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A Quick Hello

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I posted a quick intro in the AM army list page but for those that haven't seen that one here I am again. I've been playing 40K on and off since rogue trader, having bought the first boxed set of beakie marines GW made. Since then I've had an eldar army and now an AM army. I stopped playing 40K for quite a while and have only just come back into it again right before the current edition was released.

So with all of that I'm now in the process of getting a fighting force of my Catachan guard together and hopefully getting them painted completely. I'm also coming to grips with the new rules such as cover changes and the mass ignore cover weapons bouncing around...My first games back had me win against a chaos army and get wiped by the farsight conclave with it's ignore cover, no LoS smart missile systems.

Apart from that, I'm moved to Singapore from Oz a few years back which is also when I started to get back into the hobby. Although small the 40K group is pretty active here which is good. I've found myself actually taking a liking to rules discussions recently as well...I hope I'm not turning into a rules nazi lol blink.png

Anyway looking to enjoying a good discussion and working more on my army to share with you guys.



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