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Skyhammer Annihilation force


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Can someone explain why this formation is not useable by Blood angels / Flesh Tearers. I can't see on the top of the dataslate that any restrictions apply, all i see on the pictures i've seen is the Formation symbo (three skulls linked by a circle)l. Is there any text in the restrictions box that says Codex Space Marines only?


Normal restrictions have the Blood angels as the Winged Blood Drop, Space Wolves as the Wolfs Head, Dark Angels as Winged Sword, Space Marines as the Aquila, all are missing from this formation.


Its reported it's ust 2 Drop Pods, 2x Assault Jump and 2x Devastators. Those are the same names as appear in the Blood Angels Codex so whats the restriction?


Edit: Clarified the Symbols at the top of the page

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Can someone explain why this formation is not useable by Blood angels / Flesh Tearers. I can't see on the top of the dataslate that any restrictions apply, all i see on the pictures i've seen is the Formation symbol. Is there any text in the restrictions box that says Codex Space Marines only?

Its reported it's ust 2 Drop Pods, 2x Assault Jump and 2x Devastators. Those are the same names as appear in the Blood Angels Codex so whats the restriction?

Hmm. This is true, the only thing I can see confirming it's faction is the framing at the top (Winged skull with sword) as that is the space marine symbol to my knowledge...

Also, had no idea the Devs and RAS get to use the special rules after the turn they drop. Christ, thats insane!

Sort of Wish I hadn't bought the two vindicators now and just gotten this for my firepower laugh.png

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I had an email confirming we can't use it (without using the vanilla Dex)


Hey there Alisdair,


The Skyhammer Annihilation Force datasheet has the Space Marine Faction, so they wouldn't benefit from any of the Blood Angels' special rules (they would benefit from the Chapter Tactics special rule from Codex: Space Marines instead).


The Space Marine Faction icon on the datasheet means they are Space Marine Assault Squads and Devastator Squads in the Skyhammer Annihilation Force, chosen from Codex: Space Marines; although those are units that also exist in the Blood Angels army list, other Space Marine Formations will include units that only exist in Codex: Space Marines, because there is a Space Marine Faction icon at the top.


So as they stand, the Formations in Codex: Space Marines are as available to Blood Angels collectors as a Land Speeder Storm or an Ironclad Dreadnought from Codex: Space Marines is – those datasheets don't exist with a Blood Angels Faction icon on them, and they don't appear in Codex: Blood Angels, but if you wanted to paint some red and use them as part of an Unbound army you certainly could do.


If your opponent was happy for them to use Blood Angels rules with them, we certainly wouldn't stop them doing it in the privacy of their own home, but according to the rules these are Space Marine Formations, not Blood Angels Formations.


I hope this clarifies things for you,


Best wishes,



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Except they've totally not clarified that, you can, build your entire army out of imperial formations if you wish. Hell even a mix of chaos, ork and imperial formations.

Obviously they don't need to, but they should.

Reply saying thanks and ask if they can confirm if our Dreads have A4 and Scouts WS/BS4 biggrin.png

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I had an email confirming we can't use it (without using the vanilla Dex)


Hey there Alisdair,


The Skyhammer Annihilation Force datasheet has the Space Marine Faction, so they wouldn't benefit from any of the Blood Angels' special rules (they would benefit from the Chapter Tactics special rule from Codex: Space Marines instead).


The Space Marine Faction icon on the datasheet means they are Space Marine Assault Squads and Devastator Squads in the Skyhammer Annihilation Force, chosen from Codex: Space Marines; although those are units that also exist in the Blood Angels army list, other Space Marine Formations will include units that only exist in Codex: Space Marines, because there is a Space Marine Faction icon at the top.


So as they stand, the Formations in Codex: Space Marines are as available to Blood Angels collectors as a Land Speeder Storm or an Ironclad Dreadnought from Codex: Space Marines is – those datasheets don't exist with a Blood Angels Faction icon on them, and they don't appear in Codex: Blood Angels, but if you wanted to paint some red and use them as part of an Unbound army you certainly could do.


