only took six days. Let's see if the Cohort Mechanicus can break the record! As for rules, I know anything I can think up is unlikely to be included.Like... a tyranid-ish unlimited swarm of admech that just keeps coming... lose a unit get to replace it if there is a next turn, etc. I will be willing to have a go with the formation when my models are ready...... if anyone at my local GW store lets me. [Rumour Edit: dated 05/31/2015 - 1 Day after pre-orders went live!] FALSE DATA! DISREGARD!Cohort Mechanicus.Requires: one of everything, 2 units of kastellan robits, 2 dunecrawlers, and 3 ironstriders or balestari. Dominus must be warlord.Formation bonuses.If the dominus is still alive, everyone in the army is fearless.The entire formation benefits from BOTH doctrina imperatives and canticles.Breachers, destroyers, vanguard, and rangers have objective secured.All units count toward your unit count for canticlesCANNOT TAKE OTHER ALLIES.[/Rumour Edit] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mippie Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 I hate this repeated "model tax" thing...people have said that about infiltrators and stalkers and yet most people have found them to be really powerful...same with rangers you get a weapon that is rapid fire with range 30" get in 15" then double tap sergeants and special weapons with precision shot. I think priests will find their place just the same as other units. Even if it is hiding in cover camping objectives whilst your heavy hitters roll around unleashing the pain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pompeyladbfp Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 · Hidden by Brother Amarel, June 3, 2015 - No reason given Hidden by Brother Amarel, June 3, 2015 - No reason given rashbold you got a link to the formation so i can print it off.. pm me if you like Link to comment
Ordo Machinum Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 You are absolutely right. Everything finds its place in the course of time. [insert army of choice] have been around since the game began and units are still debated as to how effective they can be. We do need to wipe off the optic-receptors periodically. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pompeyladbfp Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 · Hidden by Brother Amarel, June 3, 2015 - Talking about 4chan Hidden by Brother Amarel, June 3, 2015 - Talking about 4chan 4chan? Link to comment
Ordo Machinum Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 As to the OP, I will check with my GW store. They probably wouldn't have a problem since I have been buying all of my models there recently. I have a "copy" of the House Terryn formation but not the Knights to play it with. I don't think it is really a "pay to win". It boils down to who is using the formation. Unskilled players won't use it properly and skilled players won't need it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 It's just too big sadly, and that 2k before upgrades is kinda silly. Games bigger than 1850 get a bit unwieldy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ordo Machinum Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 In comparison a standard Skitarii Maniple of eight Vanguard TR units would cost roughly 800 to 1500+ points. I don't believe the formation is such a bad thing. GW could have easily put it in another White Dwarf. The models bundle benefits most new starters who need everything at once. The copper cog is in the air... we'll see what happens when it drops... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mippie Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 I dont think that 2k plus is unwieldy, it's more a case of the current meta demanding that people play 1850/1750 tourney games, and as such people design their armies to have dozens of units that are min size or a few massive. I regularly play games larger it just takes some planning on your part and to not be "that guy" who seems to go completely blank in your opponents turn, I pretty much know what I am doing next turn as my opponenet is doing his moves, and naturally the strategic objectives alter that somewhat but not much...all power to you Magos Rashbold :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Amarel Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 I've removed requests for links to the formation and mentions of a website where it may be available. Please remember to read and follow the forum rules. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mithrilforge Posted June 3, 2015 Share Posted June 3, 2015 @rashbold- you know one day i'll eventually have all these models so i reckon it will be kinda fun to play the "Cohort Mechanicus" against my friends in a big apoc style game, you know my ad-mech/skit army against all of them ... who cares how it goes,it will be Epic Fun Mithril Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Targetlock Posted June 4, 2015 Share Posted June 4, 2015 nah, im working towards the white dwarf formation, easier to work towards (i have most of it except a ruststalker unit, the knight and a few bits and pieces) but that is an eventual end goal that I will enjoy working towards. my usual list will most likely be something like the following: Cohort Cybernetica + Skitarii Maniple + Ironstrider Cavaliers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vel'Cona Posted June 4, 2015 Share Posted June 4, 2015 No Knight yet, Targetlock??? I should hope that's your next project! If this is indeed your first IK, you'll be in for a treat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nziv Posted June 4, 2015 Share Posted June 4, 2015 Lets assume a person wants all these models. if GW gave a discount I could see it being somewhat attractive. but over $800 in models feels silly. it it was me, I'd either support my LGS and buy it all from there or save some cash and order from a discount web store. I know, i know that the rules will be available online super fast but the business practice seems in bad taste Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ordo Machinum Posted June 4, 2015 Share Posted June 4, 2015 Lets assume a person wants all these models. R. I do. I really do. if GW gave a discount I could see it being somewhat attractive. but over $800 in models feels silly. R. It would be nice, but GW never gives discounts. I have been accused of being silly. it it was me, I'd either support my LGS and buy it all from there or save some cash and order from a discount web store. R. Unfortunately, I do not have a LGS other than a GW store. It has moved three times and I like to support it. Sure I could have gone through a web store, but where's the fun in that? If I wanted to save money... well, there's a lot of hobbies I could do. I know, i know that the rules will be available online super fast but the business practice seems in bad taste R. I can play it with a clear conscience. I'm a cog in the machine. Praise the Omnissiah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Targetlock Posted June 4, 2015 Share Posted June 4, 2015 No Knight yet, Targetlock??? I should hope that's your next project! If this is indeed your first IK, you'll be in for a treat. not yet and no i have yet to get a knight, glad i havent with the new kit now released i like the look of the big gatling cannon and gauntlet combo, probably not the best option but most fun, like the idea of picking enemies and chucking them back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kilofix Posted June 6, 2015 Share Posted June 6, 2015 Hmm, I already have all the models in that formation, and after finishing Priests yesterday, have them all painted. But it's base minimum combined cost is 1870 pts. That does limit upgrades. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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