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Imperial Vanguards


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My first chapter ever! I fleshed them out but I'd like some advice on how to better them. So here they are:


Immperial Vanguard marine

Founding: 10th founding

History: Imperial Vanguards were formed during the 10th founding alongside Astral Claws and other chapters in response to planets in segmentum pacificus denying the High Lords of Terra. Their particular task was to defend planets on the fringes of the imperium and protect them against xeno and chaos incursions which is what the chapters does to present day. They have been travelling for more than 5000 years along the fringes of imperial space liberating planet after planet.

Chapter Master: Ischtvan Krellys

Battle Cry: '' We are the vanguard, the unbreakable shield!'' or '' We die for the innocent''

Homeworld: None fleet based

Fortress Monastery: Battle barge Vanguard of Valor

Strength: 1000+ marines

Organisation: The Imperial Vanguards, while loyal to the emperor, follow the Codex Astartes somewhat loosely and generally prefer to improvise if the situation requires them to do so. Their fleet is split up into 5 detachments each made up of around 4 strike cruisers 10 frigates and 19 destroyers. The detachments are named after their flagship battle barge

Vanguard detachment (Chaos)

Excalibur detachment (Orks)

Void Crusader detachment (Tyranids)

Holy Protector detachment (Eldar/Dark Eldar)

Bannisher Detachment (Necrons)

Each detachment is specialized in dealing with a certain threat (as seen next to the detachments name)

Each detachment has around a 200 marines and anywhere 2 companies

In case of a large enemy threat the detachments will come together in order to face it full force.

Since the Imperial Vanguards are spread out quite a bit their company organisation is significantly different from other chapters.

Command squad: 3 veterans, apothecary, chaplain,librarian

1st squad: The 1st squad is always a terminator squad. The terminator squads are spread trough the chapter instead of being cramped into one company.

2nd squad: tactical squad

3rd squad: tactical squad

4th squad: tactical squad

5th squad: assault squad

6th squad:assault squad

7th squad: devastator squad

8th squad: assault squad

9th squad: devastator squad

10th squad: As with the terminators the scouts are spread out and the 10th squad is always scouts.

Recruitment: Recruitment is completed once a planet has been liberated and rebuilt. Vanguards will usually choose citizens proven in battle to be recruited as Neophytes and other skilled citizens and Mechanicus will be recruited to serve onboard the chapters voidships.

Tactics: Imperial Vanguards are bitter loyalists and see themselves as ultimate protectors of imperial citizens. They will more often than not sacrifice their lives to save only a handful civilians. One such example is a Dreadnought Brother Sacrhomenos who sacrificed himself killing a Bio-Titan that was attacking a schola full of children. They will oftenly tactically advance upon their enemies trying to push them away from populated areas while evacuating civilians at the same time. In some cases they will try and encircle enemy an enemy force and wipe it out completely. To minimise casualties Imperial Vangurads will deploy heavily armored vehicles. It is also known that Bannisher and Excalibur detachment each have a leviathan.


The most notable tradition that sets apart the Imperial Vanguards from all other chapters are their shields. The chapters members carry medium sized(compared to the size of a space marine) shields into battle. The shields are painted in the standard chapters colors and are made out of hardened adamntium and coated in ceramite. These shields are so tough that nothing short of a lascannon can damage them. The higher ranking and older the space marine carrying the shield is the more ornate and decorated the shield gets. One might wonder just how tough are these shields? Well it was noted on one occasion when a squad of Vanguards were escorting a large civilian convoy fleeing an ork raid that the battle brother Orthos Aramis an assault marine was chopping an ork up when his shield got hit from the main gun on a looted Leman Russ. The shield was slightly dented but got schorched badly however it held and protected it's bearer. The shields themselves are passed on from marines that fell to the neophytes that replace them. As soon as the Neophyte turns into a full battle brother he is handed the shield. The shields are owned by all full Battle Brothers but it brought to combat most commonly by Captains, chaplains and assaults. Sometimes tactical marines and devastators will bring it to battle but on rare occasions. One of the biggest shames an Imperial Vanguard can experience is loosing his shield. If he looses it because of carelesness he is severley punished and promptly mocked by all other members and not allowed to participate in battle until he gets a new one which is usually requisitioned on the nearest forge world.

