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CT Regionals - 1500 - Eternal War Missions


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At least around here we still play with area terrain, simply because if we used true LOS 80% of our terrain would not provide cover tongue.png how do you play it?

Also, ruins now always grant 4+ no matter how much of the model is obscured if I'm not mistaken.

I know its not the case for vehicles- I think it is the case for MCs, just not sure about GMCs O_o would be quite sick if it did.

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Nigel's Biker list:


Ork Warboss -luckystick - bike, Klaw

Ork Warboss - bike, klaw

Ork Warboss - bike, klaw

Painboy - bike

Big Mek - Bike, field

Big Mek - Shokk Attack Gun., hvy armour


3x 10 Grots

2x 4 Bikes - Klaw, Pole

1x 5 Bikes - Klaw, pole
1x 6 Bikes - Klaw, pole


So, we were playing Vanguard and Emperor's Will. 


I set up first - having gotten infiltrate again.  I also rolled ignore cover!! whoot!

In set up, Nigel then pulled a complete blinder, and completely threw me tactically.  

Instead of having his guys on board he took his big squad with 3 warbosses and painboy off board and outflanking. O_O 


This meant that instead of smashing my cents forward, I would now need to keep them on the back flank to protect my own objective. 

I motored Coteas into a razor so he could use We've Been Expecting You should they appear on the flank of mine. 

I laid waste to some bikers with the sicaran, and my scouts encroached on the grots at the top. The bikers failed their LD, and started falling back.  Nige moved down the one flank, and got more fire in his face from my side.  It wasn't looking bad my side. 

On the left flank, 


I had moved into position, getting Coteas and the cents ready.  I casted invisy- and laid the trap!  The rest of his army took more fire up here:


Then...came the reinforcements..... 

Sneakily, Nigel came in on the far side, electing to stay away from the cents because of invisibility - not because of Coteas ><;  Plan failed. 


The bikers zoomed up- sparing no time to get to where they needed to go.  


While that was happening, my scouts, and bikers flanked the top, engaging the grots, getting the sicaran and whatever else i could to try take shots at the remaining bikers - i think i took out the klaw there.  

The following turn, Nige boosted into the cover of the ruins.  With the turbo rule and skilled rider from the Orky boss, thats a 2+ save! 

I moved up with the cents, and got ready to unleash hell upon the orks!! 
I rolled 6 on the warp charge!!

Force, S10, Rerolls to hit, ignore cover and invis would mean the squad would be vaped!

I use one for Loth. 

Then....out of 15 warp charge dice, i proceed to fail every single roll - only rolling 1x 4+ the whole set 


oh crap.




He splits off two bosses, shoots, and charges in.  
Mephy whiffs most of his attacks.  

The squad is annihilated. 

I do take out some orks -but the squad is toast.


In the next turn, i maneuver where i can to take out his warboss, and to take out a couple of units. He moves around the back, to try wipe out my TAC squad , but winds up shooting too many to charge.  I get another round of shooting against him. 

All the while, my guys have secured his objective, the bikes having broken them.



The orks move to secure the objective on my side, while I keep his. 

The game ends.

Final score:

Objectives - 3 for him, 3 for me.

Slay the Warlord -1 each

Line Breaker - 1 each

The deciding first blood - to me.


Blood Angels take it 6-5.

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I'll keep this one short and upload the pics later.  It was a bit of a white wash. 



Juggerlord- with turns into a Bloodthirster when dies thing. 

8-10 Hounds


4x Mauler Fiends

2x 10 Cultists

2x 8 Letters

1x 8 Possessed in Rhino.


He got first turn.  

To date, Bernie had been ripping things up. Those maulers are up fast and furious- the khorne Doges are the ultimate tarpit unit and the Maulers just clean up. 


However, I rolled out for +1 to seize, hoping the Coteas reroll would spice things up in my favour. 

I rolled to seize...failed.


Rerolled..."5"! Success!


In turn 1, i took out 3 of 4 maulers. 

Not looking good for him. 


He moved up with the hounds and charged with his remaining mauler.  He killed a Razor.  

I then got out of the razor, and melta'd the last mauler - immobing it- and taking it out of the game.  The Cents turned on the possessed and cleaned them up. 


Things went from terrible to worse for him, and his one Letter squad that did come in, scattered off board, and rolled a 1 for perils. 


The following 2 turns saw me cleaning him off the board. 

By turn 5 he was wiped out - Thirster and all.  



Opponent was really, really well natured and fun considering the really un-fun hiding received. 

Pics of that soon.  


Next up - horde orks ><; 

With 42 lootas ><;


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Played 4, Won 4.


I'm guessing you were leading by a large margin at this point?


