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Forge World Agripinaa Skitarii


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I've recently started painting again after an earlier burst of enthusiasm a few months back, when I discovered an untouched Assault on Black Reach boxed set I'd bought back when it was current. I painted up the Space Marines as Sons of Medusa and made a fair start on the orks before running out of steam.


The Adeptus Mechanicus as its own army revitalised my interest, not least because they make sense with the Sons of Medusa if I ever decide to try and find some games to play. For now, though, I'm just trying to improve my painting - which, at this stage, largely means "get the right colours in the right places".


I took these photos outside in the morning sun, so forgive me if they're a little washed out - especially on the plasma and arc weapons. Here's the showcase:








Ranger Alpha with arc pistol and taser goad (and I just now realised I didn't colour his goad, so that's something to fix!)




Ranger with plasma caliver








Rangers with galvanic rifles









Vanguard with transuranic arquebus (not sure it's a good choice if I do end up gaming!)




Vanguard with arc rifle








Vanguard with radium carbines

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Yeah, I quite literally put them together as my whims took me. Same goes for the pistol and goad on the Ranger Alpha - probably not amazing choices.

Ah well, rule of cool on the ranger Alpha cool.png ,although that kit out does help him defend the unit from a vehicle/dread tie up thumbsup.gif .

and to quote Shaun of the dead in regards to the Ranger Alpha's crotch eek.gif "you've got red on you"...it needs leadbelcher !


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