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Best Titan for war convocation? 1850


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I don't know if I'd go that far.


You're paying for an extra special attack in certain circumstances, trading off striking last. The gauntlet is very limited in its application, but I can think of several games (pre-7th book) against transport-heavy armies where this would have been excellent. It's just very meta-dependent.


Most of the time, though, striking at initiative is much more useful. In larger games I run at least one gauntlet for laughs, but the reapers do the lions' share of the work.

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would it be more effective to go fully ranged and have another gun arm :) and yeah convocation makes it free, are relics free too? i like the it will not die one, characterful and fun.

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You aren't paying for anything, the Convocation makes the Gauntlet free.


Okay, so you are downgrading the weapon for free. It's still crap.

would it be more effective to go fully ranged and have another gun arm smile.png and yeah convocation makes it free, are relics free too? i like the it will not die one, characterful and fun.

Not in my opinion, paying 50 points and giving up a D weapon is not worth any of the main gun options, unless you already have 2-3 Knights and just need more guns. Convocation Knights do not get relics.

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The best AA in the list is probably the Dunecrawler, but if you're taking one dedicated Icarus platform then it's going to mess up your other Dunecrawlers' shooting flexibility.  A nice second option is to throw a Cognis Relic into a unit of Kastelans or even Kataphrons (HGC can be nasty for this), especially since you don't pay anything for it.

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I would say that it is dependent where you want to put your focus. In a ranged version of the Convocation, where you put more points into Kataphrons, Onager and Ironstriders, a Crusader synergizes better with the army because everyone sticks together. A melee Knight in a ranged army will get isolated and taken out very quickly whereas a ranged dude can sit back and be repaired by the Dominus.

When you put your focus on Dragoons, Sicarians and play the list more aggressively, a Paladin is for your. He can still stop hordes from overwhelming you but synergizes well by bringing very good melee punch. If FW is your think, I would suggest an Acheron over a Paladin.

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I would say that it is dependent where you want to put your focus. In a ranged version of the Convocation, where you put more points into Kataphrons, Onager and Ironstriders, a Crusader synergizes better with the army because everyone sticks together. A melee Knight in a ranged army will get isolated and taken out very quickly whereas a ranged dude can sit back and be repaired by the Dominus.

When you put your focus on Dragoons, Sicarians and play the list more aggressively, a Paladin is for your. He can still stop hordes from overwhelming you but synergizes well by bringing very good melee punch. If FW is your think, I would suggest an Acheron over a Paladin.

I would think even in a shooty list (or perhaps especially so in such a list), a close combat Knight may be just the thing to drive off that Wraith star. The D makes everything stop and think about it. Getting isolated and taken out quickly will only happen if you foolishly rush forward. Why should you when you still have a nice main gun and the stormspear rockets for free? They can still contribute quite a bit, then when the enemy gets close, intercept them and D slap a few things around, before dying and exploding gloriously in the middle of their army. All my Knights know the meaning of Banzai!

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D does not kill death stars. Even if the 6 triggers, it is one model. Your IK will be dead far sooner. What kills stars is stomp, because a 6 can do far more damage with a 6. A Warden can also stomp.

I played against Lych Guard with 3++ reroll 1s and 4+ RP reroll 1s. D killed three dudes over 2 turns while my IK was down to 3 after the Overlord swung once. But then the IK did a solid 6 and removed the Overlord, Orikan and a bunch of dudes in one go. That is what kills them. It ignore invis as well.

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D does not kill death stars. Even if the 6 triggers, it is one model. Your IK will be dead far sooner. What kills stars is stomp, because a 6 can do far more damage with a 6. A Warden can also stomp.

I played against Lych Guard with 3++ reroll 1s and 4+ RP reroll 1s. D killed three dudes over 2 turns while my IK was down to 3 after the Overlord swung once. But then the IK did a solid 6 and removed the Overlord, Orikan and a bunch of dudes in one go. That is what kills them. It ignore invis as well.

This is the main reason why a Gallant is a good choice, because it's a cheaper way to get those Stomps, while the upgrades needed to make in more useful in the Shooting phase are free.



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