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Chapter from scratch?, a return to 40k after a long break.

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Hi all, this is my post from warseer, thought this forum might be the better place to post due to the nature of it.


I have always been a WFB player when I gamed ( 2007 last game ) but I always enjoyed collecting 40k models, right back when I got my first space hulk many many many moons ago.

So I started painting a goblin a few weeks ago, a small project to build a new advanced hero quest game and on my trip into the attic to look for more older models for that....... I found my boxes of space marines, impulse buys most of them. I had cut many off the sprues, lots of failed atempteds at different things so its a mess of parts. I also have many many untouched sprues, here is some pics of what i have found so far, think there is still another box with tanks in missing some place http://www.warseer.com/forums/warseer/images/smilies/raisedbrow.png


So as you can see a mess, first of all I need to find all the models that need paint removed and strip them, next put any damaged models to one side for repairs and a bit of a sort out, see what i have, I remember buying a ton of dark angel stuff but I am not sure if I want to do a Dark angel force which brings me to my current problem, what chapter?

I have no idea about the current game or rules, a bit of a problem when building marines and I dont have access to play the game easily, unless I can talk my son into coming off his xbox and playing ( I have ork armies just as big as this unpainted ). So this is going to be done for the painting and to try and improve that side of my hobby and you never know, maybe I can find someone to play later on.

So back to chapters, I was thinking about a colour that scared me to paint all those years ago and white and yellow came to mind, so should i do a chapter based on one of those colours fists and scars came to mind, White I think I would find the hardest to do so finding that tempting, but again not sure if all my models would fit in, white scars is pretty much all bikes?

Anyway any advice or ideas is most welcome how to get this started, its a great reason once i get through my old stuff to buy some of the new toys http://www.warseer.com/forums/warseer/images/smilies/smile.png


thanks for reading!

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Holy crap, that's a lot of 'spare' stuff. So, you have a lot of DA stuff but want to paint white/yellow. Hmm. Although I might suggest the Angels of Vigilence, their chapter symbol is quite different to that of the Dark Angels. It's not out of the realms of possibility to do them and use Dark Angels iconography but it will look a little bit off to anyone who has a good enough memory. ;)


Do you know how many models you have with Chapter specific badges on them? Is it the majority of what you have or only a certain percentage?

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Holy crap, that's a lot of 'spare' stuff. So, you have a lot of DA stuff but want to paint white/yellow. Hmm. Although I might suggest the Angels of Vigilence, their chapter symbol is quite different to that of the Dark Angels. It's not out of the realms of possibility to do them and use Dark Angels iconography but it will look a little bit off to anyone who has a good enough memory. msn-wink.gif

Do you know how many models you have with Chapter specific badges on them? Is it the majority of what you have or only a certain percentage?

If I remember correctly, bought the dark angel battle boxes ( £50 ones with the bikes in, i got 4-5 of them ) space marine army deals, loads of different other stuff, a few blood angels etc and a few grey knights have 13 rhinos no idea how i got so many lol. Just think Dark angels are my past, was going to paint them up as it looked easy, but i fancy a complete reboot. Just been suggested on my other post to try lamenters, but know so little about them. Open to any ideas and realy dont mind how much work is takes, just emptied my first box and have 236 legs thats not any metal models, built up models or snap together stuff or any from the sprues, i think its the multi piece "normal" marines, i guess i have the bodies for them. Also came across 12 termie legs, again many more on sprues or built.

God knows what was going through my head at the time, wife is not looking happy at my large unused pile of plastic lol.


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I really should be flabbergasted at that number, but I'm not. Why? My own rummagings a few days ago turned up a good hundred or so plastic marines. Stay in the hobby long enough and the old/failed projects do mount up. :P

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Placing my vote for Howling Griffons (yellow/red quartered) if you really want to challenge yourself. The chapter symbol is simple, but the paint scheme is tough! I've always wanted to do this scheme myself, but I'm just too intimidated by the scheme. tongue.png

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Wow, look at that collection. You could make several armies out of all that I'd bet. Although the thought of having to remove all those mold lines fills me with terror. Yes, a complete reboot of your army isn't a bad idea. Recently I rebooted my Ultramarines army that I originally started back in 1998 and it felt so good to relive the initial excitement. As for what chapter you should go with, I've always had a soft spot of the Relictors, they've got some interesting background.

