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The Grim Dark Plog

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I have been distracted for a while, it seems these days when i am not doing my sisters I am distracted with a hundred other smaller projects, my Deathwatch and Inquisition Chief among them.


As it stands I am trying to create multiple Inquisitor conversions as well as a Cortez but no less than 36 Different Acolytes to flesh out my warbands.

And this is where the fun comes into it as i want to see them all converted.


As it stands I love Grim out there ideas and I know many who say this also like Blanch but unfortunately I can not break from this trend. ;)


So over the following weeks I am going to start posting Works in progress, conversions, weird out there ideas and what I want back from you is suggestions, hints, tips, ideas.

Cool pictures and art work.


Nothing is off limits, you think of a cool bit of lore you think would really add something?

Great, I want to see it.

I want to see this Plog filled with horrifying models, insane out there ideas and its going to be my job as I start posting my ideas into the thread to make these ideas manifest in model form.

So without drawing it out any longer, I am going to toddle off and start taking a few pictures of current works to get the fun started. ;)

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I'm terrible at regular updates but no, progress has been made i tells you! ;)


Also redid the pictures above to get a better quality for folks. 

So they are based now, 4 models for show, 2 with better images, 1 more for the warband and an assassin. 




















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I really like that blood splatter you have.  Could you describe how you did that?  I am about to make a chainsword waving horde of Carcharodon marines and they would look great with a fine splatter of blood like you have achieved.

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In honesty the blood is not as heavy as the images show but my phone may as well be a potato.

Normally I paint flecs of blood in the direction it would of been sliced into using blood for the blood god, after that I give it 10 minutes and do it against still using blood for the blood god to thicken it a little.

After that I use a stippling brush and covering it I then flick the bristles at range towards the model in the direct the blood would of splattered.

Seems to work a treat. 





I'm really curious about that assassin.


Whats got you curious? 

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Yep, my assassins are from the box set, could not resist.

Beautiful sculpts.


What model is it? Is it an older model, or one of the newer ones, or is it a custom job?


Empire warrior priests with a few conversion parts, I customise every one of my warbands.

Make them look that much cooler in my eyes. ;-)

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