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Reserve manipulation and C:SM


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Like many of you, I play my blood angels with a lot of reserves, so I am always looking for efficient ways to ensure their arrival. Lets look at C:SM for ways to get them on better.

Specifically right now I am comparing Cato Sicarius to a Land Raider Promethius.


Both of these options give us +1 to Reserve Rolls, allowing them to come in on a 2+ (which is easily made re-rollable by Karlaen or going for two rolls on strategic with the Veritas Vitae). The promethius has a slew of special rules (see Jolemai's write up for more detail) It also provides transport for Karlean and body guard, but has the downside of being really expensive and a vehicle.


Sicarius is an interesting alternative. We can get him through simply adding him to our army (which would make the army no longer battle forged) or ally him in via an Allied Detachment. For this, even though scouts would be cheaper, I think a Tactical squad is the stronger choice, as Sicarius can give them a really sweet special rule (Infiltrate, Scout, Tank Hunters, or Counterattack). It seems like they would do really well holding a back field objective. However, Sicarius, a 5 man Tac squad, and any special/heavy weapon is about the same cost as the promethius.


What do you guys think, or have you found something better?

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From something I posted on another thread:

Reserve Manipulation

  • Captain Karlaen - re-roll any reserve rolls
  • Corbulo - one re-roll per game which can be a reserve roll
  • Comms Relay - re-roll reserve rolls if within 2"
  • Land Raider Promethius - guide - +1 reserve rolls, not cumulative
  • Damocles Command Rhino - guide - +1 or -1 reserve rolls whilst the tank is on the table
  • Skyshield Landing Pad - Allows your Stormraven to begin on the board in Hover mode. Note that it can't zoom until turn 2.
  • Dante - Flyers re-roll failed reserve rolls
  • Rhino Primaris Command Tank - rules leak - one unit in reserves can arrive automatically. Note that this Rhino needs to be picked with the Land Raider Excelsior

Didn't know about Sicarius, cheers! thanks.gif

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Thanks for the list! The Damocles + Karlaen may be the cheapest option (Comms relay aside). But tossing in Sicarius with a souped up Tac squad (they would be modeled as BA of course) sounds so cool...


Edit: anyone have experience with the performance of the Damocles?

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