If your opponent was happy for them to use Blood Angels rules with them, we certainly wouldn't stop them doing it in the privacy of their own home, but according to the rules these are Space Marine Formations, not Blood Angels Formations.


I hope this clarifies things for you,


Best wishes,





Cheers, adding to the FAQ list.

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Can someone explain why this formation is not useable by Blood angels / Flesh Tearers. I can't see on the top of the dataslate that any restrictions apply, all i see on the pictures i've seen is the Formation symbo (three skulls linked by a circle)l.


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muahahaha! they don't even need to be full squads!!!

It's better with full squads, of course, but then you're looking at close to 1000 points for 20 marines once you give them all equipment.



More like 940 points for 40 marines.


ASM: 205 pts


10 men

2 x Flamers

Vet Sarge

Power weapon

melta bomb


ASM: 205 pts


10 men

2 x Flamers

Vet Sarge

Power weapon

melta bomb

Devastator: 265 pts
10 men
2x multi melta
2x grav cannon 
Drop Pod
Devastator: 265 pts
10 men
2x multi melta
2x grav cannon 
Drop Pod
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I have my suspicions if this combo is actually that good. Assault Marines are still Assault Marines, regardless of being able to assault on deep strike. Devs gain Relentless the turn they land, but there after run into problems with their heavy/salvo weapons.


For the same points I'd probably just want Grav Cents in pods

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The strength lies in that you could potentially lock down EIGHT of your opponents units with this formation and combat squads.


Devs just need to shoot at a unit to force a nasty 3D6 check.


Assault Marines can charge four units. It could just be a speed bump, but it's a good one.

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I just wish we had a way to cancel overwatch. IMO Banshees are broken now. The death masks should for Sanguinary Guard. It wouldn't make them even close to broken. I tend to agree with the consensus that making them outside of a codex just makes them harder to access at times


 I too love the new rapid fire release schedule from GW but these formations are a bit of a worry as a trend. NO STOCK TAKE SALES-JUST FORMATIONS. Retailing brilliance and GW was best described to me once as a company that sells minatures, then makes rules to facilitate interaction with their range.


Yes the rules are probably OTT. Yes I will be exploiting them.  Yes it will be fun. And from a modelling perspective at least we will have an excuse to field ASM kitbashed from the new tact. They will look grand. Good luck!

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When I read this I saw it as a way to actually use the new assault squad eviscerator. Two full assault squads can take two eviscerators and combat squad, so you can drop 4 squads that can assault with powerfist-level attacks. That plus grenades can destroy a lot of vehicles in a single round.

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I Believe that this detachment would work better as a second turn strike in combination with a gunline approach, not pure alpha strike.

Going second means that you counter any reserves the opponent might use to rob you of valid targets, as well as a turn to deal with de-meching and removing bubblewrap.


You really need to read up on the differences between a teleport homer, locator beacon and the rules for both.


You'll need a Scout Bike Squad (who infiltrate + scout 12") with locator beacon, to pull off what you're describing (ie. no-scatter T1 pod drops and deep strikes), since the beacon needs to be on the table from the start of the turn.

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So I just asked this over at the Space Wolves forum.


"... can Space Wolves take the Skyhammer Annihilation Force formation? As Space Wolves? without Allied Codex SM?"


and now I want your opinions.

It has been answered above. You cannot.

Only as allies.

Which is a damn shame if you ask me, we should be able to take it, if not for consistency reason...

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I ask because the opinion over there is


 "Yes it is a formation. So it is a special detachment. You can basically take any formation from a codex that you could ally with."


Formations are not Faction locked, so you can take any Formation you wish in any army. For example, you could quite legally run a SW CAD and run a Mayhem Pack (Faction: CSM), with the only concern being how they interact with each other (via the Allies rules).


Taking a Skyhammer Annihilation Force is fine, but as it is Faction: SM, it will use the rules from C:SM and not C:SW.

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