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Did YOU already write an e-mail to GW asking for an errata?

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I dont want to be a downer or anything, but I saw this exact same thing on The Tyranid Hive Forums when the newest 'nid 'dex dropped.

I'm sure we can all agree that the Tyranids got shafted much, much worse than we did.


Litterally hundreds of forum members wrote to GW, they wrote FAQs and 'dex edits and houserules, sent them all off via post or eamil.

Not too surprisingly they heard nothing back.


I'm not discouraging you or saying you shouldn't at least try, but I wanted you guys to know the is a precident for this already and it doesnt lean in our favour. 

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I dont want to be a downer or anything, but I saw this exact same thing on The Tyranid Hive Forums when the newest 'nid 'dex dropped.

I'm sure we can all agree that the Tyranids got shafted much, much worse than we did.


Litterally hundreds of forum members wrote to GW, they wrote FAQs and 'dex edits and houserules, sent them all off via post or eamil.

Not too surprisingly they heard nothing back.


I'm not discouraging you or saying you shouldn't at least try, but I wanted you guys to know the is a precident for this already and it doesnt lean in our favour. 


This is exactly why I don't think this should be about "give us our rules back and buff this and that".


Instead we should focus on inconsistencies ONLY. That is:

Scouts WS 3 vs WS 4.

Dreadnoughts A 2 vs A 4.



They can't argue with that. They'll be happy to ignore simple moaning and complaining though.

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I go first^^, here are my ideas for a FAQ :


- Sanguinary priest, access to artificer armour upgrade...same cost as the captain (the idea seems correct by the models style and the blood angels fluff)

- Sanginary guard , +1 WS, and maybe +1 wounds (They are supposed to be hero amongst hero, so +1WS seems quite correct, while i'm not sure for the +1 wound)

- Dreadnought attacks stats in accordance with the C:SM (So 4 basic attacks)

- Scouts stats up in accordance with the C:SM (So 4ws and 4bs)

- BA scout access to the land speeder storm (Could bring some new ideas and strategies on the board, while respecting the blood angels fluff)

- BA access to the Stormtalon (The blood angels always need hold the sky, and it is wrote in the codex...so...realistic idea.)

- Vehicles squadron rules (I don't think that the priority, but it would be in accordance with the C:SM

Guys, be careful not to stretch this too far.

Asking for our codex to be updated so that it's in line with the new C:SM when it comes to identical units is one thing,

asking for buffs or changes simply because we don't like our new codex (like changing Sanguinary Priests or Guard) is something different altogether.


Why should our scouts or dreadnought be worse than the exact same thing over in C:SM? No reason, please fix this GW.

By the way, I don't like unit X, Y and Z. Tough luck...


What I mean is let's stick to the requests we have grounds for, instead we'll look like regular "buff me nerf my opponent" folk and be ignored.


Or do you really want a new codex now, just 6 months after the current one got released?

I sure don't after buying that expensive Limited Edition...

I concur. Let's keep it simple and compelling and save the wish list for the next full book (I for one have plenty of wishes)

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Absolutely agree there should be 0 wishlisting if we want any non ba community support.


Just the vehicle squadrons. Stat changes like scout ws/bs, dread attacks and vanguard points changes.


Did i miss anything?

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Want to add something nobody else has mentioned anywhere from what I've seen:

Space Marine Techmarines are currently 2W compared to our 1W models.

To paraphrase a previous comment, "Someone uses Techmarines?" tongue.png

You don't use techmarines with their low point cost, artificer armor and vehicle fixing abilities? Shame. I screamed when I head the vanilla marines got an extra wound on theirs.

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Want to add something nobody else has mentioned anywhere from what I've seen:

Space Marine Techmarines are currently 2W compared to our 1W models.

To paraphrase a previous comment, "Someone uses Techmarines?" tongue.png

You don't use techmarines with their low point cost, artificer armor and vehicle fixing abilities? Shame. I screamed when I head the vanilla marines got an extra wound on theirs.

If our Techmarines were 100% more durable to anything that's not S8 or higher for the exact same points cost, I'd definitely consider it....

