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CC Scouts, Great Troop Choice!


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So I was bummed when the new codex came out and I couldnt take assault squads as troops. I was like, "really I have to take tactical squads now :("   I was bummed mainly because I wanted my army to be as close combat oriented as possible.  Tacticals are good, but not the flavor I wanted.

I recently figured something out that goes in line with my max close combt theme; CCW equipped Scouts.  Take two squads of 5, and deploy them together. They do a lot of work  for their points cost.  They also let you save points for the other saucy units that made you choose BA as your army in the first place.

If you are looking for a full close combat army, but dont want to be restricted to one of the formations, and dont want to spend a lot of points on troop choices,  I highly recommend this as a choice.




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Scouts rock hard for so many reasons, they just need numbers.

People complain that the scouts never make their points back or did nothing all game, but it's usually becuase they only took one squad of 5.


10 sniper scouts is a force to be reckoned with, and 10 C/C scouts with a powerfist sgt? they wreck face!.

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Scouts rock hard for so many reasons, they just need numbers.

People complain that the scouts never make their points back or did nothing all game, but it's usually becuase they only took one squad of 5.


10 sniper scouts is a force to be reckoned with, and 10 C/C scouts with a powerfist sgt? they wreck face!.

^ This exactly, scouts should always be taken as a minimum of 10.


If you take two 5 man squads you fill your troop requirement and deploy them together!  Remember the scouts get furious charge and a 10 man blob of charging CC Scouts can throw out more attacks than 5 man DC on the charge for roughly the same points!  

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Put 'em in a Landraider and/or with a tasty HQ (like Sang. Priest or Libby) and what appears to be an underwhelming group of 'just scouts' can actually do some proper damage!


Edit: Land Raider Excelsior is even better as you can give a nice Special rule to the squad inside before it charges! (Preferred enemy or hit & run could work nicely here...)

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Aye, 10 scouts will do work for sure. I currently have 11 scouts in my possession, 6 combat, 4 snipers and a HB. Deffo will plop them into lists to be annoyances.


If you think of them as essentially better Ork Ard Boys then you see how deadly they are.

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Oh but Eldar Jetbikes blah, blah, blah.


I'm really beginning to detest the C:SM rumour thread...


As for me, I love Scouts and if the models weren't awful, I'd have a lot more than I do now. There's also a review on the Resources page I made when our Codex hit because so many were so glum about losing RAS as Troops :)

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I ran 30 scouts tonight in a 1750 game, all close combat 10 with camo cloaks (for 2+ to ground). Ran them in a CAD for obsec game ended at 5 with them holding 2 out of 2 objectives :) I tried to combat squad and outflank 4 5man units, it was definatly helpful delaying them on so i had time to pop artillery.  I kinda feel like adding 10 more. 

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10 scouts (sarge with power weapon) with sanguinary priest (AP2 sword) in crusader in baal strike force give you 4 I6 WS5 S5 AP2 priest attacks + 4 I5 WS5 S5 AP3 + 27 I5 WS4 S5 AP- attacks. And numbers count - this force can take (ang already did) 7 marines before they can even swing! And having 5+ FNP they are as durable as MEQ and against power weapons even more so. Scouts rock and you should not under estimate them :-).

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I have 2 10-man squads of the old scouts, 1 each with CCW+BP and sniper rifles. I think the old metal ones look at lot better than the plastics.


You can get some badass poses out of the plastics, a squad of 10 metal knife and pistol scouts would really suffer from the limited poses. The heads are bad but that's the only advantage to the metals.

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I think there was someone on here singing the praises of an army that featured 4 x 10 CC equipped scouts. 


Infiltrate is really handy. T2 with drop pods, and there should be so many assault options for you. 


If nothing else -I find BA rely on reserves, be it fliers or drop pods, so we run the risk of losing everything T1 with bad reserve roles. Small units of scouts with camo cloaks are mitigation against this, as they can be hid. Hellfire rounds on a heavy bolter are a hidden gem as well. 


I agree on the potential of the scouts in close combat, assuming BSF so I5.


Regarding the models - I like the old metal ones. Having said that, there are plently of alternatives available. BTW - I also think it is widely accepted that if you paint scouts in camo they count as having camo cloaks. 

Scouts are also our cheapest "speed bump" unit. So when you have TWC coming at you, sacrifice minimum units of scouts, so that death company can get the counter-charge. 

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There was a list recently that won a tournament (can't remember the link but sure it will be somewhere on this site) that went x2 squads of 10 ccw scouts with meph and corbudo both in landraiders. Its made me really look hard at the idea. Let us know how it runs in some bat reps please!

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I ran a single land raider with Meph and 10 scouts a few weeks ago.  Used shield of sanguinious with them and assaulted some deathwing knights and won the combat eventually, the 5+ invul really helped. I honestly think 10 DC and a chaplain would be better and costs the same, but i guess it depends on the situation. Scouts sure are fun to play, since you have many options.

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I run an army with 2 X 5 or 10 man ccw scouts. The rest are various jump troops.  The ability to mass assault one enemy flank on turn 2 has been awesome. It has turned around some hairy situations for me. 


Also a torso/head swap on the plastic scouts can do wonders for them. Makes the assault Marines look huge. Especially on the 32mm bases. 



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I regularly run a lot of scouts in my SOTE army, I'd literally give my right arm to have furious charge on them.

Remember they are pretty handy in a storm raven due to being able to jump out safely. Support by some of the funky dreads you guys get could really rain on someone's parade....

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I've had three games with a list with the following in it:

2 x 5 scouts, ccw, heavy bolter / hellfire

1 x 5 scouts, heavy bolter / hellfire, sniper rifles (allied sm).


In all three games I was happy with these units. Sniper rifles were useless though.


In one game the 3 heavy bolters were great at chipping a way at inquisition units.

In another they attracted a lot of firepower I was happy not to see aimed at my other.

In the last the 2 x ccw scouts chipped away at some carnifexes with the heavy bolter, doing a couple of wounds. When one of those nod drop pods came down (the100pt mc one with lots of cannons) both units assaulted and killed it before it got to strike (6 unsaved wounds).


These ccw scouts are keepers!

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