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I finally take some time to introduce myself properly.


My name is Stéphane, and I also go by the name of dPm. But since it's taken, most of the time, I don't bother anymore and I added the "master" before it. Anyways!


I'm a 30 years old engineer, working for a planemaker. I live in Toulouse, France.


I'm also the father of a little girl who is two months old... (I started the post around 9:20 am, who knows when I'll finish it !)


I'm interested in a lot of things: photography, aviation, music, cinema, .... and of course 40k (and 30k, for that matter)


I started 40k, in 1999 or 2000, by building a Space Marine army. Then I bought some Imperial Guard troops. Then I went crazy with the Tau before it was cool an Empire...


I moved to Toulouse in 2008, and I stopped playing. I wanted to continue the hobby part but the flat I lived in was not fantastic. It was small and did not have enough room for hobby. You build an army on the living room table... 


But I finally moved to a better place where I could start again. I was dared by a colleague to assemble a 500 pts army. So I built some Necrons... But I did not get the vibes I had with Space Marines. So I went back to Space Marines, only to choose another chapter: the Red Scoprions. (and some GK...)


So here I am. I wandered here after a Google search... Amazed by the talent of the people here.


I started my WIP topic here... 


Enough said, I guess... See you around ;)

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Welcome masterdPM,


We look forward for your work (with minis - not with planes :D). Enjoy your time here and have a brief look at the forum rules.


Feel free to ask any questions! :)

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