Relations: As a result of their never ending sacrifices to save imperiums people Imperial Vanguards are favored by quite a few worlds and are respected by Lamenters and Salamanders (who they fought along once). Vanguards are respected or loved by pretty much all worlds they saved, sometimes the planets are so thankful to the Vanguards that they will more often than not provide them a constant stream of supplies and recruits. The most notable are Forgeworlds Khamis II and Adria whose mechanicus supply the chapter with vehicles and engineseers. Another ally is a titan legion known as Legio Eternus based on the forge world Etriel who the Imperial Vanguards protected from an ork WAAAAAAGH! loosing over 20 battle brothers and 2 terminators and 4 land raiders in the process. To show their gratitude towards the Imperial Vanguards, Legio Eternus put themselves at the chapters disposal and can be commonly seen aiding the chapter with Warhounds and sometimes Warlord titans. It is also known that several Agri worlds are regular suppliers for the Imperial Vanguards. The chapter also earned respects (mainly the Holy Protector detachment) from the Knight house Winterveil who they helped defend their homeworld from a Dark Eldar raid. Imperial Vanguards proven themselves against the Dark Eldar earning the houses respect. As such it is not uncommon for House Winterveil's knights to be found fighting alongside Holy Protector detachment. The chapter also has a secret relations with the craftworld of Arach-Qin who they fought alongside during a tyranid incursion on a forgeworld. The craftworld accidentaly made a jump to the forgeworld and was forced to fight alongside the marines. After a while tho they gained each others trust and now assist each other if needed. Despite their good reputation the inquisiton is not very fond of the Vanguards. This is due to the events of the feudal world Atricia that was invaded by a small detachment of chaos marines during the 12th black crusade. The Inquistion wanted to exterminatus the planet due to the whole population being subject to chaos taint, as such they ordered the chapter to leave before the exterminatus initiates. However the chapter simply couldn't bare to witness 3 million people wiped out just like that and engaged the inquistion voidships destroying the majority of them. This lead to a 50 year long conflict between the Inquisition and the Imperial Vanguards which saw the deathwach included into the fray. Imperial Vanguards suffered grievous losses with their 5th company completely obliterated and all companies but the 1st and the 9th suffering casualties. On the end it was discovered that the Inquistor that was going to exterminatus the planet was actually tainted and was planning to open a warp rift there. As such the Imperial Vanguards were granted the Emperor's forgivness and tasked to kill the inquisitor which they proceded to do in 2 months.

Notable engagements: The Necron rising of Cygnus Delta 456 M35 Before any other engagement the Imperial Vanguards were pulled up to save a world from a necron awakening. This battle was lead by the initial chapter master Trey Haggaran who lead the charge at the Necrons.

The battle began with the entire chapter securing one of the cities before the arrival of the necrons. Before soon the recon squad reported necron incursion on the west side of the city. Haggaran quickly rushed to the site with the 1st and the 3rd company to contain the necrons. After the companies rushed in with rhinos and land raiders cutting trough the necron ranks. As he was charging trough the necrons Trey Haggaran saw the damage necrons did. He saw elders, children and many civilians simply vaporized by the necrons or crushed to pulp by falling buildings. The sights of the massacre instilled rage into him that caused him to combust into uncontrollable rage and charge carelessly trough the necron ranks before annihilating the Necron tomb lord that was leading their force in a hand to hand battle. The only causalty suffered in the battle was Karis Levvoman a devastator marine. One other battle brother Sachramentos was heavily injured and placed into a dreadnought. In return for saving the planet the governor gave Haggaran a master crafted ornate shield with a sword in the middle and an inscription on the shield ''praeventores'' ( High gothic for vanguard.... I think). Haggaran liked this gift and decided to adopt the shield with the sword and the inscription as a symbol of the chapter. This was the origin of the chapters tradition of shields.

