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Blood Angels 7th edition


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why do people say that 7th edition blood angels are bad? While they may not be super overpowered they are still very good at melee combat and have lots of fast vehicles. Death company being elites sucks, but it makes more sense fluffwise, since there are not that many death company out there. Also fast vindicators are waesome, and finally the special deadnoughts, death company, librarian, furioso, are all awesome and are straight up better than space marine dreadnoughts, I once had a death company dreadnought take out 2 space wolf venerable dreadnought 1 after the other, and space wolves have some of the best melee dreadnoughts in the game when kitted out right. And I did not even go into the amazing phsycic powers. so what about the new blood angels codex makes it so bad exactly?

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Unsure where you've gotten that we are bad from, we're pretty good! 


Middle of the power table, higher with certain lists for sure.


You could be caught up with the fact that our codex has already become somewhat outdated due to the new Space Marines codex setting a high precedence for some baseline shared units?

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If you want competitive than the best answer is to do your own chapter and use whatever rules are best at the moment. This will of course change as the new books come out. Currently Iron hands and White Scars are the top builds, but several of the other codex chapters can make a game of it. A lot of competitive builds don't rely on a single codex anymore.


Salamanders are best used as a Drop pod alpha strike.


Dark Angels are best left on the shelf.


Blood Angels are best used as a taxi service for a better army.


Space Wolves can hold their own right now.


Grey Knights I'm neutral on. I've never lost to this army.


I freely admit I'm bitter about this. After many years of play I'm finally quitting BAs and making them a DIY chapter. I don't need to win every game, but I do want a fair chance to. GW's Codex lottery works against this.

This is from a thread about different SM chapters

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You could have just asked me if you wanted clarification on what I said.


Blood Angels are not competitive in 7th edition. Now there are some folks doing well with them, but that is due to their respective metas and personal skill level. In the original thread you stated you wanted a competitive army and your meta included; Eldar, Skitarii, and Necrons. BAs don't stand a chance in that meta as a stand alone build. Strip out the best parts and make a patchwork IoM army if you want to use some Blood Angels. Using the Flesh Tearer's CAD to taxi Skitarii or a Centstar. It seems to be the most popular way to use them currently.

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Maybe its just your Meta dude, I'm doing consistantly well with my BA, at Bristol Vanquish in May several of the top rankings were Blood Angel players. Sure, we're not Necrons or Eldar, but who wants to have a dex so powerful that no one wants to play you?


Just play what you love dude, toy soldiers and all that.

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Do you want to win tournaments?


If not, then don't worry about all the competitive/not competitive BS.


Too many players are put off by internet avatars saying "don't play this, you'll lose" etc


If the goal of the game is having fun, then pick the army you like, and paint it to the best of your ability.

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No, times 40,000.


I've found you can be pretty competitive in 7th edition if you're willing to use the maelstrom missions. The way the cards fall pretty much determines the game, and I've snuck out wins while almost getting tabled and had it go the other way, getting a game loss while wiping the table clean of the opposition.


It seems a little weird up front, but I think it's definitely the best way to play the game, and plays well to the strengths of BA, with our fast tanks, bikes, and jump packs.

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Our unique units are fantastic, the DC, SG, fast vehicles, even our assault squads get Melta and vanilla doesn't.

The "worse" lies in the units that are the same as the vanilla codex.

Blood of kittens sum it up on the blog perfectly, if not a little too jaded:


Here's my own input not sure if its worth even two cents but stil:

Now that is very true. But in competitive and tournament environment, Blood Angel's are out classed by Necrons, Eldar and new Space Marine codex by far. While our specialist units are generally excellent and flexible, the fact we can't get vehicle squadron's like Vanilla's do is meaning huge difference in fire power brought on table( and add insult our Dreadnoguhts base attack is 2 not 4 like vanillas we lose Dread vs Dread combat as they out shoot ours, out fight ours and their temrinators are cheaper and scouts have better ws and bs at same price point) so till we get FAQ and Errata, in highly competitive meta. Blood Angels are always underdog. However this doesn't mean out codex is bad. Its actually good, fluffy and combined with formations from Shield of Baal and White Dwarf, we still can challenge SM. We just need to out play them msn-wink.gif

Maelstrom missions are great equalizer in this form. And to encounter vehicle dread, BA's are king's of Melta spam. Why you guys think Salamander's power armor is green? Because we spam melta and flamer weapons in quantit, that their envy has colored their power armors to green. We just have to make use of that particular quality. Deep striking melta is BA speciality and extremely deadly against vehicle squadron's SM codex now enforce.

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so the sense I am getting from this is that DA GK and SW are bad because they came before the SM codex, that sucks, because I really do not like any of the basic SM chapters fluff or paint colors or play styles for that matter. In terms of story, play style and painting scheme chapters are in this order for me, BA, GK, DA, SW, White Scars. mare any of these good?

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so the sense I am getting from this is that DA GK and SW are bad because they came before the SM codex, that sucks, 


No, bad is the wrong word.


Not as powerful on the table perhaps, but in terms of background, and paint schemes, BA win.


I urge you to read this




It tells you all you need to know.

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I'd have to agree. Blood Angels are awesome, and the most important thing is to PLAY as a BA themed list - BAs are designed to be aggressive, assault with rage, FNP, Fast MoFos.  They are not counts-as white scars or counts-as Templars (or Ultras, yada yada).  The speed at which they move and deploy, and their varied formations/detachments, are all about how they were designed.  And remember, only maybe half the Maelstrom cards at best are about scoring a point or so for objective holding.  The other half are for things that have to do with eliminating your opponent.  "We're not holding anything....we're gonna hold them by the nose and kick them in the a$$...."  


I'm "learning" to play BA-style (with 6 months of effort and growing), and I can tell you it is fun and I've got a great track record going against a wide variety of competitive players.  And - full disclosure...the local guy who beats me more often than not more than any other...plays BAs...

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Well I may just end up playing DA, since I do like bikes and termies, but if the BA codex gets fixed by an FAQ than that will be great. I am still building up my collection of IG miniatures but once I am done I want to get some SM models, either BA or DA

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They both kind of compliment each other... they are the dakka to our choppa. Blood Angels and Dark Angels both even shared that old Angels of Death supplement, or so the grey beards tell me... We got the better jump pack assault infantry, fast vehicles, and walkers, while their terminators, bikers, and normal Tacts (dakka banner) are better.
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Hey I'm just looking around at the 7th edition codex and what happened to Reclusiarchs? are they just the same as Chaplains now?

Yeah, clearly only captains and special characters are allowed 3 wounds these days. We are stuck with our standard Chaps or Astorath!

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