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Painting Motivation: How do you guys get it?

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Hey all,


I'm always struggling to sit myself down to paint. When I paint, I'm not too bad, but its sitting myself down and doing it that is a struggle and a half.


What do you guys do to get yourself to sit down and paint/model? I'm fine making lists to kingdom come, writing fluff, looking at other people's awesome stuff, but when it comes to my own I have a hard time!



Entering the ETL helps a whole bunch. I'm also blessed with the fact that the wife is a gamer and I have no kids or pets, so I can have my projects out all the time. Constantly having unfinished stuff in my eyeline helps immensely, because I get annoyed and start painting it.



The biggest lesson I've learnt is to have only one or two squads on the desk, with the necesssary paints / water / palette and brushes required ready to go.

The squad will have a specific goal eg. all the armour highlights / washes / whatever. I also have an audio drama ready to rock, that way I can just sit down and do something whenever I have a free minute or two.

Posted · Hidden by Bryan Blaire, June 20, 2015 - Off Topic plus provoking another Frater
Hidden by Bryan Blaire, June 20, 2015 - Off Topic plus provoking another Frater

I capture people and keep them in my cellar. They work on my minis in exchange for water and food msn-wink.gif

They must be dead then since you have nothing painted

On topic , Alcohol Motivates me to paint , Alcohol and Insomnia

Posted · Hidden by Bryan Blaire, June 20, 2015 - Off Topic
Hidden by Bryan Blaire, June 20, 2015 - Off Topic

I capture people and keep them in my cellar. They work on my minis in exchange for water and food msn-wink.gif

They must be dead then since you have nothing painted

On topic , Alcohol Motivates me to paint , Alcohol and Insomnia

What's with you and the personal attacks recently. I never put painted stuff up because those are not the armies I use and I sell them. No idea stuck with me long enough to flourish into a complete army, just ebay goodies to finance the next attempt until I finally get the idea that gets me a whole army for permanent use :P

In all seriousness, I just browse the Works In Progress or Hall of Honour section and get motivated. Or read the codex. Or play DoW/Space Marine.

In theory that's what I do... But in practice I just end up looking at other peoples amazing painting for hours and then realise I've got no time left to paint!


I normally put some music on, put my phone on silent and leave the computer off then try to set myself an achievable goal. So after I've done say all of the gold bits on a model, if I'm still into it then I'll keep on going with more small goals until I've had enough. Chipping away at things is the key and then you can see gradual progress. Otherwise you either burn yourself out with marathon sessions or become disheartened when you haven't achieved as much as you'd like.


Seeing things moving along is the motivator for me as otherwise you end up being overwhelmed.

The threat of not fulfilling my ETL vow and thus letting my brothers down usually does it for me. :P


I think the biggest challenge is sitting down. Once I have sat down, I can stay there for 3-6 hours doing good work, barring the occasional cigarette break. 


To get inspired, I usually read a few FW books first - obviously not in their entirety, but certain choice selections. 


I think the most important thing is to not overwhelm yourself. Don't assemble or prime any models that you don't plan to paint within the month, so to speak. 

Before joining various B&C challenges: An Assault Squad, a Rhino, and a Razorback painted over a period of 6 months; numerous squads in the partially painted stages.


Since joining B&C challenges: Firedrakes squad w/Primus Medicae, a diorama, three tanks (Sicaran, Vindicator, and Deimos Predator), Apothecarion Detachment (Mk II and IV), Chaplain Nomus Rhy'tan, and Cassian Dracos, with three more Dreads and a Dreadnought Drop Pod nearing completion.


I've always been the guy who's been motivated when others are 'watching over my shoulder' (oddly, I can't work if someone is actually watching over my shoulder... go figure...). The challenges give me a 'folks are expecting this' attitude, so I get to work on them. I keep the most important bits of my painting kit on my computer desk at home, and between web browsing, I might pick up a brush and add paint one or two details on the latest challenge model. (By comparison, the Razorback from pre-B&C days took two months, the bulk of which was done the day before it was due to be submitted for a painting contest at the local GW store.) 

Before the little one was born, I scheduled my Saturdays to paint. I'd get up and go to my painting area which is semi-secluded. I'd play music or videos and paint away while the wife went shopping, hair, nails and whatever else. I'd get out of the house to join her for lunch and then come back and paint some more. I'd average 6-8 hours of good painting time.


Unfortunately, painting area became nursery and my stuff is in storage until we get a bigger place.

I've not had to much of a problem myself.

When I paint it ether


- Painting that home, I will watch movies or TV serise on dvd or on sky+ or I will have music on

- I am not all to keen on useing unpainted models for my own armies in games.  I find somthing about that off putting, led to me no longer enjoy useing the army or collecting them.