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Placing my vote for Howling Griffons (yellow/red quartered) if you really want to challenge yourself. The chapter symbol is simple, but the paint scheme is tough! I've always wanted to do this scheme myself, but I'm just too intimidated by the scheme. tongue.png

Yes that would be a challenge, dont think I am ready for that yet!

Wow, look at that collection. You could make several armies out of all that I'd bet. Although the thought of having to remove all those mold lines fills me with terror. Yes, a complete reboot of your army isn't a bad idea. Recently I rebooted my Ultramarines army that I originally started back in 1998 and it felt so good to relive the initial excitement. As for what chapter you should go with, I've always had a soft spot of the Relictors, they've got some interesting background.

Dont remind me about those mold lines, its going to be a killer.

Anyway, dipped the first 5 in the paint stripper and made some little repairs.


Just need to settle on a chapter and a setting ( for the bases ) and I am ready to go, pitty this is the hardest part for me, making a choice!

Also did space marine base sizes change?

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They have changed over the years, yes.


Terminator bases were increased in size a fair while back, whilst basic marine bases can be the same standard size or slightly bigger (as they began to be semi included in the new BA tactical box I believe).  Google up for the new base sizes (would hate to write it wrong :D ).

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New base size for the Power Armor marines is 32mm, Termies are now on 40mm bases. White is a definite challenge, because you don't want to start with pure white. Start with an off white (like Corax Flesh) or a very light grey and build up the highlights to pure white. Yellow can be as much of a challenge unless you are using a yellow spray or an airbrush.


Chapters with a White color scheme:

White Scars

Praetors of Orpheus

Eagle Warriors (blue/white halved)

Black Guard


Chapters with a Yellow color scheme:

Imperial Fists

Scythes of the Emperor

Solar Hawks

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What kind of paint stripper did you use to get those models that clean?  They look like brand-new!


Isopropanol Liquid Alcohol IPA 99%

Its cheap and quick, soak for around an hour and tooth brush it off, redip for stubborn parts. Works great on plastic and metal.  It stinks and if your using it in an enclosed space I would wear a mask and gloves.

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Had a little test at painting white, no highlights yet just some shading.




Still not sure on what chapter I should do furious.gif but learning quite abit with this painting test .......painting white is the devils work biggrin.png .

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Have you thought about making your own chapter? I would think yellow power armor, with white shoulders would look really sharp. And the nice thing about the DA models, is that really can work for BA or DA.

Is there some sort of lore theme that has been hanging out in the back of your mind. A kinda of neat grimdark outline that you have always wanted to flesh out? Well considering how much painting you have ahead of you, you will have plenty of time to let your imagination run wild! laugh.png

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Thanks for the tip, chrismisterx!  I've been using Simple Green for years and it seems to take forever.  Now that I'm an E-bay scrub, I'm going to need to get better at stripping old (yucky) models.  Does it remove glue too?

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Thanks for the tip, chrismisterx! I've been using Simple Green for years and it seems to take forever. Now that I'm an E-bay scrub, I'm going to need to get better at stripping old (yucky) models. Does it remove glue too?

Your welcome, my poor painting improved my stripping skills smile.png It sometimes removes glue and sometimes green stuff, but not all the time, very hit and miss.

Back to the un-named marines painted in some gold, no idea where this is going or if it will fit a chapter, just doing things to try out my painting atm.


Had a go at making some bases, now i am not sure if these should be painted up as :-

1 - desert, baked mud and sand effect.

2 - ice world, frozen wastes, ice and snow effect.

3 - standard city, rubble etc.


quick undercoat and a wash to show up the details better in the photo. what effect should I go with?

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What color were you going for on the marine's armor?  That's a huge factor to consider!  If I had to pick without knowing, I'd say city rubble if you're thinking lightly colored armor or desert if you're going for darkly colored armor.

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