The rebelion on Acrimosis circa 567 M35 The chapters 1st and 2nd company were dispatched to supress the rebelion on the civilized world Acrimosis. When they arrived there they found out that a small part of the population tried to fight the rebels but were cornered and bombarded in one of the cities. The Imperial Vanguards quickly forced away the rebels and remained on the planet for the following several years re-establishing Imperial rule on the planet. From this they learned how to rebuild fallen worlds, a task they will find themselves doing oftenly.

The Ork WAAAGH! on Forge world Etrius 789 M36 By this time the Imperial vanguards reclaimed at least 50 worlds in the emperors name. Trey Haggaran and his marines established their duty of protecting the Imperiums civilians and developed their doctrine. This time the WAAAGH! led by the Warboss Bloodshedda. The WAAAGH! was pretty minor compared to most but it still took the whole might of the chapter to hold it down loosing 20 battle brothers 2 terminators and 4 land raiders. However the titan legion appointed there was impressed by the bravery of the Vanguards and pleged alliance to the chapter and soon thereafter started following the chapter on it's crusade trough the segmentum pacifica and later tempestus. However the Imperial Vanguards soon heard the news that a planet in the nearby star system was attacked by the Black legion forces. When they arrived they found the planet scoured and all of the population killed off. After that the entire chapter vowed that they shall roam the galaxy liberating planets and avenging those that fell. Since then the chapter split up into five detachments and seperated to roam the galaxy.

Notable members: Ischtvan Krellys, Chapter Master- Ischtvan is an experienced marine and has seen many campaigns, he induced his combat doctrine of putting civilian lives as a priority into his marines. He is an expert tactician and a strong willed leader. He commands the elite Imperial Vanguards 1st company. He is well known for organizing collapsed governments on imperial worlds and encouraging their civilians to worship the emperor. He is a compassionate man and feels for all of the imperium and hates himself for not being able to do more, this fuels his rage in combat as he will oftenly simply cut trough waves of foes disregarding himself to protect as many as he can.

Weapons: Artificer Combi Plasma-bolter, Artificer plasma pistol, Artificer energy sword named Vigilant Defender.

Armor: Artificer mk 7 armor

Artificer storm shield, a powerful relic forged on mars enchanted by techpriests making it a potent weapon in combat.

A small jump pack that doesn't take up a lot of space but allows Ischtvan to perform short short long jumps.

Sachromenos,Dreadnought- Sachromenos was with the chapters since the beginning, in the chapters early days he was nearly killed by a Necron but he survived and was placed in a Dreadnought. Since then he fought in many engagements for millennia however he met his end defending a schola full of children from a Bio-titan.

Weapons:Assault cannon, heavy flamer,power fist

Karis Levvoman,tactical marine-The first imperial vanguard to die in battle he was killed by a necron.

Vintrel Etrelius, terminator-Most notable for charging down a Khorne beserker to defend a family.

Irrelan Cryos, scout- Scout sergeant, expert sniper.

Weapons: Stalker bolter,bolt pistol,chainsword

There is some more stuff to add but for now I'll stick with updating their conflicts.

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Nice start, scheme looks pretty good (although I'm not sure about the bronze codpiece?) and crusading but still humanitarian Marines sounds interesting.


A couple of problems if you're trying to work within the established lore:


Chapter numbers. This is a big no-no in the Imperium, just look at what happened to the Astral Claws because they started going over the 1K limit! Even the Black Templars - who used to be 'the' big Chapter - have been retconned by GW to suggest that they are more like a regular Chapter in size. Ask yourself whether it really adds anything to the theme or character of your Chapter to make them that big? (Or in gaming terms, are you ever going to collect enough models that you need to worry about if they're bigger than 1K?)


It can be made to work, but you need a really good reason and a convincing back story to do it. Generally it's not worth the bother.


Second issue, Chapters don't have Titans. It's all part of the division of power that took place after the Horus Heresy to prevent any one commander having too much. Titans are the province of the Collegia Titanicus which is subject to the Adeptus Mechanicus. The AdMech would go nuts at a Chapter that it found out had appropriated one or more of its God Machines. Not to mention that the Reaver (and even more so the Emperor) class is extremely rare, Warhounds and Warlords being the mainstay of the Titan Legions.


