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2000pt Raven Guard


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So I made what is sure to be a very stereotypical Raven Guard alpha strike list with Maun. It's very important to note that my group plays with 30k scoring in case that factors into a critique of the list. The basic idea is that the tac squads come down turn 1 and combi melta a significant threat like a scorpius, while the grav cannons target anything that has a large footprint (spartans, sicarans, landraiders) with the darkfire castellax finishing off any damaged vehicles. The sniper mor deythan would try and put wounds on/pick off the crew of any opposing rapiers or castellax while the scorpius punishes any expensive power armoured target like culverin support squads. Turn two the combi flame mor deythan would outflank, putting pressure on and hopefully disrupting the backline, maun's empty pod would arrive to contest an objective and the two javelins can deepstrike to get side armour with 5 str 8 shots.


Against melee centric armies, the plan would to be cripple their big deathstar with grav and darkfire and not put the squads in the pods.


If theres more than one flyer (or if its a fire raptor) in the list I'll have a hard time, but as far as I know theres a total of one xiphon and one lightning so I can get away with almost no aa. Worst case the javelins can threaten with twinlinked cyclones.


Absolute worst case is a melee list in storm eagles; I'd have to turtle and bubble wrap with the tac squads, hoping theyd get killed in one round of combat so I could shoot with my mor deythan in my turn. Would heavily depend on terrain, objective placement and my opponent's cageyness for me to pull a win/tie

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1997pts) ++
+ HQ (547pts) +
Legion Centurion (372pts) [Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Bolter, Cameleoline]
····Castellax Class Battle-Automata Maniple [Enhanced Targeting Array]
········Castellax [Darkfire Cannon, Two Power Blades]
········Castellax [Darkfire Cannon, Two Power Blades]
········Praevian [Cortex Controller]
Strike Captain Alvarex Maun (175pts) [Legion Drop Pod]
····Master of the Legion [Decapitation Strike]
+ Troops (420pts) +
Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-Melta, Melta Bombs]
Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-Melta, Melta Bombs]
+ Elites (725pts) +
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (225pts)
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]
Mor Deythan Strike Squad (175pts) [Artificer Armour, 5x Combi-Flamer, Melta Bombs, 4x Mor Deythan]
Mor Deythan Strike Squad (150pts) [4x Mor Deythan, 5x Sniper Rifle]
Mor Deythan Strike Squad (175pts) [Artificer Armour, 5x Combi-Flamer, Melta Bombs, 4x Mor Deythan]
+ Fast Attack (190pts) +
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (95pts)
····Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi-melta]
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (95pts)
····Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi-melta]
+ Heavy Support (115pts) +
Legion Whirlwind Scorpius (115pts)
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XIX: Raven Guard]
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