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Black Templar Marshall


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Hi everyone, I have been working on this Black Templar Marshall as a commission for the past 2 weeks. You can see WIP pictures of all the conversion work in the WIP board. It was a lot of fun to get to work on a Templar, and make him so dynamic.














You can read more about how I painted him and see a 360 degree video of the model at my site: http://www.mengelminiatures.com/2015/06/gallery-black-templar-marshall.html


You can also vote for him on Cool Mini or Not: http://www.coolminiornot.com/381761


If you have any questions just let me know and I'll try to answer them here. 


Comments and criticism welcome, thanks! 

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Pretty fine work in modelling and painting alike. smile.png

There's one troubling area though: the sword grip/hilt. The shortness of the grip, ending just below the edge of the palm, looks awkward for a two handed sword in a two handed grip. It's not damning by any means, and overall a pretty damn small detail, but it sticks in my eye-craw all the same.* pinch.gif

You managed the stylized text that GW uses, which is an absolute censored.gif , so kudos on that too. But no fancy-fancy designs for the white void on his right pauldron?

*Took a moment to think about it, and realized I should go look at the model you were converting in the first place. I don't know why I never noticed that problem on the original model, but now that I have, I cannot unsee it.

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Thanks! Someone else mentioned the hilt to me on Twitter. Was going to see about adding something heftier on the end but I didn't have anything good.


I wanted to do fancy freehand on the shoulder pad but this was a commission and I had already done more then I was being paid for with sculpting the laurels and the few bits of freehand I had already done. I had to restrain myself from putting more work into it, but it's a matter of cost vs time spent unfortunately.


This client has 2 more potential Templar commissions for me (one of them based off the FW Sigismund model) so I'll have more time to try out different things. :)

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Thanks everyone! The client wanted the option to use him as an Emperor's Champion if they wanted to, so he kind of straddles the champion/marshall line. Personally, I would keep the Emperor's Champion capeless to make him more austere looking.


I'm pretty sure I am going to be making a Champion model for the same client sometime within the next few months, so I'll see what I can do to differentiate the two models.

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This is just an amazing miniature, when I saw your WIP I was a bit sceptic about the tabard but now that I see it painted it looks great.


Do you have any tutorials on sculpting capes?




Unfortunately no. I didn't think to make a tutorial on it as I was working since it was my first time sculpting one. I didn't even know if it was going to turn out usable. My only tip is to use poster tac to hold up the cape while it's drying. I sculpted it in chunks, first just the basic flat shape which had all of the basic folds and flowiness to it. Then I sculpted the more intricate folds in the fabric in about 3-4 stages working from left to right. I had to leave plenty of time for it to dry between each stage. I finished the whole thing off with a very thin coat of Liquid Greenstuff to smooth out any rough transitions and to try and cover any remaining fingerprints as best as I could.


Hope that helps! The next time I sculpt one I'll put a tutorial together on it.

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This is just an amazing miniature, when I saw your WIP I was a bit sceptic about the tabard but now that I see it painted it looks great.


Do you have any tutorials on sculpting capes?



Unfortunately no. I didn't think to make a tutorial on it as I was working since it was my first time sculpting one. I didn't even know if it was going to turn out usable. My only tip is to use poster tac to hold up the cape while it's drying. I sculpted it in chunks, first just the basic flat shape which had all of the basic folds and flowiness to it. Then I sculpted the more intricate folds in the fabric in about 3-4 stages working from left to right. I had to leave plenty of time for it to dry between each stage. I finished the whole thing off with a very thin coat of Liquid Greenstuff to smooth out any rough transitions and to try and cover any remaining fingerprints as best as I could.


Hope that helps! The next time I sculpt one I'll put a tutorial together on it.

This is pretty much how I've sculpted cloaks in the past, two things I do differently is to use a mix of GS and miliput as it allows for crisper lines and sands/files smoother than straight GS. Additionally, instead of a liquid GS coat (because I had never purchased any at the time) I'd use a miliput slip (miliput and water) in pretty much the same way.


Awesome model dude, love the look and feel of it.

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