Simpler to say that the Chapter has good relations with its local Forgeworld and is often accompanied by Titan support (though even then I'd still shy away from having an Emperor class that follows them around)

Ok so I've decided to work on the chapters Fortress Monastery, the Battle barge Vanguard of Valor. So here it is!

Vanguard of Valor

The Battle barge Vanguard of  Valor doubles as the Imperial Vanguard's flagship and Fortress Monastery The Battle Barge is commanded by Chapter Master Ischtvaan Krellys.


Vanguard of Valor is a formidable warship outfitted with a vast arsenal of ship to ship weaponry and defenses. 

Along it's hull are displaced 317 laser battery's including over a hundred large quad lascannons. The ship is also equipped with around 105 plasma battery's used to devastate enemy void shields. The battle barge's broadside cannons are extremely powerful short to medium range weapons capable of destroying a battlecruiser in a single volley.

The ship also comes equipped with hundreds of Typhoon and Cyclone torpedo tubes, it also carries enough warheads to exterminatus dozens of worlds. The ship also comes equipped with macro cannon battery's that fire shells big enough for an imperial family to comfortably live in. Not to mention it has hundreds of lasers displaced along the hull for point defense.


Since Vanguard of Valor is the chapter's Fortress Monastery it is equipped with  everything a Fortress Monastery would need.

The main entrance into the ship are the hangar bays it can be seen loaded with Thunderhawks Storm Eagle's etc. This is also where a large portion of the chapter's vehicles can be seen stored. It is also not uncommon to find warhounds of Legio Eternus stored next to the large Leviathan warmachine. Rows of land raiders and razor backs are seen beeing maintained by the chapters techmarines and techpriests. 

The center of the ships is it's bridge located in the back of the ship. The bridge is highly ornate and is manned by at least 20 people at all times. It houses sensor stations, navigation and the chief Astropath.

Right below the bridge is the Librarium holding the chapter's knowledge repository. It is also the gather spot for the chapter's Librarians. The Librarium houses a vast starchart of all the recorded stars in the galaxy. The Librarium also holds a vast repository of records from the chapters past.

In the towers of the ships aft section are located the space marines cells. The members of the chapter are allowed to personalize their cells but most prefer them minimalistic. Vanguard of Valor usually carries no more than 200 marines at once but can fit all the marines in the chapter.

At the prow of the ship is located the Terrarium. Inside the terrarium species from multiple worlds grow, inside the Terrarium is also a small lake housing multiple docile species of fish. The terrarium doubles as a Solitorium and a place for the normal crew of the Battle barge to relax.

The ship also houses a large bar for the crew to relax, it is housed close to the Dormitories. The space marine themselves oftenly turn up here to communicate with the crew. The chapel of the chapter is located close to the Librarium, it is dedicated to the Emperor.

In a deep and a desolate portion of the Battle Barge is the Crypts. The Crypts house all the Battle Brothers of the chapter that gave their lives. The part of the ship it is located in is desolate and only accesible to the members of the chapter. In the reception are is the Great Hall where a lot of the chapters relics from battle are located.

One of the more important rooms is the Apothecarium where space marines and the crew have their injuries healed. This is also the main gathering spot for the chapters Apothecary's.

That's all for now I was thinking of adding more but I'm getting tired of writing. Tell me what you think!

Battle Cry: '' We are the vanguards, the unbreakable shield!'' or '' We die so the innocent may live!''

“We are the vanguard, the unbreakable shield!” might be more appropriate than vanguards plural. A vanguard is typically a group of soldiers, so “vanguards” normally refers to multiple groups of soldiers. I like the chant otherwise, very fitting. For the second one: who does your chapter define as the innocent?


Their fleet is split up into 5 detachments each made up of around 50 cruisers 100 frigates and 200 destroyers.

Most Imperial fleets are considerably smaller than this. For example, the Ultramarines have 10 Battle barges, 15 Strike Cruisers, 20 Escorts (frigates and such), and 75 Thunderhawks in total for their whole chapter. Of course, they are not fleet-based, but I don’t expect anyone would have much more.


