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06/21 against Forgeworld-heavy Iron Warriors


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Alright Blood Brothers...


Here is what I am up against on Sunday and I would appreciate some Tactical advice. I say Tactical since I already told my opponent what I am bringing so I can't really change too much:



+++ 2000 Iron Warriors 5 (1996pts) +++


++ Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++


+ HQ +


Warpsmith [Aura of dark glory, Bolt Pistol, Mark of Nurgle, Power Axe, Veterans of the Long War, Warlord]


+ Elites +


Chosen [Chaos Rhino, 5x Chosen, Mark of Nurgle, Meltagun, 4x Replace boltgun w/ Meltagun]

····Chosen Champion [bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Melta Bomb]

········Power Weapon [Power Axe]


+ Troops +


Chaos Cultists [8x autopistol loadout, 9x Cultists in unit]

····Cultist Champion [Auto Pistol]

····Heavy Weapon upgrade [Flamer]


Chaos Space Marines [9x Boltgun loadout, Chaos Rhino, 9x Chaos Space Marines in the unit, Meltagun, Meltagun]

····Aspiring Champion [bolt Pistol, Power Fist]


············Combi-weapon [Combi-melta]


Chaos Space Marines [9x Boltgun loadout, Chaos Rhino, 9x Chaos Space Marines in the unit, Meltagun, Meltagun]

····Aspiring Champion [bolt Pistol, Power Fist]


············Combi-weapon [Combi-melta]


+ Fast Attack +


Heldrake [baleflamer]


+ Heavy Support +


[FW] Chaos Relic Sicarian [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]


[FW] Chaos Relic Sicarian [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]


[FW] Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer [Combi-bolter]


+ Lord of War +


Chaos Typhon [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]





And here is what I said I would be bringing (honing in on a TAC-ish list):



Detachment One: Baal Strike Force (2000pts)


HQ x 1

Troops x 2

Elites x 4

Fast Attack x 1

Heavy Support x 3

LoW x 1

Commander Dante (LoW)


Sanguinary Priest (HQ)

--Jump Pack

--Valour's Edge

--Bolt Pistol

Sanguinary Guard x 6 (Elite)

--Chapter Banner

--Inferno Pistol x 2

--Power Fist x 1


Tactical Marine x 5 (Troop)

--Heavy Flamer

Razorback (Dedicated Transport)

--Overcharged Engines

--Laser Cannon/TL Plasma Gun


Tactical Marine x 5 (Troop)

--Heavy Flamer

Razorback (Dedicated Transport)

--Overcharged Engines

--Laser Cannon/TL Plasma Gun


Death Company x 10 (Elite)

--Jump Pack x 10

--Power Fist x 2

--Bolt Gun x 2


Furioso Dreadnought (Elite)

--Frag Cannon

--Blood Talon

--Melta Gun

--Magna Grapple

Drop Pod (Dedicated Transport)

--Storm Bolter


Furioso Dreadnought (Elite)

--Frag Cannon

--Blood Talon

--Melta Gun

--Magna Grapple

Drop Pod (Dedicated Transport)

--Storm Bolter

Assault Marine x 5 (Fast Attack)

--Melta Gun x 2

--Sgt Combi-Melta

Drop Pod (Dedicated Transport)

--Storm Bolter


Predator (Heavy Support)

--Overcharged Engines


--Sponsons: Lascannons

Vindicator (Heavy Support)

--Overcharged Engines

--Siege Shield


Devastator Squad (Heavy Support)

--Lascannon x 4

--Tactical Marine +1



The other options I was considering was to swap out the Devastator squad for either a ML2 Librarian with JP, Gallian's Staff and Storm Shield or a Vindicare Assassin.






So...any tactical advice?


If nothing else, any input on his units from experience? Like what's a Warpsmith...Techmarine/Sorceror combined?


My plan is to take out the Typhon ASAP with Meltacide and whatever else I can reach it with. Then the Sicarians. I am not too concerned with his infantry since SG and DC should eat them up, if they survive that long. Biggest unknown is the Warpsmith.


The Heldrake will eat me up but I still haven't gotten a chance to finish assembling my Stormraven. Anything I can possibly do that thing?

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Meltacide will be a bit useless against tanks with armored ceramite upgrade. 

