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The Angels of Excess are a chapter of Chaos Space Marines who worship the Dark Prince of Chaos Slaanesh. While most traitors choose to throw away their ties to the codex a starter and other loyalist material the Angels of Excess choose to stick to it still believing that they can use it on the road to perfection. They believe that if one can master their carnal desires their martial prowess and their desire for excess one will become the perfect warrior.


They were once known as the Wraith Angels a Blood Angels successor chapter founded in M:33. For their first 500 years of service all seemed well with the chapter until they started to have dreams and visions from what they believed to be the spirit of their primarch Sanguinius. It told them that to master the black rage which would eventually consume any descended from Sanguinius. To prevent them from being over came it told them they must achieve perfection in all forms and only then would they be free from the curse.


For the next 180 years they would begin to indulge this excess trying to achieve perfection aiming for the perfect martial prowess but they didn't just aim for perfection in the theatre of war they also sought perfection in art.


All would continue to go well until 150 years after the visits started word would reach them that the Leviathan system had openly rebelled. Furious at the system rebelling the Wraith Angels on the command of their chapter Master Angelous deployed the full chapter with the simple misson of annihilate the rebels give them no quarter no mercy.


Unbeknownst to the Imperium the Chapter had already began to experiment with modification of the geneseed attempting to create a purer version which would give those implanted with it quicker reaction times and make them more sensitive to sound allowing them to predict the actions of the enemy all the while trying to eliminate the Black Rage. Due to this process librarians were called in to aid the Apothecaries combining their psychic talents with the gene skills of the apothecaries. This would be the first time the librarians would unknowingly use sorcery to attempt to create a superior geneseed.


While Chapter Master Angelous knew of these experiments he chose to turn a blind eye and upon the chapter entering the Leviathan system he decided to launch each company onto a different target. While none can say for sure what happened during this campaign all the Imperial forces who arrived after the campaign was over was that no living being was left alive in the system they had all been slaughtered in ways that were considered overly excessive by many and it seemed that the dead bodies had been arranged into many grotesque shapes. Demanding to know the meaning of it Inquisitor Rynol descended to the world of Leviathan prime below.


Upon landing upon the world below and attempting to use his psychic abilities to sense what had happened him and his entourage which included space marines from several chapters were thrown off their feet and a warp portal opened causing a warp storm to begin.


Hosts of Daemons of Slaanesh were to come through the portal and began to attack the imperial forces. Realising that they had been tricked Inquisitor Rynol summoned his psychic might and sent a message to the astropath on his battle barge above ordering them to be teleworker out and for a call to the Grey Knights to be sent.


This is all I've got so far guys what do you think

Edited by Aspiringchaoschampion
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Discovery of the heresy of the Angels

Upon the Grey Knights being deployed on Leviathan Prime Inquisitor Rynol sent word out calling for the commanders of the Wraith Angels to be brought before him. When word reached the Lucia sector Angelous realised soon the imperium would discover the truth. Summoning to his side his first captain Lucian and his chief Librarian Zaha asking them for their council Zaha explained that having scried into the future he had seen that soon the imperium would launch a assault on the entire sector. Their only possible hope was to take to the battle barges and strike cruisers and escape. He also said that all but 2 companies were loyal the 4th and 7th companies.


Angelous knew this could potentially pose a dangerous threat to his plans and summoned the captains of both companies. He informed them that while he would take the rest of the chapter to fight a Ork horde the 4th and 7th would be left behind to defend Lucia Prime.


As the ships full of marines began to take off Captain Raiyar of the 4th company noticed ships carrying large amounts of civilians and soldiers loyal to the chapter. Realising something was wrong Raiyar called those marines loyal to him. He decided to go confront chapter Master Angelous and find out just what was going on. Bringing with him 30 tactical marines and his command squad they began the walk towards the chapters inner sanctum of the fortress where the rituals of the chapter regulary took place. Looking to his right Brother Antonious noticed a large amount of civilians also heading to the same location as them. Suspecting something was up Antonious informed Raiyar of what he had seen. Realising they must hurry Raiyar ordered his brothers into a battle March.


Reaching the passage which led to the grand hall which was close to the inner sanctum they noticed brothers ahead 30 space marines their armour repainted into a darkish purple with one turquoise coloured shoulder pad and the other bright pink. A bright golden trim present on the armour. Raiyar demanded to know why the chapters colours have changed.


All of a sudden the marines Raiyar and his company had once known as brothers raised their bolters and began firing. Realising what had happened Raiyar ordered his brothers to start firing back. While his men were skilled their foes seemed to be able to dodge the bullets with ease. As Raiyar drew his power sword and powered it up one of the traitors stepped forward and using amplifiers on his armour sent out a sonic scream sending Raiyar and several of his brothers flying backwards disorientating them.

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