Notable engagements: …

You want to make sure that your chapter’s notable engagements are telling us a story about your chapter. They’re used most effectively when we learn something about their character and beliefs of your space marines as a result of having read them. Giving a date and naming an enemy, lets us know the sort of challengers your chapter has faced and how recently, but what is more important is what happened when your chapter faced these challenges. How did each battle affect your marines? Did they change a doctrine as a result of something they learned? Do they hold a feast to celebrate a victory? Did they suffer any particular losses?


It's a good start, I look forward to seeing how it progresses!


Battle Cry: '' We are the vanguards, the unbreakable shield!'' or '' We die so the innocent may live!''

“We are the vanguard, the unbreakable shield!” might be more appropriate than vanguards plural. A vanguard is typically a group of soldiers, so “vanguards” normally refers to multiple groups of soldiers. I like the chant otherwise, very fitting. For the second one: who does your chapter define as the innocent? 

Their fleet is split up into 5 detachments each made up of around 50 cruisers 100 frigates and 200 destroyers.

Most Imperial fleets are considerably smaller than this. For example, the Ultramarines have 10 Battle barges, 15 Strike Cruisers, 20 Escorts (frigates and such), and 75 Thunderhawks in total for their whole chapter. Of course, they are not fleet-based, but I don’t expect anyone would have much more. 

Notable engagements: …

You want to make sure that your chapter’s notable engagements are telling us a story about your chapter. They’re used most effectively when we learn something about their character and beliefs of your space marines as a result of having read them. Giving a date and naming an enemy, lets us know the sort of challengers your chapter has faced and how recently, but what is more important is what happened when your chapter faced these challenges. How did each battle affect your marines? Did they change a doctrine as a result of something they learned? Do they hold a feast to celebrate a victory? Did they suffer any particular losses?It's a good start, I look forward to seeing how it progresses!

The Ultras have 10 battle barges?


Seems I remember them having 2.


Their fleet is split up into 5 detachments each made up of around 50 cruisers 100 frigates and 200 destroyers.

Most Imperial fleets are considerably smaller than this. For example, the Ultramarines have 10 Battle barges, 15 Strike Cruisers, 20 Escorts (frigates and such), and 75 Thunderhawks in total for their whole chapter. Of course, they are not fleet-based, but I don’t expect anyone would have much more.



50 cruisers, 100 frigates and 200 destroyers is immense ! http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Navy for a WHOLE SECTOR, you get at most 50 cruisers AND battleships for the sector fleet.


On the other hand, you can't kit out too many battle barges either, because there is a cap of 3 battle barges for each chapter. Even the Ultramarines don't have 10 battle barges at any one time, they have had 10 over the last 10 millenia (from what I gather : http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Ultramarines#Chapter_Fleet)

There is a Fleet resource thread in the Ultramarines forum that had gone to great lengths to fully name and classify the Chapter Fleet, and I believe this is where those numbers come from.


It might be prudent to point out that the references in that resource include destroyed ships and historical vessels, not just their current ships. I believe it has been stated somewhere that there are currently three battle-barges serving the Chapter. It's just that there have been ten named battle-barges at some point over the years in the lore and Chapter history.


That said, there is no hard cap from what I am aware of. There is a major desire and push for keeping Chapter fleets small and specialized in comparison to Naval fleets that all Chapters are forces to abide by on pain of destruction, but it is not a codified limitation involving hard-set numbers that can't be defied. Especially when you consider the extensive peripheral fleet assets a Chapter could access, up to and including Star Forts, as well as the differences between the fleets of world-based and fleet-based Chapters.


The Ultramarines should be considered a handy reference however, as an upper limit of expected world-based Chapter fleets, considering the vastly higher stature they have in-setting in the eyes of the powers that be. It would be highly unusual for one of our Chapters to enjoy more resources than the Ultramarines themselves, without necessary explanation, such as being fleet-based.



Their fleet is split up into 5 detachments each made up of around 50 cruisers 100 frigates and 200 destroyers.