Fragiosos look like a bad choice against his list since he is fully mechanized and his marines will probably start the game inside transports. Even if you blow them up the disembarked CSM will get you back with those meltas.


Heavy flamers are a bit weak against MEQ so I would take a speical weapon instead of a heavy for those combat/tactical squads. Razorbarcks are nice.


You might want to get rid of something and put more men into the devastator squad. Make it 10 men and divide it into two combat squads. Or you might get rid of the lascannons and put four missile launchers with flakk missiles which will help against the hell turkey.


Sanguinary guard never seems to work for me.


BSF is good but FTSF is my choice these days. Specialist units with low troop tax is great. With so many high armored (one superheavy no less) targets with ceramite I would go with a grav bike heavy list with dante and death company. Though I have no idea what kind of army you have.


Just my 2 cents.

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Thanks for the tips. I will play around with things but I won't let myself make any major changes since I posted my army first and he came back with that (to be fair I believe it is pretty much his standard list).


My concern with the Devastators is that I badly need their S9 AP2 shots, especially since my Meltacide is now essentially moot. Going for Flakk ML handicaps me more.


I don't have any bikes and the only thing I could replace the Meltacide with his a Land Speeder with a MM/Heavy Flamer.


I could replace the Heavy Flamers in the Tacs with Grav Guns or Meltas

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Iron warriors in all but name. Taking the mark of nugrle but calling it iron warriors, well than at lest he not running MON bikes at you.

That tough list he is bringing, and no offense you're kinda of miss matched, but me personally I don't like to taylor list I rather just see show up and see what I am facing and visa versa.

But to offer some input and hoping it helps you out.

[FW] Chaos Relic Sicarian [Armored Ceramite, Lascannons]

[FW] Chaos Relic Sicarian [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]
[FW] Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer [Combi-bolte

​Those tanks are brutal I run a pari Siciarian all the time and I know their damage out put. ( bikes wont help because it takes away there jinks) Also thats 12 shots a turn and I believe chaos version is still a fast tank, double check that before the game starts, tho So if he knows how to use them he will own your tanks he will have no issues ripping about the side AV of your tanks, as well if pools his fire power on to 5man sq. 12 rending shots is not fun when running 5 man sq. The Tank destroyer is another gift from FW it fun tank to use but not fun when facing it, if he sits still it either 2/3 shots that has great chance of destroy tank in one rd of shooting, (hence the name) And the range out paces your tanks, minus the lascannon Also the pair Siicarians will own any flyer you try to play, just a word of caution on those, that lack sky fire but make up for with it's shots and taking a jinks. So in short words no Land speeders

The Chaos Typhon [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]

One of favorite super heavy balance point cost and was bitch to face before the nerf. Still deadly they just nerf is crushing weight rule, which was little unjust in IMO. Anyway 24 if moves 48 if doesn't. This bitch drops auto deleting pie plates and will infuriate you to no end. Kill quickly or destroy it main gun than its just mobile steel wall to hide behind. Not your friend but at lest he didn't take any legacy of Ruin to add to it. ( there one that designed to fight Blood angles good thing he left off his tanks its rather nasty.

As for helldrake, Get close to his units or be CC and he wont have clear shot at anything, use his large "footprint" to your benefit, will all those tanks and models the closer you are to him the harder it will be for him to place it down and line up shoots let his army be your screen for it. Sadly your dev are going to be first tgt as they will in rear of your list and be stand out for him.

I use those tanks so I hope my personal insight helps on them. As for helldarke I was facing 3 at time before the nerf.

Ia agreed that dreads will have really hard time, all that melta he has, and his choice of tanks will own them. They will be hard press to survive a round of shooting. All that AC on tanks will null out the melta. Power fist will be better over the talons as you want to be CC with the tanks tie them and strip hull points that way, with the dreads.

DC with fist is prefect choice for this list.

SG have not ran them this edition, but the IP wont be that effective because of AC, take power fist if you can.

5 man tac sq. I would take the grav over the heavy flamer, only the cult clowns will be scared of the heavy flamer, grav and as much as you can fit in. Haywire is going to be friend here. As well hitting the Tanks in CC if you tie them up there not shooting to censored.gif.

