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Lord Thørn's presentation

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Hello, I'm Lord Thørn (aka Thomas), I'm 21, from France, I am currently studying mechanical/aeronautical engineering, and I have been in the Hobby for seven years.


I first got hooked when a couple of friends played a game of 40k at my high school, and one of them lent me the PC game Dawn of War.


In wargaming, I only play 40k : I started out with Chaos Space Marines, but when I discovered Space Wolves (that's when they came out in 5th ed) I immediately fell in love. I have now decided to mix the two aspects in one army, loosely inspired by ADB's Shadow Wolves. Several years later, I decided to start a new army, and I opted for Eldar (just before they came out in 6th).

I am not a competitive player, and I have two main gaming partners, who play 3 xenos factions, so I have absolutely no experience in fighting Power Armour.


I also play roleplaying games, mainly with the warhammer fantasy 2nd ed rules (I find that it is an easy world to play in, with streamlined rules), but also with several of the 40k rpg's as well (Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader for the moment).



In the hobby, I like painting and playing games (I'm not horrendous at the first...), but I especially like the fluff behind 40k, and I am now trying to develop my own Imperial Sector (the Sarment Sector).



I joined this forum because I really like reading topics here rather than on any of the other big forums, because the community here seems much more positive and helpful. I also especially like the Space Marine painters, and I'd be very happy to give a hand in creating new ones for the other factions (I have a small background in programming and in using The Gimp) if ever you wish to go down that path.




Anyway, I'm happy to be here and I hope to read your thoughts on this forum in the near future.

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Hello Lord Thørn !


Welcome ! (though it may be a little strange for me to welcome you here: I only posted my first post last week.... And I did not properly introduce myself, yet !)


All the best in all your endeavours (should they be in a world full of Astartes, or Engineering ;) ) !


Cheers !

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