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Badab War novels

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Hello guys! With all the love for Badab War bubbeling up in the WIP thread and painting Astral Claws myself, I would like to read more about this subject. So are there any novels out there that cover the Badab War? I did a somewhat quick search on the Black Library website but couldn't find much. I've already read Trial of the Mantis Warriors by Goto but are there more? Or are there novels that touch upon the subject?



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Ye olde White Dwarf had also some little bits on Badab War through the years I believe. Too bad they don't have complete novels covering the events. Like Lord Ragnarok said, a missed opportunity. But still, are there books out there that that touch on it albeit briefly and I don't care if it's pre-IA or not.

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Short of official stuff, there's always diamonds in the rough in the fan fiction section. If I'm not mistaken, there was a good Executioners story there a couple of years back.

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Short of official stuff, there's always diamonds in the rough in the fan fiction section. If I'm not mistaken, there was a good Executioners story there a couple of years back.

Though not official stuff but I'll be sure to check it out! :tu:

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In a manner of thinking it's not so bad. The quality of BL work is--varied to put it politely, and at least for me personally BL books have done more to ruin factions I initially loved (ie Iron Warriors and Emperor's Children)  than they have expanded and explored factions that I loved to make me love them more (Night Lords).  So, I'm quite happy with what he have in the IA books, FW in general does excellent background work and has that faux military history vibe to their books that gives the factions a gritty verisimilitude that GW proper and especially most BL lack.

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