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What you need to do is:

  • Go to your gallery. You can find your gallery by going to your profile tab at the top of any page, opening the tab and clicking 'My Gallery'.
  • You then enter your gallery and click on the image you want to use. This will take you to a page where only that image is displayed, instead of the whole gallery.
  • Click the 'Options' button.
  • Click 'View all sizes'.
  • Select the size of the image you wish to use.
  • Click the picture itself and you should see a page where you will have only the image and a lot of blank, white space displayed.
  • Copy the address of the image.
  • In the box where you write before you post, there should be a button that looks like a tiny picture. Click this. It should bring up a window that says 'Image Properties'.
  • Paste the address into the URL box.
  • Click okay and you should see a picture:


This is an just old picture of mine that I wanted to use as an example. There's nothing special about it but I do hope that it illustrates what should occur after you follow my steps. :)

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I'm Olis, actually. Redemptio Calidus is my assigned Moderator title. :)


So, what is it you wish to do? Post these pictures in the Dark Angels subforum perhaps?

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In that case, go to the Dark Angels subforum, click the button that says 'Start new topic' and make a thread using the page that comes up. Simply add a title and use my previous tips to post some pictures. You'll probably want to add some text as well explaining you are new and these are your space marines. smile.png

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