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CT Regionals - 1500 - Eternal War Missions


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The final mission was going to be an incredibly tough one.  For those of you following, the only mission we hadnt played has been Kill Points. 


I'm up against the "Tau-bomb" list which means there will be very few KP available.  If memory serves he had about 8 KP in total. 


We were playing Vanguard.  

He got a nice piece of terrain in his section, and he mounts all his broadsides on it, ready to lay down the hurt.  He also puts the tau bomb on the table, not wanting to face the wrath of Coteas and the centurians.  Smart move I say. 


In response to his placement, i figure i'm actually going to try beat him at his own game, and instead of rushing up into the barrage of fire, i'm going to hang back, out of 36" and use the 48" range weaponry i have to take shots. 


My hope is that I get him to come to me, and try get him into combat and wipe him out there, and maybe get first blood from the pathfinders that have infiltrated up to a ruin nearby.  


He realises his folly, and slowly marches forward.  His Broadsides useless.


In my turn, i start throwing some lascannon fire down field, knowing that any failed 4+ would result in both an instantkil, but also a breakcheck. Over the next few turns, the lascannons stay out of range, keeping the heads down of the Broadsides, forcing GTG in an attempt to not lose men/KP.


What unfolds is a multi-turn game of cat and mouse where we try stay within certain fields of fire.  My opponent, hungry for blood, breaks first, getting too close.  First blood is only given away in turn 3, and if i'm not mistaken, its my bikers that wind up charging the pathfinders.  

Unfortunately, i didnt get ignore cover, so i'm up against 2+ cover from the blob- brought down occasionally to 3+ thanks to auspex.  But, after much fighting and to-and-fro and shooting through invisibility, I eventually get close enough to make a charge- i think my opponent got sloppy.  He could have easily kept out of distance - "Darksight" as my opponent names his Farsight commander, makes quick work of Mephy O_O - who whiffs horribly.  There's a considerable battle and we duke it out in combat- i do a fair amount of damage, but take loads in return.  

His firewarriors that came on traded some long distance shots but maneuvered around the void shield whereever possible to avoid giving away more KP -it worked. I did eventually get the broadsides after continual Sicaran and las fire.  


In the end, he lost his Warlord and 2x broadsides, and maybe the pathfinders.  I lose mephiston, my bikes and my cents. I think that was pretty much it.  

Eeked out a win in the end. 



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So, with 5 victories and 1 draw, i was ahead enough to take the tournament!! 


What was surprising was my VP differential.  I will get the stats- but i think the 2nd highest VP diff was 17, then 10, then all minuses.  I had +55 ><;


1st:  BA/SM/Inq  (dirty...so so dirty)

2nd: Daemonkin  (the maulers)

3rd: Orks (the hordey list)

4th: Orks - Nigels.

5th: IG double baneblade

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How many showers did you have after the event? tongue.png

Was this the event with the IK Warden prize, or is that upcoming? I guess this also cements your rank? What's next? (You're thinking of running C:DA, aren't you?)

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How many showers did you have after the event? tongue.png

Was this the event with the IK Warden prize, or is that upcoming? I guess this also cements your rank? What's next? (You're thinking of running C:DA, aren't you?)

Thats upcoming...and you only just reminded me that that is the Prize O_o i wasnt going to go....but......wow.

No theyre not allowing new SM and new DA at that tourney yet :( Otherwise id murderface.

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Farsight I find is actually too good in combat, especially when he can get a retinue that gibs charging bonuses. I charged him and a couple of crisis with a squad of 6 DC (fist) and attached Libby. I only won the combat over about 3 turns due to getting off unleash rage to somewhat counter his anti charge bonuses. And I was lucky I got the +1I warlord trait.


He has AP2 at I5. On a Tau. I know it's his deal, but it's just not right to me!

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  • 4 weeks later...

How many showers did you have after the event? tongue.png

Was this the event with the IK Warden prize, or is that upcoming? I guess this also cements your rank? What's next? (You're thinking of running C:DA, aren't you?)

Thats upcoming...and you only just reminded me that that is the Prize O_o i wasnt going to go....but......wow.

No theyre not allowing new SM and new DA at that tourney yet :( Otherwise id murderface.

Did you go to that tournament in the end?

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