The dev are good choice, normally I don't run dev in BSF but seeing his list is center on tanks keep the lascannons you're going to need all punch you can get.

I know all this sounds negative but please don't take it that way. Just trying to point to surfaces and gaps remember to hit the gaps.

Get in CC as fast possible and negate his tank shooting. PF are with BSF will eat the tanks. Grav is best friend here the chance of haywire is too good to pass up, plus it will thin down his marines, and negate the MON.

I know you said you cant alter you list too much, but if deiced to make minor changes, grav gun over heavy flamer, and grav pistols on Sgt.. IF you want to make major changes, all drop pods.

Last the change if you can make it, might help take Vin assassin and toss him aegis with auto cannon. Thats good spot for him gives him clear view of field and when the hell drake arrives he face 4 sky fire shoots at his BS.

Oh forgot about your questions about warp smith hence the edit. basically just chaos tekmarine and he include in list for him run the tanks from IA13. They need for there relic rule the same way we need to run Chaplin if we are run more than one relic of armory. I believe functions as our tek marines do, so he not psker. He can hold his own in CC tho, so hit him before he hits you. MON basically counters our FC. But you will be swing faster, so avoid using PF as it will come down to who the dice like more. Dante would make short work of him.

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Iron warriors in all but name. Taking the mark of nugrle but calling it iron warriors, well than at lest he not running MON bikes at you.


That tough list he is bringing, and no offense you're kinda of miss matched, but me personally I don't like to taylor list I rather just see show up and see what I am facing and visa versa.


But to offer some input and hoping it helps you out.  


[FW] Chaos Relic Sicarian [Armored Ceramite, Lascannons] 

[FW] Chaos Relic Sicarian [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]

[FW] Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer [Combi-bolte


​Those tanks are brutal I run a pari Siciarian all the time and I know their damage out put.  ( bikes wont help because it takes away there jinks)  


Yes, jink is useless. Thats why you move them through cover. Failing the occasional dangerous terrain roll is much better than jinking I find. At least you don't need to snap shoot. It is a good tactic against sicarans.

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Iron warriors in all but name. Taking the mark of nugrle but calling it iron warriors, well than at lest he not running MON bikes at you.

That tough list he is bringing, and no offense you're kinda of miss matched, but me personally I don't like to taylor list I rather just see show up and see what I am facing and visa versa.

But to offer some input and hoping it helps you out.

[FW] Chaos Relic Sicarian [Armored Ceramite, Lascannons]

[FW] Chaos Relic Sicarian [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]

[FW] Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer [Combi-bolte

​Those tanks are brutal I run a pari Siciarian all the time and I know their damage out put. ( bikes wont help because it takes away there jinks) Also thats 12 shots a turn and I believe chaos version is still a fast tank, double check that before the game starts, tho So if he knows how to use them he will own your tanks he will have no issues ripping about the side AV of your tanks, as well if pools his fire power on to 5man sq. 12 rending shots is not fun when running 5 man sq. The Tank destroyer is another gift from FW it fun tank to use but not fun when facing it, if he sits still it either 2/3 shots that has great chance of destroy tank in one rd of shooting, (hence the name) And the range out paces your tanks, minus the lascannon Also the pair Siicarians will own any flyer you try to play, just a word of caution on those, that lack sky fire but make up for with it's shots and taking a jinks. So in short words no Land speeders

The Chaos Typhon [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]

One of favorite super heavy balance point cost and was bitch to face before the nerf. Still deadly they just nerf is crushing weight rule, which was little unjust in IMO. Anyway 24 if moves 48 if doesn't. This bitch drops auto deleting pie plates and will infuriate you to no end. Kill quickly or destroy it main gun than its just mobile steel wall to hide behind. Not your friend but at lest he didn't take any legacy of Ruin to add to it. ( there one that designed to fight Blood angles good thing he left off his tanks its rather nasty.

As for helldrake, Get close to his units or be CC and he wont have clear shot at anything, use his large "footprint" to your benefit, will all those tanks and models the closer you are to him the harder it will be for him to place it down and line up shoots let his army be your screen for it. Sadly your dev are going to be first tgt as they will in rear of your list and be stand out for him.

I use those tanks so I hope my personal insight helps on them. As for helldarke I was facing 3 at time before the nerf.

