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Will our terminators get cheaper?


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So, with the new marine book out and the rather hefty point drop in termonators, I'm feeling a bit hard done by.


I know our guys get furious charge, but is that not our chapter tactics? I know really know one knows if they WILL get cheaper, but do we feel they should??

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I am agnostic regarding terminator point costs. We got the point drop on the Sanguinary Priest which was very greatly needed.


I guess we just don't have the ruleset that makes our terminators really worthwhile so even a point reduction isn't going to shift many metas.

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If it makes you feel better a "naked" squad of Dark Angel Terminators is 25 points more than a BA one. And they only get re-rolls vs Chaos as "special" thing.


You would hope/expect that Deathwing Terminators get a significant points drop with the new codex in a couple of weeks time.

But it's GW, so who knows.

BA are going to have to wait significantly longer for that - the question isn't 'Will our Terminators get cheaper', but 'When will our Terminators get cheaper'


Grey Knight Terminators are still top of the pile - 165pts bare bones with force weapons, Hammerhand and ML1, Aegis, Frag, Krak and Psyk-Out Grenades.

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GW do not seem keen on issuing FAQs and errata to correct points costs. Dark Angels were out of line with codex marines for years and they never did anything about it so I do not expect them to start now.


Would be happy to be proved wrong though.

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I stand by the fact that if they were willing to accept that the points costs in C:BA were a mistake (therefore admitting the codex is out of date) and release a FAQ or perhaps a Mk. II dataslate for the codex simply updating the points costs and/or giving us access to the C:SM formations, they would make a mint.  Think about it:  if they make our Terminators cheaper, our Scouts skillful and our Dreadnoughts more aggressive (ie. C:SM attacks stat), they'd sell plenty of new models to C:BA players, especially those chapter-specific kits.  They could even charge for the C:BA update (on BL, of course) and make even more money; I'd frankly pay 25 bucks or so to get a portion of the C:SM buffs!

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