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Cassel's Company


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So I figure it is about time for an update.


I have acquired a non mobile phone camera, so will upload some pictures!  The infantry are pretty much done, the tanks I'm figuring out how to proceed, I'm heavily considering giving them a whole body wash of earth shade, I want them dirty.









Currently only the bottom of that one tank was earth washed, just seeing how it would look.
Army status:
20 Infantry
3 Leman Russ
1 Chimera
Assembled and primed:
2 Wyverns
10 Advancing Infantry
10 Grenadiers
3 Sentinels
40 Advancing Infantry
20 Firing Infantry
Typhus corrosion followed by agrax earthshade work very well together. I use that combination on my armour for weathering. You could also drybrush the lower legs (calfs) rhinox hide, followed by karak stone then terminatus stone, that also gives a good weathered effect.

Cool, I look forward to it :tu: You can see how it looks on my ETL Stormsword's mud weathering. I put it on relatively thick, which is how it looks best in my opinion but you might want to experiment with less first to see what you like :)

Alright so I promised pictures of the armour, and here are some starters.  I really like the Typhus Corrosion, I layed it on heavy and they came up looking suitably muddy.  I feel like my girls have been trench fighting for a couple of years, precisely what I'm looking for.


Russ 2


Chimera 2

Next on the block is the second Chimera and two Wyverns, then 30 more infantry.  Hopefully they are done soon, as a Vulture and Vendetta are presently inbound to help round off the force.
Also I have discovered a local tabletop gamers group that has a suitable meeting time, so more battle reports with many different opponents are coming. :)

They look great, in a dirty sense. Looking at your Russ the exhausts look rather new and shiny, give them a coat of typhus, followed by a drybrush of Ryza rust and a drybrush of ironbreaker. It gives an oily, rusted exhaust look (see below) that will go well with the weathering you have introduced so well.

Example 1


Example 2


As long as you're always trying to improve or try out new things that's the important thing as that's how you grow as a hobbyist smile.png That doesn't mean you have to make a leap with every model though of course tongue.png Pick something that you'd like to improve upon then go looking for ideas.

For example lenses are all over the place and can make a big difference to how a model appears, most people use blending for this so a bit of research or questions here on the B&C and try something new out. That's how I finally got my weathering techniques down and even now I'm still looking to develop and improve on them thumbsup.gif

All you veterans feel free to give all the advice you have by the way.  I feel my painting has gone up a few notches just in the last few weeks through my interactions here.

Same sentiments here. Take a tour of the board as a whole there are some ridiculously talented people around who will happily share their techniques. Since I've joined the board 2 years ago i feel my painting has jumped forward leaps and bounds. Main thing is keep practising and experimenting.

The Emperors newest iron fist is ready to smash his enemies.







They still need to be rusted a little, but I was so happy with them I had to put out an update.   I'd like to thank everyone for their support here, it really helps alot in getting motivation.  I feel much more excited to play now that I won't be tabling grey soulless plastic.  Speaking of grey plastic, there is 40 infantry looking at me with wearing patience.  I think I'll assembly line-paint 30 of them before the aircraft.  Wish me luck!
Army status:
20 Infantry
3 Leman Russ
2 Chimeras
2 Wyverns
Assembled and primed:
10 Advancing Infantry
20 Firing Infantry
10 Grenadiers
3 Sentinels
40 Advancing Infantry


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