Ia agreed that dreads will have really hard time, all that melta he has, and his choice of tanks will own them. They will be hard press to survive a round of shooting. All that AC on tanks will null out the melta. Power fist will be better over the talons as you want to be CC with the tanks tie them and strip hull points that way, with the dreads.

DC with fist is prefect choice for this list.

SG have not ran them this edition, but the IP wont be that effective because of AC, take power fist if you can.

5 man tac sq. I would take the grav over the heavy flamer, only the cult clowns will be scared of the heavy flamer, grav and as much as you can fit in. Haywire is going to be friend here. As well hitting the Tanks in CC if you tie them up there not shooting to censored.gif.

The dev are good choice, normally I don't run dev in BSF but seeing his list is center on tanks keep the lascannons you're going to need all punch you can get.

I know all this sounds negative but please don't take it that way. Just trying to point to surfaces and gaps remember to hit the gaps.

Get in CC as fast possible and negate his tank shooting. PF are with BSF will eat the tanks. Grav is best friend here the chance of haywire is too good to pass up, plus it will thin down his marines, and negate the MON.

I know you said you cant alter you list too much, but if deiced to make minor changes, grav gun over heavy flamer, and grav pistols on Sgt.. IF you want to make major changes, all drop pods.

Last the change if you can make it, might help take Vin assassin and toss him aegis with auto cannon. Thats good spot for him gives him clear view of field and when the hell drake arrives he face 4 sky fire shoots at his BS.

Oh forgot about your questions about warp smith hence the edit. basically just chaos tekmarine and he include in list for him run the tanks from IA13. They need for there relic rule the same way we need to run Chaplin if we are run more than one relic of armory. I believe functions as our tek marines do, so he not psker. He can hold his own in CC tho, so hit him before he hits you. MON basically counters our FC. But you will be swing faster, so avoid using PF as it will come down to who the dice like more. Dante would make short work of him.

Wow, thanks for the insight. This battle is going to come down to the tanks. Mine are dead...that's a foregone conclusion. The trick will be to make them last long enough to take out at least one of his and/or pull his units into position to allow a decent Charge.

The Heldrake is a problem but Offense will have to be my Defense there.

I am not too concerned about his Infantry (should I be?). If DC or SG survive to Charge I am confident they will merc them.

My hope is that if I can hurt is Tanks, even just somehow take out his big boy early on, it will be a psychological blow that let's me dance around him for the rest of the game.

This is my first time against Forgeworld units. It's a fun challenge but already I am seeing why people gripe. If I had the time and money I think the FW Dreadnought DPs would be good against his list: a couple of Furiosos or DC Dreads with Blood Talons Charging Turn 1 would make him think twice...right?

Edit: typos

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This is my first time against Forgeworld units. It's a fun challenge but already I am seeing why people gripe. If I had the time and money I think the FW Dreadnought DPs would be good against his list: a couple of Furiosos or DC Dreads with Blood Talons Charging Turn 1 would make him think twice...right?


Edit: typos



Dread pods doesn't work that way unfortunetly. They arrive and stay closed for a turn (they have shrouded the turn they arrive) and you can charge the second turn since it is an assault vehicle. No 1st turn assault.

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FW stuff gets a bad rap, it's not too OP, its just different to play against.  There are far worst things he could have brought from IA13, that book is our updated IA2. 


Wit out rewriting you list, it's going to be challenging. But that adds to fun, it's not like he slapped down 3 knights or riptides. IT's a well thought out list.


I wouldn't sweat his troops, once you hit them they will suffer. His tanks on the other hand are going to problematic. 


As said above dread pods only grant shrouded, that will only help for a turn or two. IF you going to invest in FW pods aren't wise IMO. As you can use a normal pod as dread pod and save $ State side FW is costly because of shipping so waiting place orders that give free shipping is way to go. 


Without repeating my self again and again, the key winning is get in close and stay their use his footprint against him. With all those tanks and size of them you may be able to daisy change CC attacks bounces from to another one.  Typhoon is :cussing huge and terrain placement its hard to move SIciarns are also bigger and thus harder to move on crowded table.  Press the attack and keep him on edge one wrong placement of all those tanks and he will take him self out fight. 

