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Would anyone have any battle experience with Conscripts. It seems there are mixed reviews about them on other sites, just wanted to get some feedback from you guys.


Also, some pages say Conscripts cant be equiped with Heavy or Special Weapons but some pages say that for every 10 guys, 1 of tbem can be equipped with Lascannons, whats the actual rule for Heavy weps for these guys?

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Could they be used as a 50 soldier meat shield for the rest of your army though? 


That's pretty much what their use is. Put a basic commissar in the blob so that they don't break, or priests or whatever (I'd use a commissar, because I don't like priests). 


The other use is to bubblewrap your tanks. Same deal, commissar in the blob. 

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This article got me interested in conscript, but I have not used them yet.


"...This all totals to just over 1000pts with 185 bodies in it."

Eventually I will have enough guardsmen to play this army.  It sounds so fun. 

I've had really good luck with lasgun shots the last few games.  20-50 lasguns shooting rapid fire (even at BS2) is no joke.  Put a commisar in there like Ulrik said, then you are taking orders on a fairly reliable leadership #.  Give them first rank fire, now you have so many dice flying at the opponent.



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assult a knight and it cant do anything but squash one or two snotty teenagers for the rest of the game


Um, you're forgetting that the D strength weapon can generate more wounds, which spill over to the rest of the unit. That's 4 attacks that could generate enough wounds to gut the unit, and then there's stomp attacks on top of it. I think your reasoning is flawed, you'll have to keep dumping conscripts into that combat to keep that knight locked up, it's not a bad idea, but you're going to go though a lot of conscripts.

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how about adding an inquisitor with radgrenades and psychotroke grenades? -1T on your enemies and autohit on 2 when charging is a PITA when charging with 50 men! costs 55 points though so might as well make him a psycher to get that beefy biomancy roll coffeegrunt posted about recently!

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Interestingly, a 50 man blob of Conscripts in CAD is ObjSec, so they're brilliant for camping local objectives or even spreading out to contest multiple points of interest. They won't hold up long without some Leadership support, and both of our options have advantages and disadvantages. The MInistorum Priest is a good idea if you want these guys to do extra damage in melee, as he lets them re-roll hits in Round 1 with Zealot and his prayers can give them some nice buffs, too. The Commissar can at first appear inferior since he kills your Conscripts to keep them from fleeing, but keep in mind that he gives them Stubborn to reduce the chance of this happening (along with his high Ld), and he doesn't prevent them from Going to Ground! as the Priest's Zealot rule does.

That said, it's a lot of bodies to paint so if you value having fully painted units (as many of us do), it's a heck of a project! wacko.png

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Um, you're forgetting that the D strength weapon can generate more wounds, which spill over to the rest of the unit.

Nope, Destroyer Weapons specifically don't do that. smile.png

Stomp is the scary part, though, especially if they 6 the Priest/Commissar.

I'm pretty sure that when you roll a 2-5 it causes d3+1 wounds, and 6's cause d6+6 wounds. I'm pretty sure that those wounds caused to a model spill over to the rest of the unit in combat.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the stomp attacks get resolved at AP2 because Knights have the Smash USR. It's not really clear, unless there is a rule I'm missing somewhere.

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Um, you're forgetting that the D strength weapon can generate more wounds, which spill over to the rest of the unit.

Nope, Destroyer Weapons specifically don't do that. smile.png

Stomp is the scary part, though, especially if they 6 the Priest/Commissar.

I'm pretty sure that when you roll a 2-5 it causes d3+1 wounds, and 6's cause d6+6 wounds. I'm pretty sure that those wounds caused to a model spill over to the rest of the unit in combat.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the stomp attacks get resolved at AP2 because Knights have the Smash USR. It's not really clear, unless there is a rule I'm missing somewhere.

Wrong on both counts. :)

The Destroyer Weapons rule specifically states that the Wounds are rolled against individual models and do not spill over. Additionally, the Stomp rule specifically states the stats of the attacks. All Superheavy Walkers/Gargantuan Creatures have Smash by default, anyway.

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Interestingly, a 50 man blob of Conscripts in CAD is ObjSec, so they're brilliant for camping local objectives or even spreading out to contest multiple points of interest. They won't hold up long without some Leadership support, and both of our options have advantages and disadvantages. The MInistorum Priest is a good idea if you want these guys to do extra damage in melee, as he lets them re-roll hits in Round 1 with Zealot and his prayers can give them some nice buffs, too. The Commissar can at first appear inferior since he kills your Conscripts to keep them from fleeing, but keep in mind that he gives them Stubborn to reduce the chance of this happening (along with his high Ld), and he doesn't prevent them from Going to Ground! as the Priest's Zealot rule does.

That said, it's a lot of bodies to paint so if you value having fully painted units (as many of us do), it's a heck of a project! wacko.png

I thought in 7th you had to declare which objectives they were trying to contest, or is it that you only have to declare which one they are holding if multiple are an option?

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The Destroyer Weapons rule specifically states that the Wounds are rolled against individual models and do not spill over. Additionally, the Stomp rule specifically states the stats of the attacks. All Superheavy Walkers/Gargantuan Creatures have Smash by default, anyway.



I just looked it up, and I stand corrected. That's stupid though, everywhere else wounds spill over. Destroyer weapons is on page 136. 

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50 conscripts with a priest is 175 points, about the cost of a full up space marine tactical squad with some equipment.  For 50 fearless motorscooters who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at 50 paces, but there's so damned many of them that they'll obliterate said tactical squad in a firefight at 6", to say nothing of their performance against the same ten marines in melee!  


Some other nasty tricks you can pull:  Give them a GKL for 50 3-point models with S5 melee attacks!  Give them Azrael (more precisely, the lion helm) for a 4++...and throw in the GKL, a pair of priests, and a few warp charges, and you have 3 point models with S5 that reroll to hit and to wound, and have a rerollable 3++!!!!! (sanctuary boosts the lion helm-granted 4++ to a 3++, and one of the priests grants rerolls on the save...)

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I plan on fielding conscripts one day, I just have to accumulate the models for it. They are so cheap, and have so many uses, it's hard to say no to them. Take two platoons for Troops choice, plus 2x50 man conscript squads, and you will will on account your opponent probably can't lay down enough wounds per turn, as you can throw bodies on objectives.

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I'd rather be sitting in Arizona and firing missiles from a drone, march...

PFFT! Drones... Taking all the fun out of war. So impersonal, firing a missile from a drone denies you the opportunity to deliver a personalized beatdown. And the chance to deliver some really zippy one liners!

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