Wasn't like Vets! So, there were other undefeated peeps at 4! I think.


I still had potentially either the Double 'Blade list, the Tau, or the Warhound list to contend with ><; in game 6. 

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Haha just saw it now, amazing those psychic rolls against nigel ^^ next time, just blow 10 dice on ignores cover and wreck the squad with the cents, no need to cast anything else :P


You should see the Daemonkin list a guy around here came up with lately, 4 soulgrinders and 3x 17 doggies, it's such a pain! ^^

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great battle report mort, I love reading your BRs every year. By the way, wraithknights are considered MCs for cover purposes, so unfortunately a toe in area cover and the whole thing gets a 5+ or 4+ cover save plus his FnP is quite sick indeed. And my opponent takes the twin D guns, all he needs is a hard six on a big target, I've lost swooping daemon princes to this guy, and with cover it's not like he's going down fast at all.

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Aaah! That would be a good one.  Nah, it was:


2 Orky warboss bikers,

Mad Dok 

2x 15 lootas with a mek

1x 13 lootas with a mek

30 Boys

2x 10 Grots

3x Rokkit Trukks

2x Skorcha Trukks

2x Skorcha Trukks


possibly one more squad of boys! 

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2 Orky warboss bikers,

Mad Dok 

2x 15 lootas with a mek

1x 13 lootas with a mek

30 Boys- klaw

2x 10 Grots

3x Rokkit Trukks

2x Skorcha Trukks

2x Skorcha Trukks


The game was pitched battle and RELIC.  Tough one for me vs. Orkies, I felt. 


He had first turn and night fight was in effect.  He positioned the lootas on the far left, far right and middle, giving him ample coverage of the field. His boys were in the middle of that, for a main push forward.  He outflanked his trukks.


I positioned my main force of razors i-n a central area, but had a fair bit on the left flank on account of there being more terrain cover.  I would need those 4+ for all the Loota fire.  The Cents and crew I positioned to the left, while I put Coteas with the bikers to tank with the 2+ save, as i knew the bikers were probs going to be the guys that i got the relic with.  


Turn one, I managed to not give away first blood, but lost a few HP here and there.  


I then moved up on the left, to get my Cents to give the lootas hell. I cast Domination on the big squad with the Doc, and shot at the lootas.

They failed their LD, but with the mob rule managed to hold their ground.

I dont get first blood either.  My bikes move forward and to the left to fake a flank, hoping to avoid being shot up thanks to invisibility. I figure the cents can tank the lootas.


In turn 2, his rokkits come on, and engage with the Sicaran on the left, the skorchas come on on the right.

He fails his LD check to move the boys squad, and theyre stuck! yay domination!! 

He moves what he can forward, and shuffles the lootas.  


I lose First Blood via a razor, but, the Sicaran survives.  


In my turn, I trundle forward, laying down some fire where possible - also taking out the rokkits.  The bikes move on to the objective, and the razors that are alive move to block and engage where possible, throwing meat into the grinder. 

I invisy the bikes again.  


Other than the Rokkits, I still dont manage to take out anything or kill any units entirely, but whittle down guys where i can.


Turn three, he fails his Domination checks again! Wooot! My bikes are now getting the hell outta dodge too.   He has to move forward with his grots to try secure stuff, while I have over 500 points tied up thanks to Domination. His skorchas move in to flame roast most of my troopers in the central area.  

They do well to do it.  Along with the grots and the skorchas, i lose most of my mens. 

I position my cents a little too far up board tryign to take on the remnant lootas on the left flank.  This unfortunately positions me really poorly for the next turn, where his orks are now free to move.  The biker movement positions him around 9"  away -and he charges. 

I dont have force or any other powers active- so, I lose my entire "Cent-star"  ><;


The next turn, the bikers and Corteas try to maneuver around....


what happens in the next turn or two was pretty intense.....  My opponent is now up on me Warlord and First Blood, he's also moving in for Line Breaker.  I dont really have a chance to get Warlord.  My sicaran (still alive) moves about, shooting what remnants of his big squad is left. 

I move the bikers into cover, into a ruin, through a doorway that i think is hiding me from LOS.  I split off corteas.


In turn 5 (with game about to end due to time), he moves to engage with the bikers on the inside of the ruin, while the Doc and a boy take out the last known threat (the sicaran) and ignoring Coteas.


The biker bosses charge and wipe out my attack bikes.


Then comes that scaly veteran side....i drop the relic (as per rules) within 1" of the model carrying, and i drop it on the other side of the wall of the Ruin.


In my turn 5, Coteas waddles over and picks it up.


I turn a crushing defeat into a draw. 








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