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FW stuff gets a bad rap, it's not too OP, its just different to play against. There are far worst things he could have brought from IA13, that book is our updated IA2.


Wit out rewriting you list, it's going to be challenging. But that adds to fun, it's not like he slapped down 3 knights or riptides. IT's a well thought out list.


I wouldn't sweat his troops, once you hit them they will suffer. His tanks on the other hand are going to problematic.


As said above dread pods only grant shrouded, that will only help for a turn or two. IF you going to invest in FW pods aren't wise IMO. As you can use a normal pod as dread pod and save $ State side FW is costly because of shipping so waiting place orders that give free shipping is way to go.


Without repeating my self again and again, the key winning is get in close and stay their use his footprint against him. With all those tanks and size of them you may be able to daisy change CC attacks bounces from to another one. Typhoon is :cussing huge and terrain placement its hard to move SIciarns are also bigger and thus harder to move on crowded table. Press the attack and keep him on edge one wrong placement of all those tanks and he will take him self out fight.

I am not buying FW anytime soon...still need to get 2x more Stormravens for Angel's Fury Spearhead!


In terms of using his footprint against him, I get that in terms of infantry but should I go point blank with my tanks as well? Usually I try to go all Ali with my Fast Las/Plas R-backs and Predator, floating and stinging at the periphery of weapon range. Are you suggesting getting into "broadside" range instead?

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3 ravens is fun formation, excels at higher point matches.


Me personally when I run other tanks other my Siciarins I tend to use rhinos as cover for DC jumpers and when they become wreck I park my Sicirarins behind them and use their speed to my advantage . 


Your out either equal or out paced on range, however fast tanks can get to side AV. I assuming that why you mean by broadside. The good thing about this is move flat out and land on his side his has to either address by turning to you or rolling away, and fwd means a shot at his back armor, so chances are he either going to use his troops and rhinos as bubble wrap or spend a lot time moving in circles.  

All this easier said than done after all you're playing with another person so they will see it coming and force to react, plus if dice gods deiced to :cuss you there nothing you can do. 

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Here is the Battle Report from the engagement yesterday:




“Fortuna audaces luvat.” *




I was concerned about this matchup from the moment he posted his list. Apparently he felt the same way on his end. That seems like a good thing: a sign it is going to be a clash for the ages. This was my first experience going up against Forgeworld units. Armoured Ceramite is a neat trick, especially for an army that tends to rely on short-ranged Melta for that AT punch. I can see how some people would consider it unfair or OP but no complaints on my end.


First off, a note about “sidegaming”: I got Tactical advice from another club member at certain points in the game. I do not want to make excuses but I did not even think of it as anything other than friendly advice. I love the social experience of the club and can be a chatty guy so I thought nothing of it. However, someone else intervened and pointed out that it is unfair since it’s like 2 against 1. My opponent then was playing me as well as the input of this 3rd person. I never thought of it that way but it makes perfect sense and I will be sure to keep an eye out for that in the future.


Secondly, I want to genuinely thank my opponent. I had a hard stop time limit AND ate up quite a bit of that precious play time positioning individual models, checking and re-checking distances and sight lines on both sides and so forth. If we had a chess clock I probably would have been destroyed. I also pre-measured blast and flamer templates which apparently you are not supposed to do. So I have to thank my opponent for being such a gracious and PATIENT player.








He turtled up in his kitty-corner, AV 13 out front, cultists wrapping one flank, laser destroyer parked up high in a “sniping” position.


I micromanaged every Unit behind to make sure he could not see anything. I parked my Devastators on top of a stone ruin that game them a commanding view of the entire left side of the board while also hiding them from the laser destroyer. Maybe I should have moved them up and to the left by about 3” as I later learned….


Turn 1:


I Seize the Initiative and get 1x Furioso to merc his Cultists. Frag Cannon just keeps paying for itself as the survivors run off the board. Meltacide Assault Marine DP lands on the opposite flank and cant take out his Warlord-bearing Rhino due to its cover save. My Predator peeks around the mountain to zap one of his Sicarians with some lucky Penetrating Rolls. Death Company jump/run straight up the left side in a staggered column through the wide open terrain.


