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Got a load of pods, but what shall I put in 'em?


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So, I've got my collection of pods up to 6 and a Lucious! I'm staggered!

I've got a friendly 1650 in a couple of days against ultra marines and then a 1k local event in a couple of weeks. This is a doubles day where we will be randomly paired and one plays a maelstrom mission while the other plays eternal war simultaneously! The locals have every army going but I would say they're marine.heavy.


So what can I pack my pods with? I've got lots of different dreads That I'm fond of using, 3 meltacide, 1 plazacide units, couple of tac squads, few DCo, yadda yadda, to chose from. I've just been looking at Command Squads. Are they worth it in a pod, how do you tool them?

And what about VG Vets, all those attacks, but are they worth it?


Cassor and Libby dread are auto includes for me right now, but nothing is cast in stone!

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Even if you can't come out shooting with a sizeable amount of firepower, a death company dread or such is a problem for the enemy to deal with.  I prefer the AV13 of the furioso however as there's a lot of S6 out there, I'm thinking tyranids and eldar specifically.  Well, against Necrons any armor might be less effective. 


In 6th edition I used a 10-man death company squad with bolters to some success.  I like the transition to jump packs, but I don't think foot death company is bad.  As with all pods it's just the issue of keeping up with a fast army.  Death company add that extra survivability and panic in the backfield that can really help swing a game.  And, rapid firing bolters can still get to rear AV10. One benefit to the pod, is that you can get close enough to the enemy they might not risk the big S8 blast weapons hitting their own troops--which will normally instant kill death company outside of cover.  


Similarly the command squad can be hard to kill as well.  Stormshields and the sanguinary novitiate can survive plasma.  A unit like this can give you options when there's no nice juicy place to drop in.  It's been a long time since I've used mephiston, but I can see the command squad being the right place for him. Without Relentless grav guns probably won't kill a monstrous creature on their own. Maybe melta guns are the answer, but I usually put them with the assault squads or tacticals.


There could be merit in sternguard, though i don't use them much anymore as I see them as a bit expensive for what they do. My thought is a squad with no upgrades they could be versitile and still capable in hand to hand--just not specifically oriented at hunting landraiders with 5 combi-meltas anymore.


The Fleshtearers strike force seems to be one of the rising power builds as it's got 6 FA slots to fill.  So if you wanted to escort some battle brothers it's certainly an option.


Combat squads coming out of pods has a lot of versatility, and increased survivability  just in so much as it often takes two units to shoot it.  Fully loaded tacticals can get expensive relative to their damage output, but being difficult to remove from the table has a value of its own. I've found suicide units are often not worth it, and there's something to be said about a credible threat in the opponent's backfield. I don't think fielding multiple similar units is all that effective as blood angel units individually aren't 'overpowered.' For this reason, varying unit types/capabilities and dropping next to complementary units is useful (i.e. a tactical next to a dreadnought to vary power armor and AV13). 


Just a few side notes--Deathwind missile launchers add a third threat to a combat squad drop pod.  I'm new to using them, but I see some promise in them.  Previously I just used storm bolters with the 24 inch range because I feared the limited mobility of pods anyway. I like to use Cpt. Karlean for the re-roll any reserves warlord trait.

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Wow, CaptainC,

That realy is plenty to digest, thank you!

I am so used to playing a fast(ish) army now I'm not so sure I COULD go back to foot slogging it around the board, carefully choosing which troops are gonna be confined to which part of the board! I'll keep my pods to surprise my mates, maybe even for S Wolves (now I've glued Bangle icons on!)

I'm gonna have a blast with 4 fragiosos,Cassor and a Libby dread all padding in one day.... Maybe even on Wed....!

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Hey Bymster.

Your Blood Angels and my Redeemers have a long and chequered history, but I think theres a good chance (as the only two BA lists in the tourney) that we are going to get paired up.

I've got 4 drop pods myself, between the two of us we could build one hell of an Alfa Strike list. :D


I usually put Meltacide assault squads in my Drop-pods, but I've recently invested in some Sternguard who have been pretty kick-ass.

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Hi Bukim'

Sternguard and meltacide are one trick pony's (one more specific the other more expensive) and I'm worried that the need for their trick won't be there, if that makes sense. But I s'pose they can then be used to secure objectives, get line breaker, distract big guns etc etc...

Have you built a list yet, it's so tough in 1k! And not knowing who your partner will be. Would be ace if we DO get drawn together. But the wording is something like: randomly drawn from all possible allies. So even desperate allies!?

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With 6/7 Drop Pods you could play a strong CAD list and exploit Objective Secured whereby each Troop slot can claim up to three Objectives over regular joes. This could be an interesting counter-meta list.


As for Meltacide, instead of two inferno pistols, equip the Sergeant with an inferno pistol and grav pistol. That affords you more flexibility against heavy MC lists.

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What sort of meta are you expecting? Perhaps it's because I face too much Eldar but I don't find a BSF too useful these days - I'm having too much fun with the FTSF ;)


What are the tournament rules? Knowing the rule package (especially the missions, source limitations, and unit restrictions) will help identifying a suitable list :)

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Oh, one for the pod and one for each half unit that combat squads out of it! V clev. I could actually give it a go. But it would depend on my randomly chosen buddy being up for taking the eternal war mission each battle.... Unless it's the Scouring. Oh, or any of the other, objective based ones!!!!

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The meta is extreemly varied, from low tier Chaos and Tyranid players, right up to mega competative lists. I know for a fact one guy is taking an Ork Stompa.



The rules pack is basically 3 games of doubles. One person in each team has a Maelstrom mission to compelte, the other person has a dawn of war mission to complete. Team mates cannot help score each others objectives. Should be good fun.


Bym, I'm rather fond of Tac Marines now I've played a few games with them and my Vets have never let me down.

I was thinking of going biker heavy;

Lord on bike, Powerfist, Stormshield, Grav-pistol

Priest on bike, Grav Pistol.

4x bikes, Grav, Grav, Combi-grav, Attackbike with Multimelta.

4x bikes, Grav, Grav, Combi-grav, Attackbike with Multimelta.

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The Stompa. The only thing I've failed to kill in my group's collection. The thing taunts my dreams.


... Anyway, no source limitation? Which is good I suppose as it means taking an FTSF, FW, and Formations (whihch is four total), etc.

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The Stompa. The only thing I've failed to kill in my group's collection. The thing taunts my dreams.

With all the melta we can bring to bear, I thought it should not have been too tough a nut to crack.


I fought one with my 6th Ed Eldar and my Fire Dragons did the number on it.

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I have a total bike list also, (except Cassor as troops) but I'm too scared to take it! I giguref is could be like a n ork trukk rush list... Have 5 squads of 3 bikes charging forward (couple O m melta attack bikes too.) They can't all be put on Junk T1!!!

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3x grav. 2 x plas

Ooops, actually:

Flesh Tearers _-

Priest on bike

3 bikes, 2plas, Vet: PP, Lc,mb. 138

3 bikes, 2 plas, Vet: combi plas, Fist.138

3 bikes, 2 grav, vet: combi grav, LC, mb. 133

3 bikes, 2 grav, vet: c-grav, fist. 138

Cassor, in a Lucious. 190

Meltacide in pod. 140.

Total: 997.

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