- As other have said, take part in events like Bolter & Chainsword ETL help, it give you a deadline to complete a few models.


For me I go to a lot events, like Throne of Skulls down in Warhammer World & it always inspiring seen all the cool armies & in general see all models that have been in the codex & White Dwarfs.  Then local tournament as well, I know lot my friends who may no like painting - but they do get armies painted for tournament & grateful for that due to amount of work they've gotten done over the years.


- Possible painting with a group friends as well could help?  Ether go to your local store if they allow painting or arrange a day per week to met up get some painting done?

Every time I see a new Chapter I say I must have and do it . Then say I need to get back to previous project. Just seen a new Chapter the Imperius Reavers since they are Ultra successors and I have the up grade kit . So there is my motivation. A Good Audio Book or listen to some good music like Iron Maidensmile.png .

I feel like I should have started this thread, because I'm always out of motivation when I need it the most.


I've said it before in one or two of my WIP threads, I had a great thing going for a few months, January through April last year. Then I started dating my now-ex-girlfriend, and that went out the window. I basically stopped any and all hobby stuff. Then I came back, and started working on Fantasy stuff, then briefly back to 40k/30k, and I've been drifting ever since, not really sticking to any one thing to see it to completion.


I'm hoping to be able to get the hobby-fu back again at some point.

First thing first is the idea/love for the faction. This is the major motivation I think.


Than there is the events, my favorite part. We of Chaos host Daemon Forge which aims to motivate the Chaos players to paint a single model/unit/vehicle/HQ based upon the theme of the month. So far we had five events and all were awesome with great contributions. Then we have the ETL forum wide, the main event of the year and then the Chaos players enjoy my personal favorite event, Call of Chaos. 


On average I have observed that this events have already accounted for thousands of points of painted Chaos. In general having a scheduled event gives you a generous frame of time to complete your project and it has the added bonus of having fellow hobbyists competing with you and motivating you with their feedback. 


Personally I do paint a lot, though little Chaos, since I do tabletop standard commissions, so to keep me going I put some nice music on the background and paint in batches of three models. I have found out that more risks to become a serious burnout. Small batches, assembly line and things get painted in no time. My problem is that my personal projects are usually on the sadistic side and require much more hours to complete hence I really love the events for the motivation they provide. 


All in all I have found that the best thing for inspiration is the love for ones army. My mind is dazzlingly full of ideas and I struggle to keep up with them but few things beat the feel of a finished unit or even better, a finished army. I tend to adore kill teams and HQ so the best start are usually small projects. Complete one or two of them every month and your army will be painted in no time. 


Failing all this there is nothing better than rivalry. I am dead set that I will paint a model on par with the likes of Forte and Augustus. I just know that someday I will. Until then, practice, practice, practice. I care not how many models I burn through someday, I will paint a model on par with their masterpieces. 


But remember, nothing beats the motivation from a community of hobby enthusiasts. Post your results and ask for feedback. It gets you hyped in no time. This is the added value of a fantastic community such as this board.  

I try to paint 1500 points of marines per year, because that is manageable for me. This means I don't have to paint more than 125 points per month. Not literally, of course. Really I just split my 1500 point army into 12 parts, subjectively. So, one month I paint 5 tacticals, the next month I paint a Rhino and a Landspeeder, the next month 2 or 3 terminators etc. In the final month, I leave the entire time to paint my Captain, Librarian, Hero Model etc. I realized that if I didn't create small monthly goals, the projects would sit unpainted, forever.


The other key thing that I learned years ago (and this is crucial to my success): NEVER build something and leave it unpainted, and then move on to build something else. I WILL NOT let myself build ANYTHING until I paint what I just built. This simple logic means that if you don't paint what you just built, you will not get to have any more fun with the hobby until it is done. Draconian measures, to be sure, but if you get into this mindset, you will not fall into the doldrums of mountains of gray plastic models haunting your soul.

I'm a social painter, in that if I have someone to talk to I can paint. Lately I paint in the lounge while my brother-in-law watches farscape/plays monster hunter.


I do enjoy "painting parties" where some of my friends all come over and we just spend the day eating junk food and painting.

I feel embarrassed having to play with unpainted units this motivates me to get stuck into painting.  If I ever find myself sitting around thinking what shall I do now? to the painting desk I go.  


I do find that the bulk of my painting gets done in the weekend when I'm not knackered from work but sometimes during the week if I'm feeling restless I'll get stuck into whatever I'm currently working on.


However some days for whatever reason if you really don't feel like painting it's really not worth bothering with.


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