He kills 4/5 of the Assault Marines, sending the Sgt running into the middle of the board. He unloads one his CSM squads and somehow misses 3 Melta shots at my Furioso. That was probably the most key Roll of the entire game. Typho Rolls up and removes my Devastator squad. He explodes one of my Las/Plas backs but the squad emerges unscathed. That’s 5/9 precious Lascannons already gone.


Turn 2:


My second Furioso lands almost perfectly due to the special Drop Pod rules and proceeds to earn his money against the second CSM squad. First Fragioso Charges what’s left of the first CSM squad and kills off a few morex CSM tied up in combat. Vindicator bolts around the right side flank but stops just short of range to hit anything. My own mistake not measuring correctly. Assault Sgt is entered into the hall of heroes by miraculously geting a Melta Bomb on the second Sicaran and making it go bye-bye. Pred and Las/Plas #2 plink off 1 HP from the Typho who takes out 5 Death Company…


…as he uses his Chosen/Warlord to immobilize and weapon-destroy the freshly landed Furioso and kill off the Assault Sgt with dakka from Rhinos etc…Heldrake shows up and erases my Tac squad on a rear objective from existence. Laser-Destroyer Vindicator somehow only gets 1 HP off my Vindicator.


Turn 3:


Vindicator gets great scatter onto his Chosen/Warlord, removing half of them including several special weapons. Death Company work up to the rear of his Typho and 1 Rhino but just out of Charge range. Pred and Las/Plas take off 1 more HP from the big guy, now down to 4. Furioso #1 leaves only 2x CSM alive but still locked in combat.


Laser Destroyer takes out my Vindicator. Typho spins around to leave only 1x DC standing (a Power Fist guy, thankfully). Chosen/Warlord finish off the immobilized Furioso.


Game ends due to my hard-stop time limit. Score is 6-3 me due to Maelstrom Objective cards. Beyond that, I feel that I was in a good position to do damage in Turn 4, with my 1st Furioso going after either his Laser Destroyer or the Typho, the lone DC Charge either the Typho or one of his empty Rhinos, the Lascannons plinking away at the Typho, and Dante’s Sanguinary Guard/Sanguinary Priest Charging his Warlord (and most likely getting Slay the Warlord).






Me: Furioso Dreadnoughts in Drop Pods with Frag Cannons. 2nd game in a row they claim the title. The “Fragiosos” keep on doing WORK for me. Together they took out 2x squads of Chaos Marines and a Cultist squad. More importantly, they tied a good chunk of his force in his deployment zone and made him have to react to me.


Runner(s) up: Split between Vindicator and Predator Annihilator. Vindicator got 2 good shots off that did some work, including killing quite a few of his Chosen that had spilled out of a Rhino to Melta-cook my 2ndFragioso. The Predator took out a Sicaran Turn 1 with some lucky Pen rolls and then proceeded to give the Typho his all. Felt more like the Ewoks banging wooden clubs on the feet of an AT-ST, but hey, it’s the effort that counts and he displayed grit and determination that would make any Space Marine proud.


Him: Typho. The thing’s a beast. It wiped out my Devastators in a single shot and killed 9/10 of my beloved Death Company. It probably would have claimed even more kills if not for some Armor Penetration Rolls that lucked out for me. The crazy part is that I am not even sure I would have killed it by Turn 7, let alone Turn 6. It still had 4 HP left and my Units that could hurt it were dwindling rapidly.


Runner(s) up: Heldrake. Roasted 1.5 of my Tactical Squads without blinking and was just getting warmed up. I had no answer for this. Had the game gone on, this could have turned the tide.




LVP (Least Valuable Player):


Me: Devastators. 2nd game in a row they did nothing for me. At least the last game they just missed shots. This time they never even fired a shot. The one job they did was pull a pie plate away from something else.


Him: I am not sure what he would consider his “dud” of the match, but to me, it would have been his Warlord, a Warpsmith. He did nothing. I don’t know his capabilities, but since he looked like an iron spider I am guessing he could have tried to repair something. I was not concerned about him whatsoever…partially due to having Dante on his way to slay him. I am sure that was due to points but my experience has been that Chaos can have some disgustingly powerful characters and so proportionately speaking he seemed underwhelming.






