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The fuss of dreadnoughts ?


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But now imagine it was 4 attacks base instead of 2. That's 5 attacks all the time, 7 on the charge. For the same price.


The issue is that a SM dread can take a fist and a lascannon (or autocannon or whatever) and still go toe to toe with our dreads in CC. It's not that big a deal but it would be really nice for our dreads. 4 attacks on the librarian dreadnought would be amazing!

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I speculate that a new BA Codex (yes, this soon) or at least a FAQ HAS to be on its way. Otherwise it absolutely defies all logic...BA Scouts are the Only ones (besides Dark Angels) that are BS3 now? BA/DA/SW Tanks are one per slot while everyone else is 3/slot? And the Chapter that is supposed to be the most CQC oriented in the whole Imperium has LESS Attacks on Dreads? It simply defies Logic, but only time will tell
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I see what you did there. That said, I think our Furiosos are still reasonably competitive with C:SM Dreadnoughts, especially given their unique options. Death Company Dreads and Libby Dreads are still unique to our codex, and boast their own strengths. I know a lot of people are complaining, pointing out what BA are missing, but the truth is we're still a decent codex despite all the naysayers. Maybe it's time someone made a post about this! cool.png

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That's true, based on the timeline for releases we're looking at a minimum of 2 years of inferiority.  That said, there are still strengths hidden in the BA codex, but we did lose a lot compared to the C:SM updates (especially in terms of points cost reductions).

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Bear in mind that the BA book was probably finished during 6th ed, and so probably has that 6th ed mindset. 7th was released in...July? last year. It it essentially the last 6th ed style book, and one where they were just beginning to see what formations could do.


Necrons were probably finished towards the end of 6th, beginning of 7th.

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I really dont get it. Why do some people think our dreads are far worse then other codies ? 

I never ever play a game without my DC dread´s. It drops flames and rips apart everything I charge with them.


GK Dreads are probably the worst in the game - a fall from grace since the heights of the 5th ed codex. BA Dreads aren't as bad as that, but they're behind Space Wolf and Space Marine ones now.


Why ? For Space Wolves the Axe/Shield combo makes their Dreads massively more survivable. For Space Marines it's the boost of their attacks to above the BA's dedicated CC Dreads, whilst still being able to take multiple cheaper gun options. They can squadron now too.

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Squadrons aren't all that. They have to shoot and charge the same target and have to be within 4" of each other. Meanwhile, they have no viable transport options as you can only take a Drop Pod if the squadron comprises of one Dreadnought and putting them inside three Stormravens is 1) costly and 2) impossible as a unit can't board three transports. Finally, someone like Mephiston could rip all three apart in combat as the damage will carry over to the others.


The only thing C:SM have over us is two extra Attacks base. It's not make or break really.

As for C:SW Dreadnoughts, yes a Blizzard shield makes them more survivable but our niche is the ability to hit before and harder. Personally, I prefer that method.

As for cheaper guns on the regular Dreadnought, when was the last time you found the space for one? My point is, it may not be fair, but it's not really something we're missing.

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As Jolemai points out, it really is much of a muchness. The extra attack is a big thing, but the cheap gun options is rather more situational. I think the biggest change is that it means that a gun-fist dread will still have a reasonable amount of punch in combat, giving dreads some much needed flexibility.

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Dread Squadrons are interesting. I could see a squad of three with Lascannons walking around the table and someone like Tiggy throwing buffs on them being fun.

You don't have to take a squadron of course, it's another option.


C:SM Dreads have more attacks with a proper gun, and are cheaper. A podded Muti-Melta/Heavy Flamer is quite nice, but I imagine still won't be taken by SM players 'cos of better options


Re SW Axe/Shield Dreads. It's no guarantee that BA Dreads go first - they need the charge for that. Despite this, it's still more likely the SW Dread will pen the BA Dread even when it goes second. Anecdotally in the only time I've played vs the SW Dread, it's walked through both a Fragioso and a DC Fist Dread

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I'd quite like access to a squad of 3 riflemen with Las/assault cannon and missiles. Stride them forward for a decent mobile dakka Base.


Even if the missiles are only single shot, something that is very strange considering thier look! Should be a cyclone at least.

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