Most Imperial fleets are considerably smaller than this. For example, the Ultramarines have 10 Battle barges, 15 Strike Cruisers, 20 Escorts (frigates and such), and 75 Thunderhawks in total for their whole chapter. Of course, they are not fleet-based, but I don’t expect anyone would have much more. 

The Ultras have 10 battle barges?


Seems I remember them having 2.




On the other hand, you can't kit out too many battle barges either, because there is a cap of 3 battle barges for each chapter. Even the Ultramarines don't have 10 battle barges at any one time, they have had 10 over the last 10 millenia (from what I gather : http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Ultramarines#Chapter_Fleet)



There is a Fleet resource thread in the Ultramarines forum that had gone to great lengths to fully name and classify the Chapter Fleet, and I believe this is where those numbers come from.


It might be prudent to point out that the references in that resource include destroyed ships and historical vessels, not just their current ships. I believe it has been stated somewhere that there are currently three battle-barges serving the Chapter. It's just that there have been ten named battle-barges at some point over the years in the lore and Chapter history.


That said, there is no hard cap from what I am aware of. There is a major desire and push for keeping Chapter fleets small and specialized in comparison to Naval fleets that all Chapters are forces to abide by on pain of destruction, but it is not a codified limitation involving hard-set numbers that can't be defied. Especially when you consider the extensive peripheral fleet assets a Chapter could access, up to and including Star Forts, as well as the differences between the fleets of world-based and fleet-based Chapters.


The Ultramarines should be considered a handy reference however, as an upper limit of expected world-based Chapter fleets, considering the vastly higher stature they have in-setting in the eyes of the powers that be. It would be highly unusual for one of our Chapters to enjoy more resources than the Ultramarines themselves, without necessary explanation, such as being fleet-based.


I apparently have been away from forums for long enough that I've forgotten how to BBCode. Here is the link that I had attempted to post in reference to those numbers: Ultramarine Order of Battle. On Warhammer Wiki under the Order of Battle Section of the Ultramarines page, the Master of the Fleet entry lists numbers. I am not sure of their source or accuracy.

You may be interested in this thread, which has info compiled on the Ultramarines naval assets over the last eight years, and includes references from earlier sources.


The information is better sourced, and you can read the full discussion that built the list for a better understanding.

Fifth edition codex lists Ultras fleet as


8 strike cruisers


3 battle barges ( Octavius , Caesar, Severian)


12 rapid strike vessels


31 Thunderhawk Gunships


Fifth edition Blood Angels list


7 strike cruisers


2 battle barges ( Blood Caller, Blade of Vengeance)


16 rapid strike vessels


36 Thunderhawk Gunships


3 Thunderhawk transporters


I can only assume that the codex gives a "current" list.

  • 3 weeks later...


Battle Cry: '' We are the vanguards, the unbreakable shield!'' or '' We die so the innocent may live!''

“We are the vanguard, the unbreakable shield!” might be more appropriate than vanguards plural. A vanguard is typically a group of soldiers, so “vanguards” normally refers to multiple groups of soldiers. I like the chant otherwise, very fitting. For the second one: who does your chapter define as the innocent?


Their fleet is split up into 5 detachments each made up of around 50 cruisers 100 frigates and 200 destroyers.

Most Imperial fleets are considerably smaller than this. For example, the Ultramarines have 10 Battle barges, 15 Strike Cruisers, 20 Escorts (frigates and such), and 75 Thunderhawks in total for their whole chapter. Of course, they are not fleet-based, but I don’t expect anyone would have much more.


Notable engagements: …

You want to make sure that your chapter’s notable engagements are telling us a story about your chapter. They’re used most effectively when we learn something about their character and beliefs of your space marines as a result of having read them. Giving a date and naming an enemy, lets us know the sort of challengers your chapter has faced and how recently, but what is more important is what happened when your chapter faced these challenges. How did each battle affect your marines? Did they change a doctrine as a result of something they learned? Do they hold a feast to celebrate a victory? Did they suffer any particular losses?


It's a good start, I look forward to seeing how it progresses!


Innocent is defined by the chapter as a citizen of the Imperium. Nobility,middle class,low class,slaves,even mutants are who the chapter members will gladly give their lives in for.


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