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Welcome to the Jungle


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Hello there, B&C

Been playing 40k since '04, but was relatively scared of the online community. You guys seem alright tongue.png

Anyways, I play Dark Angels (mainly DW) but I also have a bunch of IG tanks. You know, for the good times.

I haven't been able to play tons recently due to school, and I thought online shenanigans might fill the gap.



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We've got fun and games!


Hail and Well Met BRother!


Welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword! A load of more friendly and helpfull people abound here.


Just make sure you check out the B&C rules for posting and you're good.




Just don't mention Xenos!

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Welcome, Sinkable. We try to be a good lot around here - no endless whining about codex creep or such and such is OP if we have any say about it. ;)

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