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Tactics: Stealing inches with your DC


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This is a classic going second deployment scenario, bikes giving DC a 5+ cover (4+ with nightfighting)


Red box = Bike

Blue box = IC

Black box = DC


The bottom of the image is an example of deployment, the top boxes illustrate where models are after moving. Each box is one inch.




The IC (blue box) is 2 inches ahead of DC,  The bikes move to the right as illustrated while the IC moves straight ahead, the DC and IC being 2 inches away join automatically giving the DC two extra inches of distance.



Many are probably familiar with this strategy, but i often forget to utilize it myself. It's a great way to trick other assault units that want to stay in the 'safe zone' for example playing against thunderwolf cav, since a good TWC player will often put himself roughly 21/22 inches away To force you to make risky charges.




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Aye, deploying like that, you can keep your DC wrapped with bikes, making it more difficult for opponent to charge you. Bikes have great synergi with DC and having an IC in the bike unit will give them more charge options.

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