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What Legion?

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Hey I've begun converting a Praetor for my Horus Heresy Space Marines and have ordered a few marines from FW, though I don't know what legion I want to paint up. I'm deciding between Salamanders, Iron Warriors or Emperors Children.


I'm open to other suggestions though. Any help would be great. Sorry if this is in the wrong section but I am just looking for which legion colours to paint, I really don't care if they're loyalist or traitor.

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By the looks of your Avatar, Emperor's Children seem apt.


However, what is the criteria you're setting for your FW Heresy army ?  Is it based on the colour, the rules, the background, the models themselves, or something of a personal choice?


Colour, background and the models. I love the luff surrounding the IW, but they're all gunmetal and pretty drab looking, EC and Sals are pretty colourful which I like but I'm still not sure. I guess I don't really know what I want until I see it in front of me.


I'm reading through the thread the other guy linked me to and I'm leaning towards making a character for each of the legions I want, paint them up and then see which one I enjoyed painting the most/think looks the best.

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There's 20 legions, obviously 18 with set colours, and you can have 20 tactical marines per basic troops choice.  You could, if that's your flavour, paint the entire tactical squad with one of each marine.  Call it your "Astartes Exchange Tactical Squad".  For extra flavour, you have various armour sets to choose from (buy a pack of MkII, MkIII, MkIV and one more of your prefence), and make each one up with a fluff suitable suit of armour mark (Death Guard, IW and Sala in MkIII, Sons of H, EC, WB and NL in MkIV, UM, BA and IF in MkII, for example, probably easy to kitbash from ebay a MkVI Corvus for Raven Guard).


Regardless of how you approach it, it will give you a (game) valid (yet horrendously colourful and slightly unrealistic) tactical squad to start your army off with until you choose.  But you might need a larger paint collection :)

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