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Legion List vs 40K armies


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I'l love to be able to run a Legion list at 2000 points that could compete (in a non cheesy way) against 40K lists.


A rough list of mine could be:


HQ -


Praetor - Paragon Blade, Iron Halo

Command Squad x5- x3 Power Axes (in the Land raider)





Contemptor x2 CCW

Mortis Contemptor -x2 Kheres

Rapier Weapons Battery - x2 Laser, x1 Thudd.





x10 Tactical Squad - Vexilla, Combi Melta, Rhino

x10 Tactical Squad - Vexilla, Combi Melta, Rhino

x10 Tactical Squad - Vexilla, Combi Melta, Rhino




Land Raider Phobos -Armoured Ceramite.







HQ - Magos (?)





x2 Castellax Class Battle Automata



This is probably not a very strong list but could it compete?


I LOVE the look of a Praetor and Standard Bearing Command squad but could put them in a rhino which would free up a fair amount of points.



I REALLY want the Battle Automata and at least one Dreadnought.



Furthermore, I prefer the tac squads in rhino due to the simplification of movement on the board.



Any thoughts or ideas?

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I'l love to be able to run a Legion list at 2000 points that could compete (in a non cheesy way) against 40K lists.


A rough list of mine could be:


HQ -


Praetor - Paragon Blade, Iron Halo

Command Squad x5- x3 Power Axes (in the Land raider)





Contemptor x2 CCW

Mortis Contemptor -x2 Kheres

Rapier Weapons Battery - x2 Laser, x1 Thudd.





x10 Tactical Squad - Vexilla, Combi Melta, Rhino

x10 Tactical Squad - Vexilla, Combi Melta, Rhino

x10 Tactical Squad - Vexilla, Combi Melta, Rhino




Land Raider Phobos -Armoured Ceramite.







HQ - Magos (?)





x2 Castellax Class Battle Automata



This is probably not a very strong list but could it compete?


I LOVE the look of a Praetor and Standard Bearing Command squad but could put them in a rhino which would free up a fair amount of points.



I REALLY want the Battle Automata and at least one Dreadnought.



Furthermore, I prefer the tac squads in rhino due to the simplification of movement on the board.



Any thoughts or ideas?

Looks good but there is only one thing, i wouldnt split the loadout of the rapiers. Go for thudd guns all the way.

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Re: Rapiers/Thudd Guns I hear ya - I'm just worried about cracking armour.

Thudd Guns have Sunder so at the very least you're getting to re-roll failed Armor Pen Rolls.


With 12 Shots at 3 Thudd Guns, the odds are in your favor even when up against Av14.

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The only problem with thudd guns seems to be no Legion models (?).

Solar Auxilia Thudd Guns and GW Thunderfire Cannons would tend to disagree pending an official FW SM Thudd Gun (which we know is coming)


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Any ETA on an official SM Legion Thudd Gun? I don't want to buy an Imperial one and a month later a Marine one appears.

No ETA but it might be soon-ish since the vindicator in the back is already out.

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  • 1 month later...

Regarding your list, it is very solid for friendly games, I do think you will have some problems with armour, you have the antiair/troop killer. I would maybe have a look at the ultramarine rules in the new book (if you play that legion) as i think it may benifit your other contemptors.


Castelaxes are good units, how many you taking?

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