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Alternative Scouts heads

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Any of the above may prove useful. :)


actually, the list here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/304610-the-forges-of-mars-bits-models-sellers/ covers most suppliers. Its worth having a scout around. Also, if you have a vague idea for a theme, google 28mm miniatures of a type that may be similar (EG greek hoplite, ww2 GI, ww1 tommy with gasmask, etc) and see what you get. You would be amazed what is out there! :D





Find a pebble in the yard and paint a happy face on it. Or a mean face. Either way, better than the heads supplied in kit laugh.png

I went through a pretty painstaking process for my Neophytes. One was using SM helmeted heads, but shaving off the top crest/vent thing to make the size a bit more reasonable:


The other involved a whole lot of drilling, shaving, and twisting (not to mention the tedium of painting skin), but I think it looks better:


Seeing as you want helmets, I suppose the first method is more useful. But I'd consider doing the extra work of bare heads. It pays off, I think :)

Thanks everyone


I forgot to mention the chapter, which is the mantis Warriors.  Do you guys think these helmets are going to far theme wise? http://puppetswar.com/product.php?id_product=92


If so, I will be doing the striker helmets(they look great), or Fire power methods(excellent conversion and paint job). 

Guest uk_crow

These look pretty good, I'm surprised they aren't used more often.





Well, they're not helmeted, but I bought the mohawk bare heads from Mad Robot Miniatures for that old-school vibe... They're nicely sculpted and a good fit (being slightly smaller and better-proprtioned thant he plastic scout heads). Detail, casting quality, and shipping speed were all excellent - and I ordered from overseas.


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