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Orders Question

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Ok, so I really didn't know how else to title this, I'm finding myself confused by the issuing of orders.


The leadership test is taken for the unit issuing the order correct? So command squad issues an order to an infantry squad, the leadership test is on the command squad. 


That seems to make the most sense as on a double 1 you get heroic command, and on double 6's you get incompetent command, and that unit can no longer issue orders.


That's the way the codex makes it sound to me.


Other places however I have seen it said that the leadership is taken for the squad being ordered. 


Which way is it, and can you point me to a reference? 

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On page 65 of the PDF (I don't have the print codex) in the section titled "Voice of Command," the ordered unit has to take the test, not the issuing unit.


This is to represent whether or not the ordered unit actually listens and obeys the order, not whether the officer is able to yell loud enough.

Gunmonkey is correct, the command squad matters for the order you can give as well as who can receive it (by range) but it's the squad that must test as they're the ones carrying the order out. The order rules are on page 28 of the print codex, with all orders being on page 29 :tu:

The ordered unit definitely rolls for leadership, which is why it's so tempting to stick a commissar in that conscript blob/ heavy weapons team, ensuring FRFSRF or Bring It Down! goes off.


My understanding of Inspired Tactics/ Incompetent Command is that the officer is either so brilliant that the entire army has faith in the chain-of-command (that turn), or he's such a bumblef*** that good morale and discipline suffers.


Edit: Double 6's also make every order for that turn fail, not just from that ordering unit. I have been screwed out of some sweet, sweet split-fire tank action because a platoon commander didn't know his butt from a hole in the ground!

As said before it's the unit being ordered that takes the LD. Seeing if they are capable to follow the order.
The thing with inspired command is that the guys, when getting their orders and doing the LD check, think it's such a ballsing good idea they REALLY wanna do it. Motivating everyone else close/listening on the vox.
Whenever the commander thought it was a good idea or not doesn't matter to the boys on the ground.
If you listen on the vox net and hear another unit get a pantsonhead command and they refuse, you're pretty likely to refuse too.

You'll find that the more infantry you use, the more important Voice of Command becomes. A lot of players have discarded the Vox-caster to save points, but this is honestly a mistake IMO since that re-roll on the Sergeant's Ld 8 is pretty consistent. Keep in mind that if you Combine Squads, the WHOLE unit gets the order, so for instance handing out First Rank Fire! Second Rank Fire! to a 30-50 man blob can be a lot more potent than your MEQ foes may suspect.

This is one of the reasons I say a Ministorum Priest is not always the best choice for a unit character. While he does give them a lot of bonuses, the Commissar brings his higher Ld for more consistent orders. Even better, the Commissar's unit can take advantage of the awesome Go to Ground/Get Back in the Fight! combo (the Ministorum Priest's unit can't do this since he has Zealot).

Probably the hardest part about utilizing VoC is keeping your command units alive. I prefer Chimeras, myself! happy.png

Even if you don't use Infantry Platoons, Voice of Command is a huge rule for Veterans/Scions too. Ignores Cover for a Meltagun/Plasma Gun unit is great for taking out cover-camping enemies with 3+ or better saves and for dealing with Jink-happy bikers/skimmers. Bring it Down! is awesome for Heavy Weapon Teams too, especially those with Missile Launchers and Lascannons, though I'm not a fan of these in general. There are plenty of other examples, but I think IG players in general need to get very familiar with these rules because there's a lot of flexibility and power inherent that I think gets lost in the MOAR TANKS!!! philosophy.

That said, you should always bring more tanks when you can. biggrin.png

I have 2 chimeras, that's all the tank my army has, the next closest is my 2 taurox primes. The rest is all infantry and aircraft (which I hope to be adding 2 more valkyries soon). I want to make the best of orders, but I have yet to get the opportunity. I need to work on making sure my command squads are in place to give the orders.


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