The Dice:


Definitely worked out for me in a few game-turning ways:


1. Seize the Initiative: I won this and thus got into his face early on with my Drop Pods


2. He missed I think 5 Melta shots at my Fragiosos in the same Turn. I think that may have been the tipping point as the Dreads were able to continue at least tieing him up


My best move(s):


1. # of Threats


a. Both from a list building and Tactical perspective, this was my key to victory. I gave him too many targets to prioritize. Case in point: I made the extremely ballsy decision to run my Death Company up the left side of the board, pretty much in wide open terrain the whole way. My hope was that they would make it up to his lines and put some Power Fists up some tailpipes (4x S9 AP2 hits on the Charge each ain’t nothing, even to AV14) but if they couldn’t, they would draw some heat away from my previous Lascannons. It worked as his Typho kept firing at the DC, letting my Predator slowly plink off a few HP.


2. Using Terrain


a. There was a massive sight-blocking mountain in the center of the map. I deployed in such a way that I hid almost all of my Units from his to start and continued to maneuver in such a way that I only presented him targets when I wanted to (such as the Vindicator getting to shoot before taking return fire).




My worst move(s)


1. Measuring ranges. Double face-palm noob mistake x2 for me. First was setting up my Devastators out of range by 2”. This alone could have cost me the game. I hid my forces from his sightlines quite well, if I may say so, but I got so caught up hiding the Devs I forgot to check if they could actually hit his stuff. They sat there in there Tower for my Turn 1 and then died ignobly to a man with a single Apocalyptic pie plate. They are my




Final Thoughts:


I lucked out on so many factors: Deployment, Seize the Initiative, Pen Rolls for me and missed Meltas for him. Also the outside advice I mentioned previously. Finally, I did tweak my list to be better able to deal with his. Not to “nasty” levels, just traded out wargear for an Lascannon, an extra Power Fist, and some Grav guns, the latter of which proved moot. Half my objective was to stick with what I had said I would play with and just deal with it. So the fact that I changed anything pre-game was bad although all things considered it really was not that much. I was also the one with the hard-stop time limit so that may have forced him into some decisions he normally would not have.


That being said this was one of the best games I have yet to play. Of all the lists I have gone up against, this one actually gave me pause. I genuinely thought I was going to lose it and wanted to see if I could at least knock out some of his shiny FW units. Perhaps that put me on edge to be hyper vigilant but either way I felt I played both smart and aggressive, making good decisions every step of the way from dancing around the sight-blocking terrain to maximize defense, to flooding him with threats to confuse his prioritization. I also pretty aggressive and many of the dice rolls could have easily gone against me and turned the tide, but I positioned myself to take full advantage, should I happen to luck out. And to me, that is ultimately what I did best and so I feel comfortable claiming victory.


Final Rating: Tempered Victory


*translation from Latin: "Fortune favors the bold."

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The Chaos Typhon [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]

One of favorite super heavy balance point cost and was bitch to face before the nerf. Still deadly they just nerf is crushing weight rule, which was little unjust in IMO. Anyway 24 if moves 48 if doesn't. This bitch drops auto deleting pie plates and will infuriate you to no end. Kill quickly or destroy it main gun than its just mobile steel wall to hide behind. Not your friend but at lest he didn't take any legacy of Ruin to add to it. ( there one that designed to fight Blood angles good thing he left off his tanks its rather nasty.

A bit late now, but you can't damage the gun on a Super-heavy as they ignore everyone option on the damage chart bar explodes, which is an extra D3 HPs.

Also, how much, if at all, should I invest in Melta Bombs? They are Melta but also Armourbane, right?

Just melta.

It's the other way around, melta Bombs only have Armourbane - so you can use them on Avatars blink.png

Secondly, I want to genuinely thank my opponent. I had a hard stop time limit AND ate up quite a bit of that precious play time positioning individual models, checking and re-checking distances and sight lines on both sides and so forth. If we had a chess clock I probably would have been destroyed. I also pre-measured blast and flamer templates which apparently you are not supposed to do. So I have to thank my opponent for being such a gracious and PATIENT player.

You can check measurements at any time and that includes those weapons with the Blast and Template type.

Other than that, congrats on the win. Facing a Typhon is just plain nasty, especially given the saturation of armour it came with.

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