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No, and I don't intend to, because there's absolutely no point. GW don't listen to their player base. I don't want to waste another breath on the piss-poor, cash-grabbing, time-wasting excuse for a game that this skidmark on the undergarments of tabletop wargaming has become.


I thought this forum was supposed to promote a positive or even just a constructive discussion about the 40k hobby.


This comment and others like it in this thread do nothing to help other B+C fraters, I much prefer the constructive ones such as the ETL, the batreps, the unit discussions, painting, modelling and ways to over come the problems fraters face in their 40k hobby.


I may be out of order posting in here as I rarely post.



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*snip* vitriol *snip


Maybe take a step back and remember that this is a game of toy soldiers.


And that you're posting about how you will never have anything to do with games workshop games...on a site dedicated to games workshop games.


This is a dark path. Look to the chaos forums where we have just had a prominent ban for the rage and dissent.

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Short memories. I remember when our codex came out there were numerous people saying it seemed like gw had listened to the player base. I still love our codex, and just enjoy the hobby / social aspect. I get my money's worth, I win some and lose some. This is a game.
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For what it's worth, I dont see this "movement" as a legitimately viable option for DIRECT change - its more about making a noise in order to generate awareness.  

GW have never caved to gamer demands, but, the amount of noise we make will enable the gamer coice to be heard at least, and then hopefully factored in in some way when the time for change does come -or at least factored in for future decisions. 



I'm not entirely sure that the FAQ email is the right place, so, i'll be writing a physical letter to the design team too.



The 40k Design/Rules Team

C/O Games Workshop Group PLC,

Willow Road,





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-Soular; 01/25/2005 expurgated:

The Blood Angels have, without a doubt, the very best Chapter fluff in the Imperium. We aren't all lame and disgusted with our bodies to the point of hacking bits off to be replaced by cybernetics, nor are we all goody-goody blue funboys with no real fluff short of, "Uhhhh... we got our asses handed to us by the 'nids." We aren't scouring the galaxy, searching for our brothers who turned to the dark side and might out us while living in a floating rock because we blew our own homeworld up. We aren't self flagellators in yellow armor, we aren't all albino with schtoopid mutant weirdos, we don't have lame claws growing out of our forearms, and we do not enjoy chowing down on a steaming bowl of dog food and rolling over for a nap.
We are among the oldest lived space marines. We are possibly the only ones who appreciate, and create art. We have a true hero Primarch that died in the service of the Emperor. Our Primarch didn't have canines, he didn't have pallid skin, or one freaky eye; he had wings! He had precognition without dabbling in the chaos arts. The Blood Angels are proud, yet not self-important. They fight as well as any marine, yet at the same time hold themselves back to keep from falling into the abyss of the Rage. I could go on, but I'd be speaking to the converted...

The popularity of marine armies waxes and wanes as GW focuses their baleful eye on each one.


While our rules may suffer in light of the current armies, there will always be a core cadre of players who play them because they are just so dang bitchen' regardless of the rules.

Oh, I almost forgot... the Blood Angels are red. Not some fairy lame color like blue or yellow. Not presumptuous goth black, or goth-lite gray. Not green (I mean, green?) or white (coming up with a primary color was too difficult for them). They are red; the color of blood and violence. In other words, the color of why it's good to be a marine!

So apparently you are All the best Space Marines ever!


Yet you're now whingeing that you are second best - Boo Hoo!


Stupid Mutant loving babies!

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(Throws ball into distance)

Go fetch!

That should distract him for a while. And for the record, BA are on the fourth best marine codex, behind the regular, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves. We try with Grey Knights for last. Come back when you fetch the ball (jokes on him, its behind my back, but Fenrisian puppies are notoriously easy to fool)

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(Throws ball into distance)

Go fetch!

That should distract him for a while. And for the record, BA are on the fourth best marine codex, behind the regular, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves. We try with Grey Knights for last. Come back when you fetch the ball (jokes on him, its behind my back, but Fenrisian puppies are notoriously easy to fool)

@BadDice0809 - Well this puppy certainly fooled you!!!


Seeing as you failed to notice my Primarch's name or even the fact that my Avatar is wearing Black Armour with an Iron Hand!!!


Here's your stupid ball, Idiot!

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