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So with the release of the upcoming Space Marine and DA codices I am looking to start building a Relictors foce. The only problem is their aesthetic. Lets break down some tidbits that might help:

-Collect chaos artifacts, which is typically weaponry, and more than likely things used as trophies.

-They also 'follow' typical codex formation, laid out buy R.G.

-Gene seed unknown, possible hybrid Ultra/DA

-Have an inner conclave, where only the most senior and trained can use chaos artifacts/weapons

-More Librarians than usual


Since there aren't any pictures of them, or their pre-history before becoming the Relictors has been washed away in a sense, as their whole 'ideology' radically flipped.


It would be easy to give them a generic scheme like Crimson Fists, where they have no flair and the only thing that makes them different is the use of chaos items, just like their gloves are painted red. It would be the only thing to separate them from being standard.


Gene Seed aside, I actually feel that either a greek/ roman look similar to the ultra marines would work, or something akin to the DA aesthetic, robes n such for vets/ conclave members.


Anyways modelers, what would you do to beef up the aesthetic of these otherwise bland marines?

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They were featured in White Dwarf 295 at one stage, and I'm pretty sure they had a novella describing them at one stage. So far as aesthetic appearance goes you should consider the fact that they took a heck of a beating from the Inquisition and have been reduced to a few hundred battle-brothers, presumably scavenging for spare parts and patching up their armour as best they can. In that regard I'd advise mixing MkV and MkVII armour, or at least imitating some of MkV's appearance on MkVII.




I love the Relictors personally, and it's great to see someone pursuing them again. If you can find a copy of WD295 to torrent/download/buy I'd strongly advise picking it up.

Yeah I have all those old ones, it was those issues that put them on my radar. I am not quite sure, but I think the Inquisition thing was retconned or only appeared in a UK version.


Either way I am not certain what 'time frame' the actual game currently is in because I know editions and stories give conflicting dates and can also lead further into the future. For example, the chapter master Artekus Bardane died in a battle, in the future, which the current setting isn't even at yet, because we are set (as I recall) b4 the 13th black crusade..


Also, with the old fluff and articles of the Relictors being long gone since the newer GK codices, we have a GK (Castellan Crowe) wielding a demon weapon, and inquisitors can take them too. All to combat chaos with, which is what the Relictors did first. I know it might be a matter of who has the 'emperors approval' or resistance to chaos, but again, it would seem GW writers back pedaled on the complete adverse use of chaos artifacts and allow the greyknights and inquisition to equip them (no mention of radical in the new books but can be presumed so that makes sense).


I asked the WD team 'Ask Grombrindal' about their current state, and how they are not even shown in the new SM codex Successor chaptors... so they were 'Warhammered' (my new coin for squatted), forgotten, or might show up in the chaos codex...


side note, what marine already isn't in mix matched armor? lol, Either way, battle ravaged and on the run or not, I still want to give them an Aesthetic to make them not 'grey space marines'. Just needing some input from others on what they envision or would like to see =)

oh also, over the last couple marine books, their chapter icon has changed without explanation (grimacing skull to jaw less skull), also their chest emblems and accents went from black to silver.


I chalk it up to GW being inconsistent, but what do I know, too much of the same thing makes it all blend together. I like the silver accent, but the grimacing skull is vastly superior to the other. my 2c

I would personally use reasonable CSM bits to make generic Relictor models more interesting.


The reasons Ultramarine Roman bits and DA robes feel like they fit as you mentioned is because until recently, the Ultramarine Roman style was shared with a lot of generic chapters before GW and FW decide to make Ultramarines a lot more Roman and reserving all the crests and pteruges and stuff as Ultramarine specific, like in the new upgrade pack. DA robes work just because hooded robes always fit a shadowy council of elders.


So long as there aren't any DA symbols or Ultramarine U's, I don't see why you can't go this route if you like the way it looks. Just pray that Black Library doesn't come out with a Relictors novel that makes them look drastically different from your vision of them, like the Astral Knights, who suddenly gained a silver and blue paint scheme and a chapter symbol when they didn't have them beforehand.

I would personally use reasonable CSM bits to make generic Relictor models more interesting.


The reasons Ultramarine Roman bits and DA robes feel like they fit as you mentioned is because until recently, the Ultramarine Roman style was shared with a lot of generic chapters before GW and FW decide to make Ultramarines a lot more Roman and reserving all the crests and pteruges and stuff as Ultramarine specific, like in the new upgrade pack. DA robes work just because hooded robes always fit a shadowy council of elders.


So long as there aren't any DA symbols or Ultramarine U's, I don't see why you can't go this route if you like the way it looks. Just pray that Black Library doesn't come out with a Relictors novel that makes them look drastically different from your vision of them, like the Astral Knights, who suddenly gained a silver and blue paint scheme and a chapter symbol when they didn't have them beforehand.

I completely agree with you, which why either of those would work.

Obviously any chapter icons would need to be removed, as well as crests etc. I agree with you on that. Maybe it is about finding a balance between them?

My old Relictors made use of the old split SW and Chaos box (cant remember their name, but they wore chaos armor scavanged from battle), I would really like to do something similar, but there really just isn't any 'new' CSM bits, that arent snap fit, or too crazy and the old bits are chunky, and bland lol.


One of the major problems I had run into a long time ago when I made my first Relictors captain was the color scheme. They have such a drab color pallet, adding something to blingy or colorful makes it look odd.

Since it would seem the last incarnation of Relictors have silver chest emblems, (looks better with a black bolter in front of it) I might carry that on, or just in the srgts +.

I had used silver to accent my captain as well, which included armor accent/ emblems and the backpack. it looked a lot better than gold.  However I used a red for a tabard and cloak it didn't feel right.

So really, anything that might be a robe, tassel, cloak, hood, etc. is going to be a difficult thing for me to figure out. it would be easy to go the black route, but with the model already dark grey with black shoulder pad inserts, it seems too much. A tan robe like DA seem too light too..


Anyone have some suggestions?

I've been debating this myself for some time. I think you are absolutely right on the scheme wiht shiney bling. The shiney stuff has to be kept to a minimum or dulled down. One of my favorite pieces is this guy I found on the web. Although I still prefer the very dark grey/black/white look from the original IA. For my Officers I think I'll use the red as below and find the same balance on metals to match the dark grey.


Ive seen that model. It is a really nice count as Pedro. Not a huge fan of the white accent/ power fist though, and red is a bit bright for me, but its still awesome.


I saw your post asking Atia about the Relictors. I guess they just dont exist, or will be in the chaos codex.. whenever that gets redone.


I still havent gotten a reply back from the Ask Grombrindal GW staff about them, nor do I really expect one soon or ever. But hey they advertised to email them with questions!

Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, June 15, 2015 - response to spam
Hidden by Captain Semper, June 15, 2015 - response to spam

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I wish I understood :/


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