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Formations/Detachments and Unbound


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I am looking for some clarity on building an army in the current edition.


Lets take the Flesh Tearers Vanguard Strike Force for example (three Tactical squads, an Assault squad, a Vanguard Veteran squad, and a Furioso Dreadnought). Now, i know that the rules allow for the tacticals to take things like drop pods as transports even though drop pods are not explicitly part of the formation. What about other models?


For instance, if i take this formation, then add Dante and a Stormraven, does it make my army illegal or unbound? (thereby nullifying the rules of the formation)


Or do i need to add an allied CAD (cheap hq + scouts + Dante + Stormraven)?


Could I take this formation and one of the new SM Codex Battle Companies and have a legal army?


Thanks in advance for the help!

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formations can't be included in an unbound list. you're all in or all out, as far as I understand.


EDIT: I think I misunderstood your question.


I BELIEVE units not listed in a formations options are not a part of that formation, which would mean they would need their own detachment.

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1. Formations, unlike other detachments, can exist in unbound armies.

Unlike other Detachments, Formations can also be taken as part of Unbound armies. If they are, their units maintain the special rules gained for being part of the Formation.



2. Adding Dante or other units not part of a detachment makes the army unbound, not illegal.


3. GW unfortunately never cleared up how optionally purchased units (dedicated transports, lone wolves etc.) are supposed to work with formations. If they are not listed in the formation, they are not part of it. Since they do not belong to that detachment you now have a unit that is not part of any detachment, and this makes the army unbound.


4. An army comprised of the FT Vanguard Strike Force and a Battle Company Formation would not only be legal but Battle-Forged.

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