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Contemptor Question


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We can use the Kheres on OUR contemptor. Rules are in IA Apocalypse Second edition. It comes with Blood Fists with storm-bolters which can be exchanged for Blood talons for free. We can replace the storm bolters for heavy flamers (2 metlabombs) or melta guns (3 bombs). We can replace the Blood Fists for a TL Heavy bolter (free), a multi-melta (free), a TL heavy flamer (free), Frag cannon (free), TL autocannon (1 bomb), Plasma cannon (2 bombs), Kheres (3 bombs), or a TL lascannon (5 bombs).


Edited with costs in melta bombs.

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I see this has already been answered, but here is some further reading:




I'm half tempted to ask if we can deploy them via Stormraven or FA Drop Pods, but the answer will likely be "discuss it with your group" :-/

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