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Question on Angels Wrath Formation


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From WD 47, which is a must buy for all BA players....


Angels Wrath is that formation where i take  squad of Vanguard and two squads of assault marines, all with jump packs.  They come from reserves with their meteoric impact rule, etc. 


Can a IC from another detachment/formation join one of these units in reserves, and they all still arrive w/ benefits per the rules for the formation, or does adding the IC change the situation? I've not been using more than one detachment or formation in a game, so just wondering the impact in this case.  



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As far as I know, no, an IC can't as formations are used as presented with no modifications allowed.


This could be wrong though, I suppose if he has made Jump pack it could be argued he could deploy with them, but he wouldn't get the impact rule.

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Wouldn't the IC be part of the unit, though? I'd be inclined to think that as long as you provide the units listed in the formation, the rules would apply. The Angel's wing could prove quite effective along with that formation.


I think if it was forbidden, it would say so like in the old Heroic Intervention rule.




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So, I use Angel's Fury... but I will stick a Sanguinary Priest from my CAD in with them for extra protection when they jump to an objective. I am assuming this is correct as no one has stopped me.


I'd imagine if you included an IC with a jump pack, they could join one of the units in Angel's Wrath and would be able to drop in... what would the IC benefit from the formation?

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I'd imagine if you included an IC with a jump pack, they could join one of the units in Angel's Wrath and would be able to drop in... what would the IC benefit from the formation?

He would gain everything. Both benefits are unit based. ICs attached to a unit are part of that unit.

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OK!  Thanks!  For now I'll assume if he is attached to the formation (say, to the Vanguard Unit), he does not change or impact the formation's rule set.


I get the impression you wanted to know if adding him effected how the formation worked? If that's the case the answer is no. He gives fnp to his unit but all the units keep the half/non scatter and the hits on enemy units in 6" thing etc.


Plus if you gave him the Angels wing you could buff the unit by them not being to be intercepted as well.

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