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Death Company Marine loadouts


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Just a quick question for you guys I am building a squad or two of these boys in black and was curious on load outs. I don't play a lot but when I do I'm a fan of WSYWG so before I finish building the models, I would like to know if this a possible combo. (I do magnetizing packs but im not really keen on magnetizing the guns/cc or special weps)


So the question is Can a Death Company marine be equipped with both a Power Fist and a Bolter ??


Reason being the Powerfist is specialist so guessing no bonus attack for a pistol.. so if he had a bolter at least he cud rapid fire prior to the charge.


Also would this mean 4 attacks if we made the charge on the first round of combat with a fist ?


If one of the veterans can clear this up for me I would be much obliged.



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Yes, a DC marine can have a bolter and a power fist. That is pretty much standard.


Yes 2 attacks base +1 for the charge +1 for rage. The bolt pistol and chainsword DC would have 5 attacks on the charge. These attacks would be S5 AP - at Initiative instead of S9 AP2 at I1 though.


I find magnetizing arms at the shoulder much easier than magnetizing the back packs. I haven't tried magnetizing the weapon hands yet.

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Yeh i dont mind magnetising the packs the only gripe so far is there isnt much to drill on the standard pack compared to the jump one.


Cheers for clearing up the Powerfist Bolter combo wasn't sure it sounded right when i read it.



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Just drop a magnet into the hole on the backback? I think I just tend to deepen it a little bit then drop a small magnet in. Don't need much to hold them up.

Yup that is the easy way, but that way the pack can rotate. When I was not satisfied with that result I tried drilling the holes above the nub/hole in the parts and it works a bit better.

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I'm having quite a bit of luck with running two DC squad. 8-10 man bolters with a drop pod and 7-10 man Jump Pack with CCW and bolt pistols. I find that about 1 Power Fist and maybe 1 power weapon is all that needed anymore, they tend to overkill just about everything that you should be assaulting. The dual threat from two units of DC for give me a chance to put my opponents in a tight spot.


But for a unit of DC, I generally alway put a Power Fist and if the unit is over 7 I may add a Power Weapon points permitting. Just try to avoid putting a ton off points in the DC, they are going to take a lot of punishment. At best I typically have only 3 or 4 (if that) left by the end of the game.

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One thing I am currently trying is running my DC with 2-3 inferno pistols. This gives them a chance to crack transports and then assault the contents in the same turn. Whilst it does bump up their cost, it saves shelling out for separate dedicated anti-tank units. At ~1500 points my planned army has 2 meltacide squads, DC with inferno pistols and SG with inferno pistols. That gives me 4 units that can bring 3-4 melta shots to bear on the enemy in turn 1 or 2 as well as significant CC potential.


In my head it works better than dedicated AT units like MM attack bikes or anything with a lascannon. Although inferno pistols are not cheap, when compared to the cost of a dedicated anti-tank unit, they start to look more attractive.

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You can't do that, actually. You can only assault the unit that you've shot. If you shoot the transport, then you can only assault the transport. If the transport is dead, then you can't assault anything.

You can, of course, assault the unit with a DIFFERENT Unit, just not the one you're shooting at.

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One thing I am currently trying is running my DC with 2-3 inferno pistols. This gives them a chance to crack transports and then assault the contents in the same turn. Whilst it does bump up their cost, it saves shelling out for separate dedicated anti-tank units. At ~1500 points my planned army has 2 meltacide squads, DC with inferno pistols and SG with inferno pistols. That gives me 4 units that can bring 3-4 melta shots to bear on the enemy in turn 1 or 2 as well as significant CC potential.
In my head it works better than dedicated AT units like MM attack bikes or anything with a lascannon. Although inferno pistols are not cheap, when compared to the cost of a dedicated anti-tank unit, they start to look more attractive.




You can't do that, actually. You can only assault the unit that you've shot. If you shoot the transport, then you can only assault the transport. If the transport is dead, then you can't assault anything.

You can, of course, assault the unit with a DIFFERENT Unit, just not the one you're shooting at.


Actually, Karhedronuk is correct:




If a Transport is destroyed by a shooting attack, any unit that shot it that turn can, if

allowed, charge the now disembarked passengers.


That exert is found under Effect of Damage on Passengers.

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It's been that way since... 4th ed? Or at least 5th msn-wink.gif

5th Ed - 4th was the introduction of you can only charge what you shoot, 5th corrected this oversight ;)

I could swear it werenae allowed, but apparently I've been wrong for quite some time.

At least half a decade ;)

It's easy to miss. It really, really pays to read the whole rulebook thoroughly. I've know GW staff members that did not know this!

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I think the reason most people miss this is because assaulting in general is such a corner-case tactic for most armies nowadays.  It's a sad state of affairs since the great CC nerf of 6th ed., which is something I hope they take into serious account in a year or two when 8th starts to rumor.  I don't want to go back to the sprawling mess that was 3rd/4th ed. CC, but I also want an excuse to take purely assault units, too.

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