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Flesh tearers....Who would have thought?

Brother Raul

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Brothers, I am here to repent. I have been vain and have not fully opened my eyes to what the emperor has provided in his benevolence. See I got so caught up in the glory of our faction I hadn't even looked at our brothers from Cretacia. Wow-wee, there is gold in them der hills. FTSF has revives blood rodeo and has several other applications. The warlord traits are out & out murder. They can turn a cheap HQ into gold. 


     The BRSF has a lot of potential too. You could load 3x5 man squads into the raven for the charge goodies (don't forget to fighter ace and get preferred enemy....ouch), and your distraction fragioso just got counter attack. Or you could run 2x5 man squads for deepstriking and a SP with FT WLT on say a 10 man barebones van vets squad from the raven. Relics are meh but you can always take BA ones instead. IS anyone out there abusing the :cuss out of these tactics?

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Aye the BRSF is very nice, putting a small vanguard on the raven is very cost effective, making them essentially DC part two with Rage, although the only problem is redundancy, while your DC will get counterattack, they will get heavily shot at and are already fearless.

Basically it just boils down to who do you put in the raven? Potentially no one other than the dread?

This is a great way to run some BA allies to the new Marine Dex though! Crusader is a nice rule too smile.png


The formation itself is a 620 point buy in with no upgrades, assuming the Vanguard are on the Raven as then they don't have to buy packs. You probably want to add a few more to the DC and pop a Frag Cannon on the Dread.

The Vanguard coming out of the Raven is actually incredibly potent, as they can disordered charge and potentially wipe out an entire firebase of a few units, especially with the dread, whereas the Assault Marines can be given some special weapons to be a cheap and mobile fire support.

The DC are the fire magnets and second wave. It's pretty nice, as far as formations go, being resistant to assault and shooting from the enemy.

For a list I'd go for....

-Raven with Hurrican Bolters: 230

-8 Vanguard: 2 power weapons: 182

-8 DC: Jump Packs: Power Weapon, THammer: 205

-Furioso with Frag Cannon, Heavy Flamer: 140

-Assault Squad, 2 Melta Guns, 2 Inferno Pistols: 135

Total: Just over 900 points.

You could also turn the Assault Marines into Horde Hunters with Flamers and Hand Flamers, but I suppose that depends on your meta.

Could argue this is a little expensive, but it's rather potent, and coming in on a weak flank will really mess up your opponent!

Not bad,

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Blood Rain Strike Force, it's from a WD around our release.

Like the other two WD formations (Triple Raven/ Tacs assault after deep strike & Vanguard/RAS difficult terrain creating impact hits) it's pretty good, mostly better than the Exterminatus ones tongue.png

Basically it requires exactly what I've put above:

-Storm Raven


-DC Squad

-Vanguard Squad

-Assault Squad

Restrictions are everything needs to have a jump pack or be embarked on the Raven.

One reserve roll to bring them all in, jump packers all must deep strike.

Every model in the formation gets Crusader.

Every model gets Counterattack & Fearless when lands from Deep Strike until the next turn.

Models assaulting from the Raven get Rage and can reroll failed charges.

Worst part of the formation is that they don't have Red Thirst, something you think the first eager wave of an assault should have IMO...

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