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Delivering a navigator as Alpha Legion


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As the title says. Looking for useful ways to deliver a navigator and his ID flamer template.


Also how useful is he vs eldar and all their relics which allow you to ignore perils?





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As the title says. Looking for useful ways to deliver a navigator and his ID flamer template.


Also how useful is he vs eldar and all their relics which allow you to ignore perils?





My ideal unit that I've developed for a "Silver Bullet" Alpha Legion list was putting him in a Drop Pod with 6 Plasma Gun Tactical Support Marines. I'd drop them as close to an enemy squad (of 10 or less models) as possible and then hit them from there. 


When I say 10 or less models, it basically means that you don't want to attack a Tactical blob. Things like specialist units, mor deythan, things with 2+ wounds like Deathshroud are this unit's bread and butter. 



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Sadly, you cannot put them in a vehicle. GF FW rules writing.


Page 185, Book V; Tempest


These forces are always treated as being Sworn Brothers to either all Loyalist or Traitor Forces respectively




Note; Not even Sworn Brothers can embark in allied transport vehicles...


Just because it doesn't need an allied detachment doesn't prevent it from being an ally. Someone really needs to go slap the FW team and tell them to get with the 7th edition game.

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Does he get the phase walker?


Using CotH he seems to be impossible to use.


I i were to put him and a squad into reserved and outflank them. Is that A) allowed and B) does it fullfil CotH requirements.





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Does he get the phase walker?

Using CotH he seems to be impossible to use.

I i were to put him and a squad into reserved and outflank them. Is that A) allowed and cool.png does it fullfil CotH requirements.



He needs to have the ability to infiltrate, the ability to DS, or a dedicated transport. So having a stormeagle or pod in the list with 1 space available to him would satisfy the requirements, even if he wasn't deployed inside it. You could also use dynat to give him the DS rule (but would be a pretty big waste).

The phase walker relic is not restricted to a specific force, so he can purchase it. The only restriction on the relics is non unique and must be independant.

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Posted · Hidden by Flint13, June 28, 2015 - Uncon
Hidden by Flint13, June 28, 2015 - Uncon

In what way is 7th closest to GI joe? I dont play GI joe so I dont know the ruleset.


As for 6th being cohesive, you will need to explain. Your comment makes no sense. 'united' ruleset is a total load of jabber that comes from people not actually knowing what they were on about. It was effectively a paid beta test for 7th edition.

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It seems i would have to change my entire list to run this little chap. Shame. I like CotH for the bonuses it goves. Lets me control reserves.


He is good but a pain to run. Probably not worth it in the short term until i figure out a list (still only played 6 games of 30k and none of 40k)

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To be extraordinarily pernickety about the rules, not legal.


You roll for Traits immediately before deployment (so that you can't attach the character then have the special rule apply to all models in the unit), , and the RAW of attaching characters to units has two rules within the same small couple of paragraphs, which directly oppose on another on this regards; one saying that it counts as a part of the unit for all purposes, and another saying that rules which don't explicitly apply to all models do not apply to a unit (and hence, Deep Strike, requiring that all models in a unit have the special rule to make use of this deployment method cannot benefit).


TL;DR; not legal in rules parlance, but for someone to go to the effort of explaining that and sourcing the rules in the BRB, then they're not really worth playing. 

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