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2500 points the Carrion Call


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Just hoping you guys could help me out with this list;


So im aiming for 2500 points for a fledgling 30k Raven Guard force, I've looked at utilizing the Strategic raid Foc and using the decapitation strike RoW.


Now my idea behind this list is synergy and guerilla tactics;



Alvarez maun

Legion champ on bike (Refractor Field, infravisor, melta bombs, power sword)


Total 290pts



10x Legion Veteran tacs in drop pod (2× meltaguns, melta bombs, nuncio vox & Tank hunter)

10x Legion Veteran tacs in drop pod ( 2× meltaguns, melta bombs, nuncio vox & Tank hunter )

1× Legion Contemptor Dreadnought (chainfist w/ inbuilt grav, multi melta)


Total 800pts



5x Legion recon marines (infravisor, Artificer armour, melta bombs, Nuncio-Vox & 5× Sniper rifles)

5x Legion Tactical support (Artificer armour plasma gun)


Total 445pts


Fast Attack-

6x Legion outriders (twin linked plasma, 2x power swords, infravisor & Meltabombs.)


Total 400pts


Heavy Support-

1× Legion fire raptor (Armoured ceramite Autocannons)

10x Legion Heavy Support in drop pod (Autocannons, Artificer armour, infravisor)


Total- 565pts


Grand total 2500pts


So my idea is infiltrate Alvarez maun with the recon squad keeping him safe but close to the enemies lines.


Utilize the legion champ on bike with the outriders to harass any Armoured threats


Use the tac support Squad to try pick off a squad or HQ as a glass cannon unit.


Deep strike the veterans in close to the enemy to hurt any Armoured elements: sicirans a priority.


Bring in the HS Squad via Deep Strike and hit any big threats with there Autocannons


And use the Contemptor to create some dangerous terrain and hunt some Tanks.


My priority targets would be anti air so the fire raptor can dominate from above and focus on any Armoured targets, this list is built with the concept of the decapitation strike in mind and wonder if this is capable of being a competitive list.

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I haven't got the relevant books to hand at the moment but refresh my memory, I thought tac support squads couldn't be taken as compulsory troops choices

Hes using a Different FoC which has Compulsory Elites instead of Troops, iirc.



That would account for it then :)

Id Bump the Plasma Squad to 10 men. At 5, theyre VERY easy to erase and with the punch they pack, might as well put everything in your court to keep them alive.

If you can add even an Apothecary and give them a ride to serve as a bubble.


As for Recon Marines and Tac Vets, 3 Squads of Purpose-Built Mor Deythan would probably serve you better especially if you're going for an Alpha Strike.


Twin-Linked, Rending guns for a Turn (combi-weapon devastation!) means barely anything will survive getting shot at by them.

Well, on the topic of Mor Deythan I think reading through here will help a bit more than me: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/290168-raven-guard-tactics/


For the Plasma Squad, I'd almost drop the Recon Squad in Favor of them.

If I was to change out the vets for mor deythan and remove the recons I lose the ability to move Alvarez maun into cover in their deployment to bring in my drop pods

All RG Infantry has Fleet and Infiltrate so it shouldnt be much of a problem.


and Mauns Strato-Vox is an 18" Nuncio-Vox with more stuff.

Okay so I dropped the recons and vets;


This gave me-


10x mor deythan with Artificer armour, Melta bombs, 7 combi plasma, 3 plasma guns.


10x mor deythan with Artificer armour, melta bombs, 7 combi meltas, 3 melta guns


And increased the tac support to 10 and gave them a drop pod.


This leaves me with 2 points left.



So if I was to do this I'd try pincer the enemy whilst I drop pod in the tac support and heavy support into the middle....


So thoughts?

Pray for no 1's.


Beyond that, maybe turn the Combi-Plasmas into Combi-Flamers. Twin-Linked, Rending Flamers are pretty nasty if you can get enough Template Hits.


Also, outside of the Melta-Deythan and Melta Bombs in general, how will you deal with Armor at Range? You cant charge T1 After Scouting/Infiltrating so if your opponent is in Spartans and Land Raiders, literally cant do anything at that point.


You cant really count on the Contemptor for that job since he wont be infiltrating ahead with the rest of your infantry.


Your obviously very much prepared to deal with infantry of any kind so that wont be much of a problem.

So drop the dred maybe bring in a Venerator or a Vindicator Laser Destroyer?


My one concern with dropping the plas to flamer is troops in transports, am I going to be able to hit hard with the flamers?

You could melta bomb the Transport and if they charge you on the next turn, Wall of Flame them to Death if needed - though you cant Fatal Strike. If they dont charge you, well, they eat Twin-Linked, Rending Flamers.


The LasVindicator is pretty Great. Getting 3 Shots at Ordnance 1 each if you dont move will wreck pretty much anything.


Allright so I dropped the Contemptor and bought in 2 grav Rapier batteries and a las battery as I can't take any more HS.


I added the infravisor to alvarez and gave the champ a Volkite serpenta; left with 2 points now

If you need the HS Slot, get one of the Mor Deythan squads a Darkwing Stormeagle in place of the Fire Raptor. Less Dakka but a pretty nifty bird anyways.


With Infiltrating Rapiers you curb the Gravs "low" range so thats cool.


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